Monday, January 03, 2011


URGENT REQUEST FOR HELP: We have endeavored lo these many years to refrain from using the blog for personal advancement or aggrandizement. Indeed the blog has served many in this community. We recall one moment where an attorney in trial remembered that a legal issue that arose was covered on the blog and the lawyer was able to access the blog during a brief break, find the case and cite it which helped them win the argument.

It is therefore with some trepidation that we ask for assistance.

It is quiet in our abode; books and magazines and legal periodicals are scattered about and there is a serious and scholarly undertone to the atmosphere. As we turned on the TV Monday evening to make sure the new American Experience programme on the life of Robert E. Lee was going to be recorded, we stumbled upon a most perplexing show with an apparent checkered past. So here goes:

Can someone please tell us what "Brad" did on his previous season on The Bachelor that caused the first woman to slap him, and several others to remark on his previous caddish behavior??
If you feel better about it, you can send a private email to howardroak21 at

UPDATE: We neglected to mention that none of your favourite new Judges will start this week as they are required first to finish "Judicial Boot Camp" in Tampa:

"This is My Gavel, This is my Gun,
One is for banging, one is for fun."

(see our bonus REGJB trivia question below with another update.)

Welcome dear readers to the first trial Monday of 2011. Plenty of changes to your scorecard so without further ado (new year resolution- less ado) here is an incomplete list of changes that we will update as the information becomes available.

Judge Ward- to ROC Court- she will be keeping her chambers and courtroom.
Judge Bloom- elevated from County Court to take over Ward's division. She will be on the third floor for a bit and then perhaps in Judge Venzer's Chambers and Courtroom on 6.

Speaking of Venzer- out to civil(?) (Update- readers say yes- taking over for Larry Schwartz. More updates below.)
In comes Migna Sanchez-LLorens.

Remberto Diaz to Family-
Leon Firtel to take over Diaz's division. No word on Chamber or courtroom assignments.

Tony Marin to Civil(?)
New Judge Rodriguez-Chomat to take over Marin's division (we think).

Beatrice Butchko to Civil
Milton Hirsch (who is still generating lots of comments on the blog) to take over her division. No word on chamber or courtroom assignments.

EIG out! To civil or family?
New Judge Monica Gordo taking over. No word on where the former ASA's chambers will be.

Samantha Ruiz Cohen is a newly elected judge. We don't know where she is being assigned.
Update: A few readers have written in to say Judge Ruiz-Cohen is going to Dependency and will replace Judge Glazer who will be going to family.
Bonus REGJB Trivia: We all know Judge Ruiz-Cohen did Miami-Dade a favour and defeated a certain former Judge that needed to be replaced. What sitting Judge did Judge Glazer defeat? Hint: Rumpole voted for him.

Darrin Gayles is a new circuit judge, elevated from County Court. Before his promotion he was scheduled to take over Judge Flora Seff's division. No word on where Gayles is going and who is taking over Seff's DUI division.

Judge Bloom, as reported above and earlier on the blog, is now in Circuit.
Judge Andy Hague, after having given the Statewide Prosecutor's slot a great run, is taking over her division.

That's it for now, frequent updates and bulletins at once.

See you in court.


  1. Rodriguez-Chomat is taking over for Marin.

  2. Migna in for Venzer. Gordo in for Eig. Rodriguez-Chomat in for Marin. Hirsch in for Butchko. Bloom in for Ward.

    You report worse than the Herald.

  3. Mr. Justice Milton HIrschMonday, January 03, 2011 8:28:00 AM

    (strumming fingers on bench)

    "OK ok lets go. You! You there- call the calendar."

    Elderly security guard: "I no how...say... no work with you"

    MJMH: " I told you. I deputized you as my bailiff until that lunkhead who is late shows up. Lets go. Call the calendar and I will start issuing ac's!!"

    Elderly Security Guard: "Ho kay...January? February! MARCH! APR..."

    MJMH: "Hold it hold it. WHat in the Sam Hill of Louis Brandeis are you doing?"

    Elderly Security Guard:" You say call calendar. I start.
    Maybe you wait until everyone gets here. It's only 4:20 AM now...."

  4. Today is every handicapper's version of black Monday. No more regular season NFL games. Playoff games were never fun to bet on. The Super Bowl is really amateur night, sort of the way experienced drinkers look upon New Year's Eve. So what do I have to look forward to on this blog: courtroom assignments. That's right. Reminds me of my first day of school back in the early 60's. But fear not. Once the SB is over, you can place some long shot bets for next season with the Vegas books. These plays are not to be overlooked. Find a team that has potential for next season(Chicago, Green Bay, Dallas(?), and lay down a hundred or two on them making it to the SB. Or go even longer with perhaps KC or a real long shot like SD. You never know.

  5. Samantha Ruiz to juvenile deliquency. Gayles to dependency.

  6. Bill Cowher or Jeff Fisher.

    Rump, if you had the choice between the two, for the next Fins coach, who would it be?

    Cap Out ...

  7. Fisher is the better coach, Cowher is the better GM type. At end of day if I have to pick one it's Fisher although I have to mention this- Marvin Lewis will probably quit today as coach of Bengals. He was Cowher's first or second defensive coordinator and if they came as a package it would be pretty good. However there is now talk Lewis will be asked to coach U of Pitt.

    Bigger question is whether Chad Henne is the QB of the future? I think he is serviceable and the fins need wide receivers. Brian Hartline is not going to take you to the playoffs. Also need to re-sign Ronnie Brown.

    Bottom line- can't go 1-7 at home and keep your job. Sporano must go.

  8. BTW 8:17 to paraphrase Neil Rodgers-

    "but you keep reading"

  9. Ruiz Cohen taking over for Glazer in juvi delinquency. Glazer to family.

  10. actually, its called Baby Judge School

  11. Rumor control hotline.

    Hirsch to take Glick's old courtroom. And leave him alone. He knows more about criminal law than 99% of the lawyers that practice in front of him. Would you rather have ten more like him or ones like Chomat-Rodriguez and Gonzalez-Paulson? Those two are going to be a disaster.

    And dont refer to Monica Gordo as a "former" ASA. After ten or so rulings, it will be quite apparent that she left her heart at the SAO and should be referred to as "robed ASA."

  12. Venzer to Civil to take over for Judge Lawrence Schwartz's division

  13. Honeslty, I am glad Ellen Venzer is leaving. She is OK but, she is always late, never reads anything and acts like she is never prepared for anything.

    She simply shows up and makes fast decisions.

  14. Martin Kahn was the judge Mindy Glazer defeated. Quite an upset at the time. She ran , inpart, on a platform that Judge Kahn could not finish his term because he was already 68 years old.

    Now one for you, who defeated Teddy Mastos for Judge?

  15. The greatest blessing for the defense bar by far is Butchko's move to civil.

  16. 3:47 CORRECT.

    And back at ya: Henry "the gun" Ferro, who had one short tenure punctuated by pulling a gun on a defendant in court and asking him how it felt.

    And here's your double bonus trivia question: The defendant in the case had a powerful family member- who? And who was his attorney at the time the gun came out?

  17. senior partner- big ass firmMonday, January 03, 2011 4:23:00 PM

    Rump-love the "this is my gavel, this is my gun..." quip- once again you demonstrate why you are the best and there is no discussion for number two.

    Also- love- and I mean absolutely love- Mr. Justice Milton Hirsch. The guys here at the firm can't wait for his comments and we're checking the comments section a dozen times a day.

    Keep up the great work.

  18. Boy do I remember Henry Ferro. What a nut.

    He is now living and practicing in Ocala. He has a 2002 Bar reprimand.

    Was the "powerful" family from the Mas Canosa group?

  19. Boy do I remember Henry Ferro. What a nut.

    He is now living and practicing in Ocala. He has a 2002 Bar reprimand.

    Was the "powerful" family from the Mas Canosa group?

  20. Rump:

    I was the attorney when Henry "the gun" Ferro pulled out a pistol, left the bench, and held it to the head of an armed robbery defendant's mother, while asking him how he would feel if someone robbed his mother at gunpoint. One of the few times in my life I was speechless.
    If the defendant had a "powerful" family member, I was unaware of it.

  21. But Rodriguez Chomat can do the right thing because he doesm't have to be worried about being re elected.

  22. I love Judge Colodny, but come on Yvonne. Only giving those corrupt cops 24 months and 21 months respectively? They should have done nothing short of 5 years and that is being generous.

  23. Brennan will take over Seff's AKA Gayles Division.

  24. Dear Jeff Ireland:

    Repeat after me, Andrew Luck,Andrew Luck,Andrew Luck,Andrew Luck,Andrew Luck.

    Now please go out and make it happen.

  25. When you support a public defender wussie for Judge, no reason to complain that they are a soft sentencer - is there?

  26. Monica Gordo will be a fair judge.

  27. Full Metal Jacket rules.

  28. Rodriguez-Chomat, what the 411 on him? Is he fair, moody, what? Any info
