Wednesday, January 12, 2011


In a histrionic video (she's too busy to give direct interviews) Sarah Palin calls the criticisms against her "blood libel."

Here's what happens when you allow morons to use the English language without first taking the "I can speak in public!" course and corresponding license: they shoot themselves in the foot with their to speak.

By using the term "blood libel" to describe the criticism about her prior political comments and phrases after the shootings in Arizona, Palin more than likely blundered unintentionally across an emotionally laden phrase. "Blood libel" has historically been used as an anti-semitic slur. It is used to describe the false accusation that Jews murder Christian children to use their blood in religious rituals, particularly the baking of matzos for passover. The term dates back to antiquity but has been used up through the 20th century as the pretext for anti-Semitism and violent pogroms against Jews.

So there you have the quitter/former Governor using a centuries old anti-semitic slur to defend herself. The question we need to decide is whether she is too dumb to realize what she said, or a bit smarter than we give her credit for. Nothing like casting a little blame on the jews to defer criticism against yourself. It's been done by politicians before.


Rodriguez-Chomat (old Marin): courtroom 3-1.
Leon Firtel (old Reemberto Diaz): courtroom 4-6.
Beth Bloom (old Ward): courtroom 6-2.
Milton Hirsch (old Butchko) courtroom 3-4.
Migna Sanchez-Llorens (old Venzer): courtroom 4-5.
Monica Gordo (old Eig) courtroom 3-3.

Gayles to take over the division of the late Judge Pinero starting 2/7/2011. Courtroom assignment pending.

Tunis to take over Jimenez's ROC division. Courtroom assignment pending.
Ward takes over for Lopez's ROC division. Stays in her courtroom on 4.


  1. Mr. Chief Justice Designate Milton HirshWednesday, January 12, 2011 11:28:00 PM

    To: All Eleventh Circuit Judges
    From: Chief Judge-Designate Milton Hirsch

    Please be aware that Chief Judge Joel Brown has agreed to relinquish his chieftainship to me in one month. Therefore, my tenure in Courtroom 3-4 will be brief. As Chief Judge, I will sit in each division one day per week, teaching lesser minds the many pearls of wisdom I possess.

    Yet, my time as Chief Judge will be short. Governor Scott and the Supreme Court JNC have promised me the next opening on the Florida Supreme Court, and the current justices have agreed that I will be Chief Justice For Life. Furthermore, President Obama, as well as possible future Presidents Huckabee, Romney, Palin, Barbour, Pawlenty and Daniels, have promised me that I will be nominated as soon as there is an opening on the United States Supreme Court. Chief Justice Roberts has agreed that I should rightfully occupy his mantle once I have been confirmed.

    Your attention to these matters is most appreciated.

    /s/ Mr. Chief Judge-Designate and Future Chief Justice Milton Hirsh

  2. And to add to the moronic use of "blood-libel" let's not overlook the fact that Gabrielle Giffords is Jewish. Sarah just needs to STFU.

  3. Another great Judge has passed, Rest in Peace Judge Gross.

    CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE Maynard A. Gross

    Bachelor of Arts, Georgetown University, 1963
    JD, University of Miami, 1967
    Honors - Cum Laude
    Admitted to Florida Bar, 1967
    Circuit Court Judge, 1995
    Previous Division - Circuit/Criminal
    Assistant State Attorney
    Assistant Public Defender
    General Civil Practice/Commerical & Personal Injury Litigation & Municipal Law

  4. Go Help Me Howard

    Broward public defender demands attorneys for poor in minor cases
    .Poor and homeless people arrested on minor city charges should be guaranteed an attorney, Broward's public defender told the county's chief judge.
    Accusing Broward's courts of failing to protect the civil rights of the poor and homeless, Broward Public Defender Howard Finkelstein has asked Chief Judge Victor Tobin to ``instruct the judiciary'' to make sure that indigents arrested for violating municipal ordinances have lawyers.

    Read more:

  5. Alan Dershowitz is such a right wing tool. Why should anyone listen to him? He has teabagger written all over him.

  6. i heard skip gross passed away last night

    realize youre gun shy after pineiro...

    but this is terrible terrible news

  7. The memo that allegedly was written by Milton is a fake. I know for a fact that CJ Roberts is resigning to create an opening for him........


    PS---Seriously, good luck Milton!

  8. BTDT- your comment left me out of breath with laughter, I think I may have had a minor stroke. Sir, your humor is too potent for this blog. In the future, please stick to the sanctimonious preaching and pedantic paternalism we have all grown to love.

  9. 12:41..........LOL.

    Query: Do you work for the folks who write the SAT vocabulary section ;-)


    PS---in all seriousness, I know I sound sanctimonious in some of my posts. However, I'm really not self-righteous (well, at least not as much as some think anyway). After all of these years, I've learned that seeing the good in things and trying to make things better is a much healthier outlook than the alternative! Besides, this job would be a hell of a lot more fun if everyone would stop fighting over stupid stuff!

  10. Blogmaster: At waht point do the tasteless attacks on Judge Hirsch stop? Maybe it was funny for some of the "Shumies,"whatever the hell they are, but it is now boring and inappropriate. This is supposed to be a professional blog. We need to act like it.
    Judge Hirsch is bright and presumably wealthy. Let's just get over it. Maybe the stockmarket will crash, and he will be poor, and then the petty little minds who attack him can then be happy.

  11. Judge Hirsch is wealthy? Are you serious? He became a judge because he was not making money. That is a fact.

  12. p.s. - Milt - did u post that to stay off a challenge 6 years from now?

  13. Sorry guy but, some of those attacks on Milt Hirsch are funny and only make fun of his use of big words and his nose in the air attitude.

    I don't consider them rude. I consider them compliments.

    His royal highness, chief judge Hirsch is actauly a funny guy and you watch, he will do good things for everyone.

    Go Milt!

  14. Maynard Gross treated me unfairly but I hope that his soul will find peace and the forgiveness of our lord
