Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Thursday at the PDs office there is a CLE seminar from 12:-1:30. It is free and lunch is provided (expect to see a lot of robes blowing in the frigid breeze as they hustle over to 14th street to grab the free grub.)

Price of donation for attorneys is one unwrapped toy which will be donated to the Chapman Center and given to an underprivileged child for the holiday.

The listed guest speaker is advertised as "Judge" Milton Hirsch (he just can't wait one minute longer, can he? Word to the wise- don't count your gavels until Judge Brown hands one to you.)

The topic is something like "my brilliant victories" or "six easy steps to becoming chief judge" or some other entertaining topic.

Anyway, a shout out to Transitions Recovery Inc., for what is always a delicious spread (ask any robed reader) and their generosity in helping secure toy donations.

See you in court, but not there, even if they serve caviar and lobster.

In March, 3rd DCA Judge Milton Hirsch will give another lecture, and then after the August recess, US Supreme Court Justice Milt Hirsch will give a speech entitled "greatest cases I have decided." Until then.....


  1. From: JUDGE Milton Hirsch
    To: all other judges
    RE: Warrants

    Effective 1/1/2011 12:00.01 AM all, repeat ALL requests for search warrants should be referred to me, based on my abilities, knowledge, etc., in this area of the law.

    Thank You and happy new year.

  2. FROM: Judge Hirsch
    to: all other judges

    RE: Motions

    Effective 1/1/2001 12.00.00000000001 any judge who wants to grant a motion to suppress, please see me first. I have taken the liberty of reviewing the decisions of the 3rd DCA recently and I think I see some of the problems you all are making that are easily fixed. With a little hard work and diligence we can get the criminal division ship-shape in no time.

    Thank you.

  3. Rumpy, you are sooooo wrong about the Heat! Why the hate? What team do you like?

  4. This is Gary Player's sixth commandment:

    "The fox fears not the man who boasts by night but the man who rises early in the morning."

    Now remember the "3Kings" ceremony at the Arena? Talk about boasting when they havent done a damn thing. I'll put my money on the 11 guys who were sweating on a court practicing while the Heat were basking in adulation for having done nothing.

  5. From: All the judges
    RE: Leaving early

    Effective 1/1/2011 at 9:01 am we are going home/golfing/fishing/goofing off/eating free stuff/drinking/etc. because, thanks to your generous offer, we will not have to handle calendars/try cases/hear motions/sign warrants/do any work/etc.

  6. Rump= I saw you in the gym talking to that hot chippie-

    WOMEN WEAKEN LEGS.. Lay off the hottie till after the trial.

  7. There's something about the run baby comment that rubs me the wrong way. Mean spirited and that's not what this is about.

  8. FROM: The one, the only, Judge Hirsch
    TO: all the others

    RE: DCA assignments

    Effective immediately I will handle all district court of appeals assignments to assist our trial judges in handling their calendars. Also, all judges handling appeals from the county court- please forward me the briefs and I will sketch out a bench sheet and preliminary decision for you.

    Thank you.

  9. Seems what we've got here is people who boast at night AND get up early. Fox hasn't had Wade and Lebron chasing his ass. I expect you and Gary will be eating a crow and fox sandwich before summer.

  10. Rump, is there a purpose to the fish window? Is it a game? A religious exercise? How is this productive? It is freaking me out, explain it or remove it.

  11. I can't blame people for picking on Miltie because he should have told people he is not a judge yet.

  12. The above emails were obtained from the private emails of the judges of the REGJB thru the help of the website
    "legal leaks" subsection "regjbi-leaks".

  13. HR
    Tuesday 12/14 MIAMI Police say someone in the house must be involved in the drug trade!
    Now its another storyy, so sorry..
    from Today 12/16's Herald
    Police: Gunmen mistakenly fired at home where 2 died.
    Police said none of the six people inside a Liberty City home were the intended target of gunmen. A mother and son died
    Read more:

  14. Feed the fish. Feel good about yourself and earn valuable prizes.

  15. If Milt Hirsch can tell his client to flee and lie about it in court under oath like he did in the Casey case, what kind of judge will he be? Heaven help the criminal justice system with Hirsch as judge.

  16. sometimes i come to your blog just to feed the fish. the green one is my favorite.

  17. to 12:45 PM

    See Entry: 2 (e) on page three of the policy where it states:

    e) The inmate shall only be allowed a one hour attorney visit, twice per day, by an
    attorney, not listed as the attorney of record by the Clerk of Courts.

  18. If you seriously review posts before you print them, then it would appear that you have a real problem with Milt Hirsch. But not a big boy problem -- a petty, childish, immature, inapropriate and embarrassing one.
    It could well be and probably is that Milt Hirsch did not prepare that announcement. If you want to make fun of someone, there are far more targets without talent that present themselves.
    You should be embarrassed and should grow up. When these feelings come one, why not simply spew out a few hundred words about how Carlos Martinez has rougher toilet tissue than Brummer did.

  19. Geez. Lay off Judge Miltie. His lecture was very entertaining and I am hopeful that he will be a steller judge.

    Judge Carter Addison

  20. Rump,

    I love your blog for the most part. But seriously, you have an obsession with Milt Hirsch and Carlos Martinez. It is childish and foolish. We don't like everybody in life, but spending time bashing these two men just because you control this blog is a sign of weakness and not strength. Rise above this Rump and focus on the more important issues.

  21. Once again people are demonstrating a limited ability to distinguish between the front page of the blog- WHICH I WRITE-

    and the comments on the blog- WHICH I DON'T WRITE.

    Someone put out an advert for a lecture listing Hirsch as a Judge. He is not. He is a Judge-elect. And if it isn't obvious- I will state it now- I am thrilled he will be a judge and I was poking fun at his obvious desire to get started. And I left it at that.

    Other readers picked up on that, and obviously I am not the only one who sees that Milt can't wait to don the black robes and get going- and they had some fun with emails that are poking fun at his nature, his intellect, and the fact everyone knows, which is that Milt is obviously proud of his intellect.

    In any event, I don't dislike him, and I am very hopeful he will soon be one of of best, fairest, and hardest working judges.

    And you can be sure if he is, he will let everyone know it.

  22. if people are complaining about the posts and/or comments maybe they should start their own blog-- and they will soon find out it is not as easy as it looks.

  23. Rump: Did Milton direct or ask that he be listed as a judge or was it one of the hard-working underpaid slaves of Carlos martinez that inadvertently listed him as a judge?
