Saturday, December 04, 2010


The title links to the Florida Supreme Court Decision.

Judge Colodny has a date in Tallahasee for a public reprimand by the Florida Supreme Court. Since the Court tapes its proceedings, you will be able to tune in and watch the Chief Judge yell at her.

Judge Colodny received a public reprimand and a 5K fine for not timely disclosing a $125,000.00 loan made by her parents to her campaign. The loan was disclosed, just not within the ten day time period required. Additionally, the Court found that her behavior was less egregious than some of our other Judges in Miami because she did not lie or otherwise intentionally misrepresent the loan before getting caught with her finger in the loan jar.

Ho Hum.
While Judges continually sentence defendants to prison even though they plead ignorance, our own Judges get yelled at for similar behavior. Not to say Judge Colodny deserves anything more, it's just that our judiciary and our prosecutors often leave little room in their decision making process for the mistakes our clients sometimes make (and obviously we're not talking about violent crimes), while whenever they get caught, they automatically say it was an "Oversight" or a "unintentional mistake."

See You In Court, and in case we didn't make it clear, Judge Colodny is by all accounts doing a good job and deserves a second chance.


  1. Love Yvonne personally and she's a fine judge but come on already.

    Great precedent for people with money. Get Daddy, Mommy, Granny or Grandpa to loan you 125k, become a Judge using the unethically obtained campaign warchest, violate an obvious rule, receive nothing more than a stern lecture and keep your 160k per year job.

    What's to stop the next lawyer with rich parents from doing the exact same thing. Absolutely nothing. Well done Supreme Court.
    Once again you've shown that in this US of A, money talks and bullshit walks.

  2. I feel really bad that Colodny got that dirty cops case where Sharpstein just got his ass kicked by Bill Altfield. If she does the right thing and sentences those dirtbag thieving cops to jail, dirtbag Tony Soprano wannabe John Rivera will try to destroy poor Judge Colodny

  3. Let's go Heat! Rumpy, you will change you tune after the Heat pull out another stellar victory tonigh!

  4. Mr. Rumpole or any other reader please account for all the sitting Judges in Dade and Broward that have died from Cancer in the last 10 years. The number is alarming and I can count so far the following:

    Judge Henry Leyte-Vidal (Brain cancer).

    Judge Manuel "Manny" Crespo

    Judge Margarita Esquiroz (Brain cancer).

    Judge Cheryl Alemán (Lung cancer)

    Who am I missing? A bigger question is what is in the drinking water, or air vents of the Court house that is causing cancer.

  5. Colodny made a technical mistake and that should have resulted in nothing more than a public reprimand.

    She is a good lady.

  6. How pathetic - she had mommy and daddy give her $125 K for that stupid job? Seriously lame.

    1. Yes you are correct. And she allows criminals to go free

  7. LOL. The judges don't do anything to judges. If they did, Schwartz would have been canned long ago for the unprofessional way he treats lawyers (think about it...he essentially usurps the Bar's authority by issuing public reprimands against lawyers who don't even have the "luxury" of appearing before him and defending themselves or having someone else do so on their behalf).


  8. 9:07



  9. John Rivera ( head of the PBA ) and all around prick thinks he has the power to do something but doesn't. All he is capable of is covering up for dirty cops.

  10. Absolutely love Yvonne. She is a wonderful judge, person and I hope she sits on the bench for a long time to come. But the sad truth is, she is just another rich Jewish kid whose parents bought her a judgeship. Say what you want about Milt Hirsch, but he raised a war chest and financed his campaign from all his years of being a top notch attorney. Milt did it the right way and should be commended for it.

  11. Typical spoiled Miami Cuban brat - got her mom and dad to bankroll her career, rather than making a name for herself based upon her abilities. At least she does not act like a complete jerk on the bench, but it doesn't change the unfortunate reality that self-important children make up the Dade County bench. Oh, and DS: you are such an ass kisser it is nauseating.

  12. which schwartz, brian? alan, larry. caryn, shelly or jackie?????

  13. Judge Colodny is a smart, hard-working and dedicated public servant. It's darn hard work to be a good judge.

    She obviously wanted the job and was self-confident enough to believe she would be an asset to the Miami-Dade County Bench.

    And she's right. She is a fine addition to the Bench and I bet she won't have a bit of trouble getting re-elected.

    I've worked for a lot of them and she is very decent when it comes to the little things. Judge Colodny is respectful to attorneys on both sides and their clients, staff and corrections.

    If she were Catholic she could be a saint!!!

    1. Actually I quite disagree with your opinion. She has proven how corrupt she is and had already made a decision before trial started. Defense was not allowed to present a defense. Guaranteed she made a back room deal, and she is up for re election. Obviously a corrupt, racist and diabolical judge......

    2. Diabolical, yes that's how I see it. How could she let someone go who abused and killed a puppy??? What's wrong with this world? When that man graduates to killing humans, we can all remember this judge did nothing to stop it!

  14. The police misconduct case was a great trial and a great experience. What doesn't kill you will make you stronger.

    Please Altfield couldn't tie his shoes by himself. He certainly doesn't know how to impeach a witness and can't keep track of his own witnesses who he calls.

    Both Sharpsteins and Hartman did a fabulous job. There was one seriously squirrely juror who was totally crackers. He was just cuckcoo for coco puffs and it wasn't apparent.

  15. at last checking, Judge Marquite is not dead. Next, I have enjoyed watching the surpremes ream out short schwartz. Thats better than watching anything else.Other dead jusdges include, Domineck Koo, Paul Baker,Feathstone,Popper,Lantz,McKenzie, Rosemary Jones,Lady Ellen and the list goes on. It must be the water at the building.

  16. BTDT, please specify which Schwartz you are talking about so that readers who don't know don't think that it's about any of the other judges Schwartz.

  17. 10:15 a.m., in addition to judges, there have been lots of other courthouse employees (many of them young) who have died of unusual cancers in the Metro Justice Building. Ask around the clerk's office and they'll tell you. Maybe it's time to do an epidemiological and environmental study of the building to see what's going on.

  18. Colodny is a very good Judge that does not deserve this negative attention

  19. HR
    I worked w/ Yvonne Colodny , was her trial partner and tried a case w/ her. I have seen her on the bench. She is a good lawyer and a Judge who listens to all sides , politely. So what is so ass kissing or clownish in saying she is a good judge and a good person. Can you who cannt sign you names tell me?
    D. Sisselman

  20. Hey Mr./Ms. 10:23 pm: Former Judge Dick Lantz is also not dead and he is pissed off at you jerk for saying he is dead.

  21. Judge Colodny has proved herself to be a polite, thoughtful, humble and dedicated Judge. It is not her, but the whole judicial election system, that is to blame.

  22. Jewish kid, Miami Cuban brat...will you asholes make up your narrow minds?!?!

  23. She is not Cuban, but Jewish. And not like that should matter. But in judicial elections in Dade Co., It does. Why? Because the Cubans have the numbers to go with their insatiable corruption (see Betty Butchko)and the Jews have the money. So both groups are over represented on the bench and all elected positions for that matter.

    Now, that is not to say that Yvonne could not have been elected otherwise. I am sure if she was politically savvy and raised enough money she would have won regardless. But she didn't need that savvy because she has money and lots of it.

    She was a terrific assistant public defender. But she that alone would have never gotten her elected. She needed money and her rich parents had it to give.

    There is a reason why we limit campaign donations. There is a reason why there must be full disclosure. It is to prevent people from buying public office like our soon to be Governor has done.

    Colodny is a good judge and will be a great one in the future. She is wonderful to everyone and every lawyer I have talk respects her tremendously. I hope she remains on the bench for a long time.

    But she bought her judgeship with daddy's money. That fact cannot be denied. And regardless of how you feel about her personally or judicially, that kind of conduct should be condemned.

  24. I was referring to Alan Schwartz. He got a public reprimand for abusing lawyers, but that was all. He was left on the bench where he could continue mistreating those appearing before him and trashing trial lawyers who don't (and are unrepresented when he issues his quasi-verbal reprimands) in his appellate opinions. Nauseating abuse of power.


    PS---Old timers may even remember when he'd turn his back on law students in moot court competitions. Schwartz is a brillaint jurist, but his temperment has led to many unfairly abusive opinions and conduct from a guy who can't ever admit being wrong

  25. 2:40...thats a dumb comment. who is the shortest schwartz? we all know who he is.

  26. Actually, Hispanics and Yes that includes CUBANS make up about less than 25% of the Miami-Dade Judiciary. It just seems like they are everywhere!!HMM and yet the Miami-Dade Community is over 50% hispanic.

  27. Colodny is terrible. She allowed beagle puppy killer Matthew Milewski of Miami a misdemeanor and not a felony and allowed him to go free. She also did not disclose her funds raised for her campaign which tells me and everyone else she's corrupt
