Friday, December 31, 2010

364 DOWN-1 TO GO

Today is the last day of 2010.

There are 365 days in a year- that equals

8760 hours
525,600 minutes
31,536,00 seconds.

We who labour in the REGJB have had our share of sadness and loss this December and if anything that should make all of us aware of how precious life is.

We have one New Year's Resolution (ok two*) and that is to make the most out of every day, every hour, every minute and every second of the new year.

From all of us at the Justice Building Blog, have a happy. healthy and successful new year, and don't take one single second for granted.

For the last time this year, we say: See You In Court.

*Eat a few less cookies as well.


  1. I'm Gluten free and I'm LOVIN IT!

  2. The Q's been gluten free and his office has been 96% certified trans-fat free since 2007.

  3. Rump=
    Neil's protege was Bob Lassiter who died in 2005. Since Neil's death I have been reading his blog that he wrote as he was dying (Lassiter not Uncle Neil) and then listening to tapes of his old shows. What an astounding talent!

    google bloglassiter, go on you-tube and listen to the ten part "radio for one" which Lassiter said was his finest hour, and then on a blogger site check out the Lassiter airchecks blog and get into this guy. It's well worth it.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Goodbye to 2010 & Welcome 2011 ....

    Goodbye to Judge William Johnson, Judge Peter Adrien and Judge Flora Seff.

    Welcome to Judge Milton Hirsch, Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat, Judge Samantha Ruiz Cohen, Judge Monica Gordo, and Judge Michaelle Gonzalez-Paulson.

    Good luck to all in 2011.

    And to all the JBB readers, I hope 2011 brings with it joy in your lives, prosperity in your work, and most of all, love of all the good things you have around you.

    Captain Out ......

  6. You got that wrong old cappie....... not good bye Judge Adrien and Judge Seff.... you mean good ridince.

    And in Broweird, the same to Lee Jay Seidman.

  7. Maybe 2011 will be the year that Rumpole comes out from behind the curtain (and yes this post is from "anonymous" on purpose).

  8. FAKE MR. JUSTICE MILT HERSCHFriday, December 31, 2010 12:46:00 PM

    The scene tonight:
    11:59 pm.
    A swanky flowing, champagne glasses filled....canapes eaten, stone crab claws tossed aside with fresh mustard sauce still dripping down the sides of the plastic plates:


    IM A JUDGE!!!!!!!!

    btw- I've been signed for a two year stint with the blog and this is my first comment. It's an honor to be here...

  9. OH- there's money to sign Mr. Justice Milt Hersch and it's new years eve and most of the regular fakes still don't have a contract or even a renewal offer? Where's the "justice" in that? We've put our time in. We've made this blog what it is today.

  10. the only thing worse than milt as a judge would be richard hersch as a judge. at least Milt has done things other than beat up on Kounty Kourt lawyers and Judges for his whole career.

  11. He knows (chomp smack) that if we don't get new contracts we can still comment on a freelance basis without benefits and about a 2% cola increase (smack smack) so it make economic sense (chomp) when blog revenue is down (chomp chomp smack).

  12. It's lawyers like Richard Hersch who will be there for you when Clossius and Davenport stop you and write in the a-form that you were driving with your lights off, fumbled for your wallet, smelled of alcohol, had a flushed face and red eyes and could not walk a line. Hersch will be the one who will fight for you when the rest of the REGJB is whispering behind your back that they all knew you had a drinking problem and it's a good thing you got caught.

    You can make fun of his DUI practice all the way up and until the time you need him.

  13. I got a fat new contract in November, right in the middle of the Dolphin nose dive. I guess Rumpole thinks my comment when the new fins coach (Cowher power anyone) takes over will be valuable.

    We're gonna need new chants next year as I think we've all yelled "chad henne chad henne at least his name's not benny!" for the last time.

  14. MR. Justice Milton HIrschFriday, December 31, 2010 2:49:00 PM

    FROM: Mr. Justice Milton Hirsch
    to: All Judges
    RE: Seniority

    Dear soon to be colleagues:

    Please be advised that my previous email that judicial rotations and chamber assignments should be based on factors other than length of time as a judge and should include other factors such as length of time as a lawyer, books published, etc was merely A SUGGESTION. I am not proposing that we do away with the seniority system, merely that we consider some attractive modifications to the current system.

    See You all Monday raring to go!

    Mr. Justice Milton Hersch.

  15. 1:25:00 p.m.
    Milt Hirsch told his client to flee the country and then lied about it in court. It can't be any worse than that. The truth will come out eventually.

  16. I can't wait until Milt gets reversed.....gonna be really funny

  17. I agree.

    Some smart ass elite lawyer bitches about Hersch handing DUI cases but, forgets that when lawyers, (prosecutors, defense lawyers, PD's and civil lawyers) get a DUIthey hire Hersch, Reiff and Catalano and quickly appreciate a good job done.

  18. Richard Hersch is a good man and a great lawyer. His DUI practice is only one aspect of his illustrious career. He is spearheading the stand your ground law in the 3rd DCA and his work will be the law we will all follow. Beat up on him all you want, but he is a good man who has had a distinguished career and I hope and prays he becomes a judge one.

  19. Mr. Justice Milton HIrschFriday, December 31, 2010 10:25:00 PM

    one hour 36 minutes...I think I can I think I can I think I can I think i can just about hang on until I am a Judge.....whew...this is harder than I thought.

  20. IM A JUDGE!!!!!!

  21. catalano and reiff and all the other dui dweebs all act like they have never lost a case or had someone plead to first mins, its a load of bullshit

  22. Judge Monica Gordo What a disgrace. Now, there's an argument for not electing judges.

  23. Lots of angry failures posting here. Sad.

  24. There's something pathological about all of the nastiness on this blog. Seriously, some of you guys need to get lives. Can't we all just get along?

    The people you bash publicly have family (gasp, what a shock) and friends. Are your lives so miserable that you take such joy out of publicly hammering them?

    I love this blog. Rump has done a great job and provided an invaluable forum for discussion. I wish more people would take advantage of the opportunity and address real situations and issues rather than simply "poke fun" at others.

    Anyway, happy new year.


  25. gotta disagree BTDT. You should see the comments that don't go up. The comments like the ones about Hirsch are entirely fair game. I view them as funny nd fairly well written based on a stereotype of Milt and his reputation- and its a reputation that he in some aspects fostered.

    I think other comments- for instance the one that snipped at Richard Hersch are not well founded but are allowed and it is all the more gratifying to see the responses that more than adequately put the original commentator in his place.

  26. "The comments like the ones about Hirsch are entirely fair game. I view them as funny nd fairly well written based on a stereotype of Milt and his reputation"

    Fair game? To accuse someone of a crime here is fair game? It's funny? Well written?

    Ok Rump.

  27. I'm talking about the comments by Fake Judge Hirsch. The other comment is also fair game because it is about a well known incident, and we all know what it is. A young man is in prison for an extended and harsh sentence and he and his mother claim that Hirsch advised him to flee. There is a tape made and to date the Judge assigned to the claim has NOT allowed the tape to be played. There was (and might still be, I'm not sure) public complaints made about Hirsch.

    What should I do? I do not know the truth here. These people have a right to be heard. Hirsch has a right to respond. He has never exercised that right on this blog as far as I know. But as long as there is a controversy, I think comments about his actions are fair game. I remain unhappy that the tape has not been released. It give THE APPEARANCE that something is being hidden.

    I would not allow just a blatant accusation to be posted. But in Hirsch's cases there is a controversy behind that accusation. What do you suggest? That I allow the blog to participate in a coverup? Why doesn't Hirsch sue them for slander and libel if the truth is on his side? As far I am concerned, and I have no proof either way, but to some extent his silence is deafening on this subject.

  28. Rump,

    I wasn't just talking about the Hirsch comment (some of which are fair game, though I think they're over the top and happen to like Hirsch).

    There's a general pattern here in spite of the moderation (I understand the need to balance things and think you're doing a great job Rump, regardless of this comment). There are some folks who can't resist taking swipes at the soon to be departing judges and others just because they can (and seem to enjoy it). Sorry, but that's just plain pathetic in my book.


    PS----I hope that Hirsch didn't advise the client to flee as he claims........

  29. Come on now, we all know that Milton didn't tell the client to flee. He may have used inartful words but, he knew better. In any event, that stupid statute keeps everyone from knowing the truth because illegally tapes calls are simply not admissible for any purpose whatsoever.

    The words about Richard Hersch are stupid, not true and bull and the writer is probably that Paul Calli guy, the guy who bitched about Catalano months ago because he sent out too many helpful DUI emails on the FACDL list serve and caused many to avoid that list serve altogether. The comments are very simuilar and seem to come frow a lawyer who doesn't do minor cases and has no respect for those who do. Hmmmmm.... sounds like Calli again.

    By the way, I don't know Calli but, I do know Hersch and Hirsch well and they are OK guys.

    Happy new year Mr. Rumpster.

  30. Personally I don't believe Milt Hirsch told his client to flee, although he referred him to a psychologist who may well have told him to do it.

    But I also think that even beyond the psychologist issue there is more to this case than meets the eye and I still am greatly puzzled by the decision not to release the tape. That being said what is also overlooked is that Milt apparently did a great job and had the case in the position of having a major piece of evidence suppressed until the state took an interlocutory appeal that reversed a tough trial judge.

    Finally, as the client has pointed out- the sentence for the crime vis a vis others sentenced for similar crimes is quite harsh.

  31. For Hirsch to file a libel or defamation suit he would have to prove the statements are FALSE. How would he do that? Casey would testify his statements are TRUE. Would the court still be inclined to keep the tapes sealed preventing Casey from defending himself? Article I, Section 4 of the Florida Constitution establishes, "Every person may speak, write and publish sentiments on ALL subjects but shall be responsible for the abuse of that right. NO law shall be passed to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press. In all criminal prosecutions and civil actions for defamation the truth may be given in evidence. If the matter charged as defamatory is TRUE and was published with good motives, the party shall be acquitted or exonerated." Casey would be able to present all the evidence he says he has against Hirsch, which -from what I understand - he has been prevented from doing in his criminal case because of unforgiving procedural bars. This is precisely what Hirsch must be afraid of and could explain why Hirsch has been silent. Very telling, indeed, and leads me to believe Hirsch did tell his client to flee and should be held accountable.
