Saturday, August 07, 2010


And now....another episode of Rumpole's Famous "YOU DA MAN" awards.

The Scene: A dark and crowded courtroom in Federal Court in Miami.

Dramatis Personae: A bunch of fed prosecutors swirling around acting obnoxious and cocky; Judge William Dimitrouleas a/k/a Judge D of the infamous Rocket-Docket;

Defense Attorneys Phil Horowitz, Alan Kaufman, John Wylie, and our own REGJB trained Brian Tannebaum.

The Charge: BEING A STRAW BUYER!!!!!!!!! dum da dum dum!!!!!!!!!

THE TRIAL: Lasted 11 grueling days.

BUT FIRST: We have been invited to be a guest blogger on David O Markus's blog, thus placing his reputation and possibly his license to practice law at risk. But never fear DOM, we will treat your blog with respect.

We're thinking of starting with this:

"A priest, a rabbi, President Obama and (insert your favourite) Federal Judge walk into a Bar (Tobbacco road) AND........" (you'll have to check out David's blog this upcoming week for the conclusion of the story.)


And for that wonderful accomplishment, we hereby say to

Phil Horowitz......YOU DA MAN!!!!!!

Alan Kaufman....YOU DA MAN!!!!

John Wylie.....YOU DA MAN!!!!!!!

Brian Tannebaum......YOU DA MAN!!!!!!!

and hat tip to our favourite federal blogger being on top of the breaking story and posting it just as he was scurrying to get out of town for a well deserved vacation.


  1. Case was tried in Miami. Not Broward.

  2. One third of the people who put Ruiz-Cohen to run were from sw 8th street ,the other third were ex or present prosecutors and the last third were the girls at the mikvah! ;^)

    Of course this overlooks the fact that she might have thought of this herself!.......You RGJB morons can't conceive that a woman can make her own decisions

  3. Chief Justica Canaday said: "Spencer Eig, you da man to handle the case of former Broward commissioner Diana Wasserman-Rubin!"

    Broward Chief Judge Victor Tobin requested, in an email to the Supreme Court, that an out-of-Broward judge be sent up there to handle the politically-sensitive case because "The appearance of impropriety exists because the Broward County Commission recently approved of a new courthouse for the County at the strong urging of the Judicial Branch. She [Wasserman-Rubin] was on the Commission at the time of the approval. I have developed a good personnel [sic] relationship with the Commission over the last three years" and "There exists an atmosphere that all Government in Broward is corrupt. Any ruling favorable to the former commissioner would have the appearance of further evidence of and I quote 'a good old boys network'. In order to avoid any appearance of impropriety it is my feeling that Judge outside the County should be appointed".

    The Herald's story is here:

  4. It is easier for Ruiz-Cohen to blame this mistake on others. If she made the decision herself then she has to admit she does not understand judicial politic. She counted on a huge turnout for Rubio and now there is no Rubio and there will not be a big Hispanic turnout.

    The truth is she is in the Adrien race because Bob "The Scum" Levy put her there for reasons that need not be discussed here. The fact is she is a pawn, and a loser to boot.

    What a choice. An incompetent boob and a semi-retired polictical science adjunct professor who has not practiced law in 10 years who will eventually be known as "Send them away Sam". Is this a great country or what??

  5. The attacks on SRC are totally unfair. I've known her for about twenty years. She's been interested in obtaining a position where she could do more for the community for a very long time.

    Her willingness to put her career on hold to take care of her family was a personal choice that anyone with children should have no difficulty understanding and respecting. Sam is very bright and talented; I can't imagine that she's lost the skills that made her a top young prosecutor or the knowledge that helped her succeed.

    So tell us, what smidgen of proof do you have that she's doing because CABA put her up to it? Other than her middle name I mean. Do you even know her? Have you talked to her about running for office at any time? Do you have reason to believe she wouldn't have done this on her own?


    PS----Sam is not going to send everyone away. She always had the ability to separate out those who need to be launched from those she didn't and she's matured a lot in the last 10 years (I would assume that all of us who have been around for 10+ years have but for the inane comments I see on this blog and hear in the hallways).

  6. I must differ with 9:46 a.m.

    One of those candidates was a co-worker. I found her to be very bright and most caring about her cases. Her questions were inciteful and well-researched before she would ask about the final choice she might have to make.

    I never found her to shirk her duties or leave unfinished work behind. Work ethic and basic common sense count in the job she seeks. You may not like her philosophical view, but she is truly qualified to serve.

    I think that the mean spiriterd language adds nothing to the evaluation of her skills for the Bench.

  7. Keep in mind you pundits, that many former prosecutors end up being defense oriented judges and many former PD's end up screwing the defense daily.

    Go figure.

  8. 946 you really are ignorant. Ruiz Cohen was a terrific asa who worked hard at the sao and tried alot of cases, including a number of homicides, unlike another person who is running for judge who is currently an asa. you really think she cant serve because she took time off to raise children? is that really a bad thing that should diqualify her for judge?

    this is not the ed newman situation where CABA is behind it. you must know this. its not like anyone running for judge wouldnt have chosen to take on adrien. Learned fuckin hand he isnt. his bar poll ratings are atrocious. he was an obvious choice.

  9. Team Levy FTW! (Maximum Monica, SRC, Seff, Manny)

    I'm glad Bob Levy and Hector Lombana are in charge of who becomes a judge here.

    We're all better off with them in charge and you know it's true.

  10. Since we're off topic, why not discuss the brewing storm regarding endorsements? Seems like a certain judicial candidate is touting endorsements on his website from politicians who deny having endorsed him. From what I've been told, the bar is already looking into the matter...

  11. Samantha is going to win.

  12. 12:36 PM, I've noticed that pattern, too. Maybe it's overcompensation, or maybe it's just knowing their own side too well. I think a former prosecutor is better for the defense than a former PD. And we need judges who've been in private practice and know the realities of running a law office and the needs of private lawyers.

  13. BTDT - how does one mature as a lawyer and really learn what it is about when you are not involved? I think it is great that SRC took time to raise her kids, but being a Circuit Judge should not be her comeback job. This is absurd and it is hard to believe that you don't think so too.

    Please don't say otherwise, since her only other full time job has been running for judge. She drove others out with flash money, and has spent nothing.

    Adrien is an idiot. He is mean. He is a panderer and an embarassment. There were better people to run against him. Like I said incompetent vs. out of touch.

    Just so it is clear, my money says Adrien wins, then what is everyone going to say?

  14. Samantha was always thoughtful , pleasant , and reasonable as a prosecutor. monica has tried a ton of cases and is one of the sweetest people in the building. super nice and cool. Manny is very smart knows the law inside and out and has been in the building for at least 23 or 24 years. why all the hate? all are good qualified candidates
    Jason Grey

  15. Rumpole
    S. Ruiz-Cohen was a pleasure to oppose. Strong but ethical; always above the fray. If she carries that temperment to the bench she WOULD be a Good Judge.

  16. Horace
    I also wish to challenge 9:46s comment on Bob Levy. I have known Bob for more that a quarter century. Always was treated like a gentleman by him. He is a nice guy, but great at what he does. Like any general he may leave wounded on the feild.

  17. Former ASA here.

    I was at the SAO for five years and I'm trying to remember when Samantha was in a courtroom litigating cases or handling a caseload. She was the SAO Training Attorney for just about my whole tenure there. What does a SAO Training Attorney do? I have no idea.

    But if she's tired of picking the kids up from soccer practice, teaching Political Science and shopping all day, then let her on the bench. Cant be any worse than Adrien.

    And before you go saying that I'm ragging on her b/c she quit practicing to raise a fmily, then I'm not. I feel the same way about Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat who will take the bench in January and he doesnt even knows where the courthouse is. Thank god for GPS.

  18. congrats to the Tannebaum, et al.

  19. I guess we now know that Brian Tannebaum IS rumpole.

  20. I agree with 9:46. It is irrelevant and I don't really care what SRC did 10 years ago.

    I think it is terrific she took time off to raise her kids. I wish I could have. But, it does mean that after 10 years of not practicing law of any kind, and teaching political science part time, she is not prepared to sit as a Circuit Judge.

    I am just tired of people taking the job for the benefits and salary and not having the right stuff. This is not a semi-retirement job. There is more to being a judge than having a law degree and a nice smile.

  21. DS is Bob Levy.

    There is no one else on this earth who would describe Levy as a "nice guy" and that includes the judges he has represented. Everyone knows he is a snake in the grass and extorts money from judges by threatening to run someone against them.

    Please Bob, just accept that no one really likes you. Don't plan an elaborate funeral. When the time comes the only reason people will show up is to be sure you really are gone and I will be there wearing a red dress.
