Thursday, August 12, 2010



  1. Things You Will Never Hear, Read or SeeFriday, August 13, 2010 1:45:00 AM

    "Peter Adrian Justice Building"

  2. more-you will never hear read or seeFriday, August 13, 2010 7:22:00 AM

    "Peter Adrien on Evidence"....

    "David Miller on downward departures and fairness in sentencing..."

  3. even more you will never see hear or readFriday, August 13, 2010 8:06:00 AM

    National Enquire Headline: SNOOKI ENGAGED TO MIAMI JUDGE JOEL BROWN: Both parties admitted they were "head over heels" as the Jersey Reality TV star has fallen for Miami's Chief Judge.... "I saw him dancing at SET and I knew we were soul mates" said Snooki."

    BOOK: "You Can't Make Everybody Happy All the Time" by Judge Stanford Blake....

    Article: "The most important cases I tried as a lawyer" by: almost all the Judges in Miami.

    Governor Crist: "It is with great pride and satisfaction that today as one of my last acts of Governor I appoint Miami Attorney Simon Steckel to the Florida Supreme Court. I know his combination of legal knowledge and ethics will make him an outstanding justice for many years to come."
