Wednesday, July 07, 2010



For those of you following the most popular sport in the world, the Netherlands advanced to the finals. Today at 2:30 it's Spain vs. Germany. Should Germany prevail we would have a re-match of that great 1974 World Cup Final. We well remember The Dutch scoring on a penalty within the first two minutes before the Germans even touched the ball. However, the German team headed by the great Franz Beckenbauer would not be denied in their home country and went on to win 2-1. We shall see what happens today and this weekend.

Our favourite federal blogger has given his blog a new look. Verdict? We hate it.

Bar Poll:
Here's a working link (we hope) to the DBR Bar poll. Enjoy.

From the article, info on Adrien vs. Samantha Ruiz- Cohen and Manny Alvarez vs. Judge Ed Newman:

Adrien, who had a paltry 12.25 percent of respondents rate him as exceptionally qualified, recently presided over the heavily watched Dwyane Wade civil trial over a failed restaurant partnership. Adrien was rebuked recently by the 3rd District Court of Appeal for refusing to recuse himself from a case involving an attorney who sued him. That attorney, former Florida Bar president Frank Angones, successfully sued the judge six years ago to force him to change his name on a judicial ballot.

Adrien was accused of ethnic electioneering when he tried to run as Peter “Camacho” Adrien.

Adrien did not return calls for comment by deadline.

The poll also offered a glimpse of what could lie ahead for those in contested races.

While Adrien received the lowest scores of any sitting judge, his opponent received the highest scores of any judicial candidate.

Miami attorney Samantha Ruiz Cohen said she was humbled after hearing that more than 85 percent considered her qualified to sit on the bench, and she hopes the general public will trust the views of legal insiders in making their choices at the polls.

“Especially because I’m running against an incumbent, I think it speaks volumes, and I’m very humbled by these results and the support. The results speak for themselves. They really do,” she said. “It’s a strong message that the lawyers are sending out.”

In another race,
Assistant Public Defender Manny Alvarez scored slightly better than the sitting judge he’s running against, Circuit Judge Edward Newman. Alvarez received an approval of 81 percent to Newman’s 78 percent.

In other bar poll news, Ms. Gonzalez-Paulson, running against Judge Flora Seff, was rated unqualified by 46% of the respondents. Retired Judge Jeffrey Rosinek, who's not running for anything that we know of, was rated qualified or exceptionally qualified by 97% of the respondents.

Closing arguments in what the media calls the Baby Lollipops trial today before Judge Reemeberto Diaz. Don't expect a verdict until Thursday or Friday at the earliest.

It's not the heat, it's the humidity.
Rumors are that free agent Chris Bosh will sign with the Miami Heat so that he can play with Dwayne Wade. Now if we were to get Lebron......

Meanwhile the northeast bakes in a temperature inversion that is sending thermometers in NYC soaring past 100 degrees. Washington DC is also baking in the heat, and on the NYC/DC Amtrak corridor, conductors are running trains 20mph slower because the excessive heat can cause the tracks to warp.

Meanwhile it's about 90 degrees here with 99% humidity and we HAVE TO WEAR COATS AND TIES TO COURT. Talk about ridiculous. Even Broward knows better.

That's it for now. Stay cool, and as always, we'll see you in court.


  1. Please, stop with the bar polls. Did anybody notice Adrien's Bar Poll went UP from 6 years ago?

    Harnage had a 90% bar poll and Adrien was in the 20's. Levy had a higher bar poll (2X) than Areses. Swartz had a 12 point edge on Pozo. All had the Herald. Who won those races?

    I want to be rid of this guy as bad as anyone, but quit jerking yourselves off with believing that the lawyers are the end all and be all in judicial elections. A nice smile and a wish and hope that the general public reads or cares about the bar poll and will see it the same way will not win this race.

    She better get on the stick and do something about the overwhelming black vote turning out for Meek and that $1 Billion judgment this guy handed out against the Cuban government, or she is going to get her ass handed to her. That means 6 more years of this idiot and, if you think he beleives his shit does not stink now, imagine him if he gets re-elected.

    You people are so full of yourselves it is painful to watch.

  2. Somebody sent me an email asking me if I like any stocks at this price after a brief sell off.

    Longtime and careful readers know that we espouse the Elliott Wave principle of stock analysis. This requires knowledge of among other things, Fibonacci theory. It takes a long time to master. But the short answer is no. We have sold the NAsadq short since the beginning of the year and we are rolling our profits into buying puts on the Dow and the Nasdaq QQQ. In short, we think one hell of a down turn is coming.

  3. Both and are geometric series (for n = 1, 2, 3, ...) that satisfy the Fibonacci recursion. The first series grows exponentially; the second exponentially tends to zero, with alternating signs. Because the Fibonacci recursion is linear, any linear combination of these two series will also satisfy the recursion. These linear combinations form a two-dimensional linear vector space; the original Fibonacci sequence can be found in this space.

  4. Eiglarsh having his own show? is the world coming to an end? no one has done less and gotten more media than him. he is truly sickening

  5. Rump - the real news of the day for us REGJB regulars is that once again Carlos and crew over at Silent Charlies house have gotten shot down again by the 3rd DCA.
    Their excessive caseload litigation has again proved to be a complete waste of time and waste of what limited resources they do have.

  6. selling short seems really scary. do u take big positions?

  7. I'm not actually selling short- I am buying puts- which means I am shorting the market- but my risk is only the purchase price of the puts. Much safer way to be a bear.

  8. Rumpole did you ever see the new york cosmos play when they had der kaiser beckenbauer?

  9. 4:46 p.m. is correct. There is a big, bad downturn coming. Why? Because the illusory "recovery" we have now is a mirage made of hot-air government spending of non-existent money instead of private-sector wealth-creation and productivity. The downturn will come when people realize that the emperor has no clothes nor the money to buy them.

  10. how many hits have you had rumpole? i see that blogger david marKus says that a million people have been to his site. his site is a self promotional show. something eiglarsh could only dream of having! you must have 10 million hits, right?

  11. Rump, I'm confused. Mr Kuntz is pandering to the Rabbis for the Jewish votes but then he finds Jesus and goes after the goyim for votes. Which is it?

  12. I'm off Gluten and I can really feel the difference!

  13. You gotta love the rumors:

    1. Lebron's mom is currently checked into the W down here.

    2. Lebron has 10 cabanas reserved for this weekend at the W.

    3. A man flying from Cleveland to Fort Lauderdale today states that, on the plane were "25 young black kids, approximately ages 25 to 30. They were dressed like they had somewhere to go. Unless they are all headed to Dwayne Wade’s party, It seemed apparent that this was Lebron’s posse. "

    What's next?

    Cap Out ....

  14. What a surprise, Seff is the second lowest ranked sitting Judge...



    The Miami Herald reports:

    Two decades after she was sent to Death Row for torturing and murdering her infant son known as Baby Lollipops, Ana Maria Cardona is again a convicted killer.

    Miami-Dade jurors on Friday morning, after about 14 hours of deliberation over two days, convicted Cardona of first-degree murder and aggravated child abuse, setting up another possible death sentence.

    Read more:

    Cap Out ....

  16. Sorry Cap - No new death penalty for Cardona. Double Jeopardy prevents a greater sentence than she got the first time and her death sentence was thrown out. Life without, again.
