Thursday, April 15, 2010


The parking lot is now open.

Talk amongst yourselves.

As so called conservatives take up the banner of Objectivism and Ayn Rand, we found this monologue of Ms. Rand's in 1961 which when viewed, refutes the proposition that Rand is a hero or a philosophical founder of the current conservative movement. She is most certainly not. For those of you who care, "conservatives" and "liberals" are philosophically the same side of the coin, although most have such a limited understanding of epistemology that they don't realize it.


  1. Rumpole, I appreciate the Ayn Rand philosophical debate.

    I wanted to like Rand's philosophies when I was in college, and somewhat of a temporary Reagan Republican, but the tone of Anthem made me throw up a little in my mouth, even as the daughter of exiles from Communism. The complete elevation of the individual, without regard to the importance of human cooperation was just too much. I am a conservative in that I think pride and greed are among the 7 deadly sins. Sometimes you have to think outside yourself.

    Regardless, still appreciate the Rand reference.

  2. Rumpy,

    Why did you make me listen to that old lady?

  3. One Charlie does the right thing...Charlie Crist that is, by vetoing SB6! Now let's see if Silent Charlie, Carlos Martinez, can save his office by withdrawing the lawsuit and ending the privatization bid.

  4. Time for another ARA rant. Beck's a moron but he is a lot more entertaining than Ayn. The only thing that Ayn has over him is her good looks

  5. You're losing it old man. Like with the TV show Family Ties, it may be time to call it a day.

    Close down the blog while you still have some readers. Go down in history as the blog that was, not a has been.

  6. Is there a statute or jury instruction in "epistemology"?


    Sex Offenders & Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny & George Bush .....

    The Florida House has passed a new law tonight that will prohibit all sex offenders from dressing up as Santa Claus, an Easter Bunny, or George Bush. The language reads:

    (b) A prohibition on distributing candy or other items to children on Halloween; wearing a Santa Claus costume, or other costume to appeal to children, on or preceding Christmas; wearing an Easter Bunny costume, or other costume to appeal to children, on or preceding Easter; entertaining at children's parties; or wearing a clown costume including any costume resembling former President George Walker Bush (number 43), without prior approval from the commission.

    Cap Out .....

  8. Because everyone knows that George Bush is a threat to children.

  9. Dressing up as George Bush should be banned under the porn exception...I know it when I see it.
