Friday, April 09, 2010



That must have been the sound heard throughout the courtroom as DEA agent Darren Singleton fainted during his cross examination by Jeff Weiner in the sentencing of Kobie Gary in a marijuana grow house case before Judge Moore in Federal Court.

The issue was whether Weiner's client was a leader in the organization or not and whether or not the defendant qualified for the safety valve exception to the minimum mandatory. According to reports (and the Herald article is linked to the title of the post-just click it) just as Weiner was accusing the DEA agent of knowing that a cooperating co-defendant was lying, the flighty fed fainted.

"No further questions" would have been the proper response to the situation.

Great Job Jeff!


  1. uh, sentencing hearing?

    oh yeah - its weiner.

    it wasnt a trial.


    this is what you state court guys think is "cross examination?"

  2. What if, really, what if the agent was just sick?

    Would this still be a cause for celebration?

    Did Jeff run over to see if he was OK?

    What if the man was having a heart attack? Would we all be laughing about it?

    One has to also wonder, did the agent simply snap from being put in a corner by a well prepared defense attorney? That is worth a real big belly laugh!

  3. Actually, this post is in really poor taste and beneath you. Years ago, a defense attorney had a heart attack during a depo at the SAO. Several prosecutors reveled in that, suggesting that the witness and assistant handling the case were "kicking his ass." It wasn't funny then and isn't funny now. For all you know the fainting could be related to serious medical issue. This is the kind of nonsense, personal attack I expect on the Broward site, not this one.


  4. Wow. And to think I thought jeff was a has been. Great work.

  5. i'd like to think that if the article didn't say that the agent was fine, refused treatment and took himself to the hospital I would have treated the episode with more kindness than I am certain the agent treated the defendant by supporting what appears to be perjured testimony of a snitch against a prominent lawyer's son.

    I'd like to think that, but then again sometimes I'm a heartless bastard.

  6. Will J.P. Stevens by the last Protestant to serve on the U.S.S.Ct?

  7. Aren't we all old and experienced enough to know that many people refuse treatment and claim to be fine even when they're not because they like to keep things private?

    Come one Rump. People don't faint because they're afraid of cross examination, especially experienced witnesses.


  8. why publish this? this will only add to the norman mailer sized ego fo weiner. though he is still trailing eiglarsh for biggest mjb ego

  9. "Will J.P. Stevens by the last Protestant to serve on the U.S.S.Ct?"

    I hope so.

  10. alberto jordan and bob scola are the two best judges ive been before. then emas

  11. emas is a lap dog. a gutless lap dog who does not belong in the company of the previously named judges.

  12. Bob Scola is pretty rock solid. Best name of the 3.

  13. Scola yes,

    Emas no.

    Emas is very pushy and loves to show you how much power he has. (Like Echarte)
