Sunday, March 21, 2010


If you have the time, catch "Ghost Writer" and let us know when you figure it out. We had a general sense of the end about half way through. There's a nice cameo by Eli Wallach when you least expect it, and Kim Cattrall is our kind of woman!

As of this writing health care reform is going to pass. Will it matter in the November mid-term elections? A week is a lifetime in politics. Is this legislation historic? Will it mark the highpoint of President Obama's presidency? Like it or hate it, If we have to spend a trillion dollars, we prefer it be on Americans and not in Iraq or Afghanistan.

How bad are things over at Silent Charlie's House of Blues (The PDs office) ? Pretty Bad. In the words of at least three PDs we've spoken to, "morale is at the lowest point ever seen". In a new twist, secretaries will no longer answer phone calls! That's right- call Silent Charlie or David Weed or your own favourite PD and they will answer their own phone (or that's the way it's supposed to be.) 305-545-1600 (ask for Charlie).

Someone wake us up when Judge Stanford Blake leaves the building.

Are we finished suing Regional Counsel? Any court appointments left?

Who said "I've done some pretty bad things in my life." ? (Hint- it's not Scott Rothstein.)

Somebody emailed us asking us our favourite playwright. It's an interesting question and one we don't get asked very often. We have two favourites- Doc Simon and August Wilson. Some people may find this more interesting or revealing than others.



    Judge Blake is the Adminsitrative Judge through the first week in April. At that time, Judge Soto will take over as Blake moves to the Family Division.

    Rump, have you heard who Soto chose as her first Assistant; (and their initials are not JHS)!?

    Cap Out .....

  2. How about this new policy at the PD Office: if you are taking over one of their cases, the office will not copy any of the depositions in their file, requiring, instead, that you contact the court reporter to have new copies prepared. Is this really something that benefits the client or does it benefit the court reporter, who is able to bill for new depositions at the non-court appointed market rate? Does Silent Charlie have some kind of "arrangement" with the court reporters to help them increase their revenue while providing special benefits of some sort to the PDO? I've also heard that the Appeals Section of the PDO is not happy with the office resources that have been diverted from their budget to the seemingly quixotic fight to elimate "excessive caseloads."

  3. I watched the healthcare debate yesterday, which had all the excitement of an all-day cricket test match but, at least, did have a climax, which the Republicans managed to delay until 11:45 p.m. I was happy that Obama finally put the full force of the Presidency behind the legislative push, and he has earned by vote forever.

    A question that kept on occurring to me was whether or not Hillary would have been able to do a better job of getting universal healthcare than Obama--one thing for sure is that she would not have wasted any time trying to pretend that she could reach some sort of bipartisan agreement with the likes of Mitch McConnell and John Boehner. I don't think this bill goes far enough but, hopefully, it is the "thin edge of the wedge" that will eventually separate the bloodsucking insurance companies from healthcare forever.

    I know plenty of Brits like you Rumpole, and I have never heard any of them complain about their "Socialist" healthcare system. In fact, most of them are appalled with the system that we have in this country.

    Now watch the insurance companies start making one last effort to jack their rates up even more so the Republicans can blaim the rate hikes on this bill. Thank God we have Attorney General Bill "Howdy Dowdy" McCollum to protect us from Obamacare.

  4. Dear Monday, March 22, 2010 11:51:00 AM;

    You sir are a jerk. If you want work from a court reporter; pay him.

    It is stealing to photocopy a transcript you did not pay for. If you had huevos, you'd give your real name so your words could be accurately reported, Umms and all.

  5. Rump
    I followed the Carlos link on the main page and came to the Public PD11 site. I had never seen it before, going to the intra-office web sit instead.
    While I am not part of the PD PR team, I have to admit that the website is impressive, It has good info, easily understood with some great links including checking your DL and the Clerks info site.
    KUDOS Carlos and IT Team.

  6. DS is such an ass kisser

  7. I would have no problem paying for the of Depos if those idiot court reporters in that office ever had their shot together. Been trying for weeks to get them to figure out what reporter took what depos on a case....

  8. Depos from PD cases.

    11:51am, This is a misguided complaint. First, PDs do not have depos in their files for any 3rd degree or misdemeanor cases. Only the A and B cases have depos already in the files. Most of times, there are no depos at the time the case is taken over by a private. So, the PD would have to pay for a depo, then give it to a private attorney for free. As a PD, I have frequently referred my clients to private attorneys. Some clients tell me they need more personal attention or say they want someone more experienced, no sweat, I refer them to a private I trust will do a good job and give the private everything I have, from discovery, to depos and motions, even my theory of defense. Most PDs will do the same, except the referral part.

  9. Rumpole
    Anyone who knows me knows I aint an 'Ass Kisser'. I am hardly the office Poster-child. But, its only fair to give credit where its due. If you cannt at least acknowledge the good how can you correct the not so good? I liked the PD11 website. So Sue me....
    D. Sisselman

  10. 1151

    You are correct. D should not have to pay twice for the same thing- especially when he is strapped for cash.

    I think its sad that the best criminal blog in town is attacking the public defenders office. Carlos, butch up!ulul

  11. When I was a pd I just referred all my cases out and took 25 percent.

  12. DS is no ass kisser. I've known him for a looooooooong time (back to my days as a prosecutor). He's always told it like it is.

