Monday, March 08, 2010


Believe it or not, Miami has a Museum.

And this Museum (The Historical Museum Of South Florida) has a "Crime In Miami" exhibit with historical artifacts from the criminal courts in Miami, including an actual legal pad used by Sy Gaer!

One devoted reader wrote in about the exhibit:

I thought you might want to inform your readers about the Crime in Miami exhibit. After all, it directly involves the criminal bar, our justice system, and is partially sponsored by the FACDL- Dade Chapter. Here are a couple of photos I took. Please feel free to use them, if you like.

The first is the entrance into the exhibit. Among the items on display are the jury foreman's note in the Mossler case informing the judge that they can't reach a verdict. As an aside, the jury ultimately found Mossler and her nephew/lover Melvin Lane Powers NOT GUILTY. They also have a bullet fired from Zangara's gun during his 1933 attempt to assassinate Franklin Roosevelt in Bay Front Park. They even have a mold of Ted Bundy's teeth.

The seco
nd photo is of Shirley Henderson's artwork. There are probably a number of your readers depicted in her sketches.


The exhibition runs through the middle of August, when the current cold snap is expected to ease up.


  1. i understand the natural confusion when someone sees a beautiful woman with a scrawny undeserving man. That being said- you will have to figure out nuclear physics on your own. I can't print your pithy comment as it really just has to do with someone's personal life.

  2. How about crime in Miami Dade County? Chief legal cousel for the MDPD and head of the mayors heralded mortgage fraud task force, Glenn Theobald forced to step down amid allegations of financial monkey business with millions of dollars from a federal trust fund created for investigating environmental crimes..

  3. Anybody know of a reasonably priced, criminal defense attorney (preferably former SAO/PD from Miami that moved...I like to send business to people that I know) that practices in the Tampa area?

    send info to my email

  4. Robert Lamons is fine-thankfully. He asked that I let everyone know that the rumors of his demise are terribly exagerated.


  5. This exhibit is great! You can get a "speed pass" to ride the infamous "Catalano Motions" roller coaster - go up and down from Trauth to Llamas! Read a transcript of Bobby Rieff's first DUI guilty AS AN ASA! Wax statutes of Michael Braxton and Mark Leftcourt need to be seen to believed and put Madame Tussauds to shame! Finally, the Hall of DUI Presidents has robots and a show so life like, that you would think you are actually in the presence of Richard Essen, Richard Hersch, and Jim Best.

  6. The person Rumpole refers to at 7:01:00 AM is just envious of the beautiful women, as well as the money, that the "scrawny" man has.

  7. For a seasoned Tampa attorney, I reccommend Bill Jung, a former ausa here.

  8. 7:54--

    Many men are intimidated by an extremely beautiful single woman and they don't even make an effort to approach them, leaving beautiful women wondering why they can't ever get a date resulting in low self esteem or men wrongly assume that all beautiful single women already have a boyfriend, so it would be a waste of time to try and meet them. So us "scrawny men" make a play for them!

  9. 9:04--That explains why so many hot looking women are linked to not so hot looking guys. The lower the self esteem a beautiful woman has the better it is for us "scrawny men/nerds"

    Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

    ...with a beautiful woman on his arm. BOO-YAH!!
