Thursday, December 17, 2009


We know who the new Federal Judge is. The news reached us way up here high in the California Sierra Mountain range.

Let us just say a couple of things. 1)It's too bad Bob Scola didn't get tapped. He would have done a great job, although the new pick is a delightful surprise and has earned it. 2) There's another appointment that is going to be needed based on this one. So think outside of the box on that clue.


Apparently not too good:
Anonymous said...


I know you are camped out in the western frontier. Just saying that the blog has been a little weak. Trust me, if I have some good shit, I will certainly send you an email. By the way, give the government a swift kick in the ass for me

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 8:04:00 PM

But then again, maybe not so bad after all...

Anonymous said...

Dearest Rump, as a long time careful reader of the blog, it seems that the higher you go, the funnier you get. Just love your response to 9:41 PM. Whether or not you are really going to trial is not relevant to me, as long as you keep me laughing.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 10:41:00 PM

And now a message from a disgruntled County Court reader:

Rump: With the elevation of Judge Arzola to Circuit Court, County Court is one judge down. Add to that the fact that a few Judges are trying to squeeze in some vacation time (like the entire job is not a vacation) and Judges Slom and Leifman have been pressed into action covering calendars.

Here's my question: Judge Slom, how is it possible you are the Chief Judge and yet entirely unable to press a button, click a mouse and switch calendars on your computer to assist the attorneys who are standing in long lines in your courtroom? How is it that Judges Bloom, Krieger-Martin, Ortiz, Miranda, and Newman can switch between a calendar to assist an attorney, but you can't? Do you realize that not only do we wait twice as long as you try and call a calendar, but that we have to endure your rude bailiff who apparently feels the only way she can justify her job is to order people around. She routinely tells people where to sit, where to stand, and when you move, ten minutes later, she tells you to move back. She is annoying beyond belief and just adds to the tension and misery of standing in line watching you waste our time. I realize you've never been in private practice and don't comprehend the fact that we need to get back to our office and meet clients and make money. And I acknowledge you are otherwise a good and hardworking chief judge. But I have to tell you that almost the entire regular county court defense bar cringes when they walk into a courtroom and see you covering a calendar. Between having to wait and being ordered around, it ruins my morning every time.

Thanks for letting me vent Rump, but I just can't take it anymore.

Rumpole says: Anyone else want to weigh in on this? Any response from Judge Slom?


  1. Not a scoop. Bagley and Scola both saying Williams was going to be the nominated. They hadn't gotten official word, but had heard on the street what was occurring.
    Also, US Attorney to be Willie (forgot his last name).

  2. My money is on Kathy Williams. Another appt. needed for PD.



    For your readers who have a short memory, here are the finalists for the two BIG jobs:

    For the position of U.S. District Judge, the three finalists are Jerald Bagley, Robert N. Scola, Jr. and Kathleen M. Williams.

    For the position of United States Attorney, the three finalists are David M.Buckner, Wilfredo Ferrer and Daryl E. Trawick.

    CAPTAIN OUT .....

  4. I appeared before kounty kourt judge pooler this week. I would be interested in the opinons of others about her courtroom demeanor and her ability as a judge. thank you.

  5. Congratulations to Kathleen Williams. Certainly deserving of the selection. All three candidates were exceptional.

  6. I would be more afraid of calling out Maribelle than Judge Slom. But for your sake and ours thank goodness we have an anonymous button. Nonetheless, I actually like Maribelle, have you ever had a chance to chat with her (of course while the judge is off the bench)? I have and she is a really nice lady. But I agree, once the judge is on the bench she goes way, way (did I mention way) overboard. But is that her mishagosh or his?

  7. Maybe Happy Jack is on to something after all. It seems that Tew Cardenas does in fact represent pornographers. Follow me here:

    Reed this week's story in the New Times about the Porn King of Fisher Island here. On page 2 we learn that Bangbros is represented by one Amanda Frazer. Who does Ms. Frazer work for? Tew Cardenas (see here).

    You FINALLY got something right, Jackie. Mazel tov.

  8. Pooler is awesome. She'll do the right thing. Just don't try to BS her.

    Oh, and have some lemon drops!


  9. Don't nobody talk bad about Judge Pooler. Don't nobody.

    She is actually one of my Gerstein building favorites. I find her both charming and fair.

  10. Is it true that Rumpole lives in the Bangbus creator's former home?

  11. It's Mabel, not Maribelle.

  12. Mabel is the worse ever. She should be playing bridge at some seniors center instead of keeping order in a court room. Fire her Slom. As for Pooler, my first time in front of her, I felt like she didn't give me the chance to make my argument. But after having her cover more than once, I have grown to like her and respect her. She is fair.

  13. RE: Judge Slom

    Bulls-eye! Never have truer words been spoken. The Baliff for Slom must have previously been a Stormtrooper. She is incredibly rude. But in the end, she works for the judge. He cannot be so blind/deaf as to not see/hear what she does.

    One can only conclude she does it at his direction with his blessing.

    No doubt, walking into their courtroom in the morning is disheartening. There is no need for it. Judge Bloom runs a courtroom with Henry Ford like efficiency, with a nearly invisible bailiff.

  14. A similar rumor of Williams and Ferrer being vetted has been floating at the USAO along with Nieland for Marshal. Rumoredly, announcements are stalled due to a holdup involving the middle district and a battle of words with Shorstein and a former colleague. Probably after the New Year.

  15. the kounty kourt defnse bar? botton feeders who have no one wainting at their offices, probably bus stops near sys old office.
