Friday, November 20, 2009


Stop the presses. Breaking news! The Miami Herald has called REGJB ace criminal defense attorney Alex Michaels.....steady now......ACERBIC!!! The title of the post links to the Miami Herald article.

Michaels is representing 17 year old Andy Rodriguez in a tragic case where Rodriguez is accused of stabbing to death a fellow Coral Gables Senior Highschool student during a fight.

Yesterday there was an Arthur Hearing before Judge Tunis, complete with a separate metal detector outside of the courtroom. Long time and careful blog readers will remember that when Michaels appeared at the initial hearing in Juvenile court, a melee broke out behind him outside the courthouse as he was being interviewed.

From the Article:
"Who ordered the circus outside?'' Michaels complained to the judge. ``Extra security. Extra cops. Extra metal detectors. I find it very offensive and unnecessary.''

And then this shocking bit of reportage:
"The acerbic Michaels squabbled with Segovia, drawing admonishments from the judge. He asked the detective if it appeared in the surveillance video that Rivera was swinging at his client."
As an adjective, "acerbic" is commonly defined as
sour or astringent in taste: harsh or severe,
as of temper or expression.

"Acerbic" just doesn't seem to fit with us regarding Michaels. We seem to recall that Former 3rd DCA Judge Rudy Sorrondo called Michaels "contumacious" in an opinion. That seems a better fit.


Meanwhile, and somehow this fits- here is picture of Scott Rothstein's toilet. Bob Norman of the Daily Pulp has pictures of the inside of chez Rothstein. As one acerbic commentator on Norman's blog wrote: "He should be charged with Felony bad taste."


Have a good weekend. It's snowing here. Again.


  1. When is Tunis' courtroom not a circus?

  2. Dis case....dis circus....dis cop....dis judge.....dis herald....dis blog......dis life....


  3. Whether you were a supporter of Jack Kennedy or not, this weekend is 46 years since that fateful day in Dallas and Nov. 22, 1963 still reins as one of the saddest days in American history.

    JFK relics scattered across U.S. still hold mystique

    Cap Out ...

  4. When will it stop! First, the Faber and Diaz melee, then the EGGO shortage and Now Pumpkin Pie shortage!

  5. Alex may mean well but, he really should not be a lawyer. He does not believe in the system. That is why he is so frequently in trouble with the Bar. (Did he not have a trial just two weeks ago in one of his Bar cases?)

  6. Alex Michaels is, indeed, acerbic. Everyone in the Justice Building knows it. The Herald's description is accurate.

  7. Faux Fakey Fakerstein, Esq.Friday, November 20, 2009 4:11:00 PM

    No worries Rump....Pumpkin pie filling shortage is an urban myth sponsored by Libby's Pie Filling.

    Was at Publix in a certain West Broward community today and they had an end-cap with about 500 cans.

    In the immortal words of Fake Alex Michaels. Dis report.......Dis is Bullsheeeeet!!!!


  8. Fakey- I just ran out to the Safeway in Truckee and grabbed 4 cans for the holidays. The cashier gave me a strange look as I was hugging them.

  9. all the shit alex has pulled and the bar has never really done shit to him, what a fucking disgrace

  10. ramona sifuentes much hotter than scotties princess kimmy who is pretty hot in her own right

  11. 5:32- My dear chap - It is with interest that I read your well written and obviously well thought out comment on my legal abilities and various entanglements with the Florida Bar. it is with the deepest respect that I respond as follows:

    Your comment is BULLSHEEEEEEEET!

  12. Is that Mr hankey the christmas poo in there?

    Okay grumpy the the rothstein gls

    Base 7
    Loss of 400 mill+ +30
    50+ vics +4
    Sophisticated means +2
    Endangered fin sec of 100+ +4

    Offense level 47

    Minus -3 for acceptance

    level 44 eqauls life under gl.

    But...because is a plea, govt does not seek any enhancement other than sophisticated means -8 36. Also, loss figure is reduced to 200+ us level 34 and range of 151-188 with acceptance. Gets low end plus 5k 15 to 25% reduction...of course, if he ends up in front of moore or gold...

  13. Florida Bar Website

    Alexander John Michaels

    Member in Good Standing Eligible to practice in Florida

    ID Number: - 449611
    Address: Alexander John Michaels
    1507 NW 14TH St
    Miami, Florida 331252611
    United States
    Phone: 305.3240547
    Fax: 305.3246413
    County: Miami-Dade
    Circuit: 11
    Admitted: 11/19/1984

    10-Year Discipline History Yes

    Action Date Reference
    Suspended - with Conditions 05-06-2004 200071603
    Public Reprimand 02-08-2007 200770077

  14. Ascerbic? How about flaming (but entertaining) lunatic?

  15. THE Captain Reports:

    Liberty City Seven Leader sentenced.......

    The leader of a group which plotted to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago has been sentenced to 13-and-a-half years in prison.

    Narseal Batiste, 35, also planned to bomb FBI offices, along with four other men who have already been jailed.

    Cap Out ..........

  16. You guys are crazy about Alex. What he should be kicked out of the bar because he messes with cops and is a pain in the ass? Somehow I think if every defense lawyer was a former state attorney who had every belief in the justice of the law as the legislature passed it we would have a less acerbic legal system. And a way worse one. If you are a lawyer on either side, or a judge, that can't get a kick out of having Alex in the courtroom, you need a sense of humor. If you think what you are doing is so sacred that his shit denigrates it, then get over yourself. Or do a better job.

  17. Rump
    Love him or hate him, ALEX fights for his clients with passion. He knows a Defense Attorneys duty is to challenge the powers that be. He is surelyover the top, BUT, I love the guy, myself
    D. Sisselman

  18. All you people talking bullsheeeeeet about me--I challenge all of you to ROMANIAN DEATH MATCH FIGHT TO THE DEATH.

  19. Yes but, Alex does not follow the rules. When a judge says don't do that, he does it anyway.
