Monday, November 16, 2009


For now and the foreseeable future, all posts should be assumed to be ...

Dateline: Truckee, California:

Where do you think it's more empty these days: The hallways of RRA in Ft. Lauderdale, or the hallways of City Hall Miami? For the moment the score is two-zero, City Hall Miami in the lead as two city commissioners find themselves facing criminal charges. But that should change shortly don't you think?

And as to those City Commissioner meetings? Well, if you're indicted, you're invited!!!

Here's the video of our hard working State Attorney announcing the criminal cases against Commissioners Spence-Jones and Angel Gonzalez.

One wonders why the State Attorney spends so much time at the news conference congratulating those who worked on the cases? She was announcing the arrests, not convictions. Well, sometimes you take what you can get.


We've been pondering the Rothstein mess, and perhaps a lesson can be learned, or better, illustrated from what occurred. It's what is called "The Sanction of the Victim" and is defined as follows:

I saw that there comes a point, in the defeat of any man of virtue, when his own consent is needed for evil to win—and that no manner of injury done to him by others can succeed if he chooses to withhold his consent. I saw that I could put an end to your outrages by pronouncing a single word in my mind. I pronounced it. The word was “No.”
Galt's Speech, Atlas Shrugged.


"Evil requires the sanction of the victim."
Ayn Rand.

We do not necessarily agree with the absoluteness of the statement. There is much evil that is committed by random acts of violence, as there is much evil committed by totalitarian governments against people who consented to nothing.

But that is probably not what Rand was writing about. It is this Rothstein mess, as well as the Madoff mess, as well as the meltdown of the economic system that was caused by the blissful ignorance of multitudes of people. That's what she was talking about, and she was right.



    Hey, Rumpole, did you forget your own birthday, or am I the only one who is thinking outside of the box and actually knows it ;)

    Happy Birthday!

    Cap Out .....

  2. In this type of financial crimes, wealthy people usually become victimes because the organizer of the Ponzi scheme promises a higher return than what they would get in the marketplace. Victims know that the returns shouldn't be as high as the fraudster promises but they blissfully, and greedily, ignore that fact to become victims.

  3. Ummm...nope and nope. No birthday for me. I had mine in 2009 and it was a while ago.

  4. Jeff Felier International man of mystery....bah da dum dum...was spotted in that most mysterious and dangerous of foreign lands....Hialeah!!!!

  5. The Captain points out that the blog was "born" November 6- 1969. Love those 69 Mets.

  6. WHO SAID:

    "Frederick..I fear much damage to the fuselage!"

  7. You're not even thinking of trying Odd Couple trivia with ME are you?

    Felix said it- and he said it while sitting in a plane with Oscar in which Felix claimed he was reading the lips of the mechanic outside the plane as Felix looked through the window. The episode dealt with Felix's fear of flying.

  8. Rumpo, I know that the Friends of Drug Court is a program near and dear to your heart.

    Did you hear about the Kiwanis Club's shindig n Saturday?

    Rush Limbaugh gave another $100,000 to the Club (that makes $300,000 in the past few years) and they raised over $140k; half of that money goes to the Drug Court programs and the other half goes to the kids programs that Kiwanis supports.

    Just thought you would like to know.
