Friday, November 13, 2009


Do you suffer from Triskaidekaphobia?

Before we begin, this guy is our kind of client.
Click here. If he doesn't have any money, then he REALLY is our kind of client, unfortunately.

And this REALLY is our kind of lawyer. We'd co-counsel with her anytime. This is her honest to goodness picture up on the Texas Bar website.

Speaking of unlucky lawyers....

The media is chasing reports that Scott Rothstein falsified the election results in Florida and as a result John McCain is actually president. Al Gore called McCain to commiserate.

Speaking of Rothstein, lawyers with Bar Complaints are lining up to get them in front of his committee. Yup, Rothstein was the chair of a Bar Grievance committee. Really. Sort of like Dick Cheney being appointed to the Board of Amnesty International.

Rothstein was also applying to be on the Judicial Nominating Commission (you just can't make this stuff up. Like the emails of the Miami Judges, it's gold.) .
This way Rothstein could have ample opportunity to examine the signatures of potential judges. Never know when you're going to have to forge a signature. The mark of a successful lawyer has always included forgery. We got a 96 in forgery in law school. How did you do?

Speaking of the Miami Judges, just how happy are Judges Diaz and Faber that Rothstein has knocked them from the front pages?

The answer is Famous Miami Chef Michelle Bernstein, Ed Morse, and Scott Rothstein.

Name a Cook,. a Schnook, and a Crook.

Have a great weekend!

Suicide pool goes into week ten, plus football picks on Sunday.

We're getting swamped with spam comments so for a few days we're going to use the word verification to see if that stops it.


  1. Faber's bailiff shushed a newborn in court a few weeks ago. Seriously, who shushs a newborn?

  2. hey rump - don't you think that there is a "rothstein" connection to the murder of his law firm associate who was killed by the ex husband of the rothstein office manager? do you think that she knew too much? is law enforcement looking into this? rothstein bought his former office manager a luxury home after the murder...

  3. I swear that the first Judge who hangs a "children welcome" sign on their door and who takes the cases of people with small children out of turn first, will get out undying support and large financial contributions every six years.

  4. Methinks the pic was bullshit. Compare the one up now with the old one:

  5. The blockbuster new novel "Shumie Shrugged" will soon be released. The novel makes the philosophical argument that the world runs by the efforts of those who are mediocre. Without mediocrity the novel suggest, the world would grind to a halt. WHo would clean the clothes? WHo would make the beds in hotel rooms? Clean the tables, park the cars, work on the assembly lines? For every one genius who is celebrated, it is the mediocre who bring that genuis's talent and work product to the world to use.

    The novel explores what happens when the mediocre go on strike and move to a small town hidden from view. Society crumbles.

    It's a fascinating novel and one everyone should read.

  6. Has anybody seen lately Jeff dum da dum


  7. Rumpole- Judge Faber and I were just emailing each other about doing just that!!! GMTA!!!!

  8. Rumpole is Scott Rothstein.

  9. Best and closest guess yet. Take a bow.

  10. rothstein = rory stein - rumpole?
