Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Item: Judge Julio Jimnez claimed last week that an ASA stabbed him in the back. The investigation continues.

From the O/I-

Crimes against Judges Division:
Stone Rock- CAJ Detective:

The victim is a hispanic male, in his fifties, known to wear a black robe at work and is a Judge at the REGJB- an area well known to this detective to be rife with violence, deception, scurrilous characters, torpidness and stolidity.

At some point last week the victim claimed to be a victim of aggravated battery by being stabbed in the back by a co-worker.

The victim accused a specific co-worker who appears to be a member of a gang known to this detective as "Yo Yo Yo SAO". Their known gang signs include raising the middle finger of each hand when asked to exercise discretion and two well known and notorious rap songs called "my supervisor said NO" and "Yo Yo Yo da SAO is IN DA HOUSE." The suspect refused to be interviewed by this detective and referred all questions to her attorney. The victim referred this detective to his statements from the bench and various news articles reporting the incident.

Evidence of the crime includes frequent contact between the victim and the suspect; a dispute over the resolution of a work related issue in which the victim claims the suspect requested that the victim write her supervisor a letter requesting a resolution to this issue. When the supervisor responded by refusing to allow the suspect to cooperate with the victim some sort of scuffle ensued with the victim later making the unsubstantiated claim of aggravated battery.

There are several witnesses to the underlying dispute which clearly provided the suspect with the motive and opportunity to stab the victim in the back. However, there is not sufficient evidence at this time to arrest the suspect for aggravated battery.

This officer was not present at the time of the crime. No weapon was recovered during the investigation of this case. This case remains open/pending."


  1. Is that supposed to be humour? Satire?

  2. you forgot the standard part of every a-form.

    "Defendant resisted my efforts to arrest him. Defendant re-directed to the ground. Defendant taken to Ward D to have jaw wired shut."

    Or is that only for black defendants in Aventura?

  3. is there a better lawyer then terry lederman?

  4. I tried a case in front of Judge Jimenez a few years back while still working for the State. Jimenez is one of the most reasonable judges - he will give you a fair trial and he will give you a fair sentence. He treats the State and defense fair. He also recognizes bullshit cases and does not have a problem telling the State to grow some balls and do the right thing ie. stop wasting everyone's time. When the state gets a guilty on a lesser - misdemeanor, Jimenez does not have a problem giving it the right attention and an appropriate sentence- wh ses.

    The State needs to cool off and spend tax dollars in a better way, especially when it comes to ASA's who sit in their office most of the year and have not tried a case in years, but decide to step their foot in the REGJ Building and recuse a judge over such a ridiculous case.

  5. And that's another Miami Dolphins 4 quarter Loss!

    Goodbye Chad P, it was nice knowing ya.

    Heya Chad H- who da man? You DA MAN!

  6. Gawd it was sooo busy today in court for a Tuesday.

  7. Ummm (chomp chomp) Chad Pennington got hurt (smack) and ummm...it's Tuesday and there's not enough time for a jury this week is there? So it seems all things (chomp smack) considered a continuance is in order (smack) here.

  8. What was the name of that judge who was kicked off the bench and he was boffing all the pds/asa/ct reporters? He had like some cheese name like Cheddar or something.

  9. terry is the best guy in miami right now doing death penalty cases.

  10. There is a lawyer named Terrence(Terry) Lennamon, who is a really good defense lawyer.
    He specializes in death penalty cases.
    Is that who you are talking about?

    Never heard of a Terry Lederman.

  11. The Judge was Judge Brie and he was banging court reporters and cocktail waitresses two at a time. The players couldn't get a drink or a transcript so they sent in Judge Moe from Broward to straighten him out and he resigned.

  12. Nice post Rump! I love the humour!
