Tuesday, July 21, 2009


UPDATE: Before we begin, Judge Tom Petersen reads the blog!!!
Judge Tom Petersen said...

Hey ! I enjoy the repartee and accept criticism but I am neither senile nor absent. I am 67 and sit in County Court Criminal.
Believe me, I get absolutely no pleasure of writing a letter like that but I believe it to be true and felt I had to say it.
Judge Tom Petersen


In response to my being uninvolved in Juvenile, I have been involved for 42 years, beginning as the first PD there after the Gault Decision in 1967. prosecutor, ten years as Judge and for the past 15 years administraor of the TROY Academy school and the Teen Cuisine restaurant/culinary arts training program, both of which I initiated in 1992, three years after becoming a Judge.I have been Adjunct Professor of Criminology at the UofM for almost 20 years.

Thanks for your comments.

Judge Tom Petersen

4o Years ago today Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin successfully lifted off from the Moon (where Mission control cleared them as number 1 on the runway) and began their journey home fulfilling President Kennedy's commitment to landing on the Moon and returning safely before the decade was out.

It is worth remembering that when Kennedy committed this nation to a Moon landing (May 25, 1961) , NASA had a total of 16 minutes of manned space flight experience (Alan Shepard's sub-orbital flight).

We had no idea about things like the ability of humans to survive a lengthy space flight.
Most of the equipment, technology and theories needed to get to the moon were not even invented, much less contemplated.

There are things you know. There are things you don't know. And there are things you don't know you don't know. Apollo 11 involved discovering, learning, and mastering hundreds of thousands of things we didn't know we didn't know in 1961. And we did it in a little over 8 years.

Think about it. We as a human race reached to the stars and touched one of them.

We wrote yesterday that Apollo 11 remained the high water mark for our country. That is saying a lot. More than the battle fields of the Ardennes. More than the beaches of Normandy. More than flight itself or conquering Polio, Apollo 11 remains the ultimate proof of the greatness of our country.

It should be no surprise that the first nation dedicated to the principle that people are equal and free to develop the best within them, was the first and only nation to develop the technology to land on the Moon.

40 years ago today three Americans began their great journey home.

The safe return of Collins, Aldrin and Armstrong represented the triumph of reason, genius, and the kind of dedicated hard work that only free people willingly perform.

This indeed was our finest hour.


  1. The whole landing on the moon was a big hoax!


  2. This country has lost it's ability to imagine. In 1961 President Kennedy did more than commit the nation to place a man on the moon. He gave us a national purpose. Liberal and Conservative embraced this challenge and the result was a sucessful moon landing.

    Today, our national purpose is division. We can't agree on the simplest of things such as whether Insurance company bureauocrats or goverment bureauocrats should make our health care decisions. Everything has become politized.

    Pacificus knows that the moon landing commitment was political. But ask anyone who was 14 years old in 1969 what the Apollo program was about and the answer will be "putting a man on the moon" not who would win the next election.


  3. D-day was our finest hour.

    The singular moment, when Armstrong stands on the moon, is truly magnificent. But going to the moon freed no slave, turned back no tyrant, nor cured any sickness. In terms of massive scientific endeavours, the Manhattan Project is more impressive by far.

    Going to the moon was our way of thumbing out noses at the Soviet Union as payback for Sputnik. The mission of both was primarily political. Our decision to stop going to the moon was based upon the tremendous cost and minimal benefit.

    The Russians, whose current inventory of rockets and space vehicles are far more robust than ours, could go... but why bother? Likewise the Europeans.

    Today we talk of returning to the moon. Again, that is political white-wash. This time, the return to the moon is being used to justify a new fleet of rockets, very much needed, but which have no great cache.



    Was the word "A" spoken by Neil Armstrong on July 20, 1969 at approximately 10:56PM (EST) when he said his memorable words?

    It was in the original script. But it appears that he flubbed the first ever words spoken on the moon. For years he insisted that the audio recordings simply did not pick up the word "a".

    He finally admitted that he may have forgotten the word when first stepping on to the moon's surface. That was one explanation for the several seconds delay between the first part of the quote, "That's one small step for man"; and the second, "One giant leap for mankind". He realized what he had done - and then finished the quote.

    More recently, it was reported that NASA accidentally erased the original film of the event. Fortunaltey, there are several hundred million copies!

    Too bad JFK could not witness what he had challenged the best and brightest scientists and engineers of our country to pull off in less than a decade.

    It all happened July 20, 1969.

    Cap Out ....

  5. Sam I Am is right on the money. Almost. D Day was a tactical disaster. That is succeeded was due to pure luck and German bumbling. American troops were thrown against a literal firewall to be slaughtered like hogs. If such an operation were conducted today, court martials would follow very quickly. The American government intentionally lied to prevent the public from knowing the full scale of the horror. As for the moon landing, other than Tang, what good ever came out of it? We spent trillions of dollars to land men on a desolate rock. So what? And we could do it again and again if we wanted to. Again, so what? And if you can do something over and over again, I guess it is not that difficult. Want to try something hard? Pick up a baseball bat and try getting a hit in 56 straight games against major league pitching.



    Say goodbye to Court Reporters. SA Mike Satz and PD Howard Finklestein have signed an agreement whereby they will no longer use court reproters for depositions.

    Instead, a company called LawSonics will record the depositions through a speakerphone.
    The new system is called DepoTek and it is predicted to save mucho dolares for the state run offices.

    To read the entire article from the DBR, go here:


    Is Dade County next ....????

    Cap Out ....

  7. Or try this link:


  8. Not good. I will miss staring at those hot looking court reporters as I tried to sound intelligent

  9. The purpose of the Apollo program was to investigate the possibility of setting up low-gravity hydroponic grow houses in the moon.

  10. Rump.You must read the latest on miamifauxlawyers.Someone still has imagination.

  11. Rump
    The Dade PDs now have technology to record depos. A compined video/audio camera/micraphone has been installed in all felony APDs computer. We will begin recording all 3rd degree depos so we dont have to order the trranscript. Someday if all the Attorneys become Notorys we can swear them in and do a depo w/out any reporters. Then if we need to impeach we can just go to the tape and replay the cops/witnesses statement in words in court. If we use the right program, we can even get a transcript of the recordings.
    D. Sisselman

  12. other than being hot pieces of ass the court reporters serve no function in depos. abolishing the use of court reporters in depos is a good way to save money in this idiotic state where every year the government cuts taxes, services get worse and the drooling retarded rednecks who rule this shite hole wonder why they dont have enough money to pay for the basic services government provides

  13. Sisselman,
    When your client fires you + hires me, how do I get the transcript for trial?

    How come they are not filed with the clerk?

    Do you make copies for the prosecutors?

  14. Sisselman,

    You usually make sense. Has the summer heat gotten to you?

  15. most ct reporters are not hot. Jusr regular ladies doing their thing. But rarely hot.

  16. 3:47. obviously you have never met RONI.

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