Friday, March 13, 2009


The Broward Blog details an absolutely horrible event that occurred in Juvenile Court this week in which a 12 year old boy in Juvenile court custody was forced to urinate on himself because there were no bathroom facilities available and not enough officers present to take him to a bathroom.  (The title of the post links to the blog post)

This is a child we're talking about. 

We wonder how this sad event will scar this child for the rest of his life.

The moral test of government is how it treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped.
Hubert H. Humphrey. 

No smart quip. No pithy comment. No wisecrack. 

Just a deep sadness for the child and outrage that we participate in a system that does this and much much worse to our children. 

See you Monday when we hope we are feeling a bit more hopeful. 


  1. I think Elijah Williams is as good as a Judge as there is. I really enjoy being in front of him.

    However, the manner in which the juveniles are brought into a Broward County court, cuffed and shackled, is sickening.

    A society truly is measured by how we do certain things and how we treat juvenile offenders (not even "direct filed" kids) is revolting.

    To all in charge and anybody can be done better!

  2. Some would say that the kids have it coming because they did a crime.
    Others say, they are just kids.

    Adults should know better but, in jail they (adult jailers) simply do not care if you are about to stop breathing.

    That kid will get over it.

    The jail people should be schackled to a wall in front of kids and left there until they pee in their pants.

  3. I remember when you would get into a fight in high school, it'd get broken up, and maybe you got suspended and they'd call your parents. Now you get into a fight and both kids get arrested for Battery. I get that kids have gotten more violent (and armed) and there is a need for cops in CERTAIN schools, but the state of juvenile law enforcement is ridiculous...complete waste of resources in many cases....prevention and rehabilitation my ass.

  4. I am an old goat (70)--i pee myself all of the time--no big deal--what is your "horror"?perhaps this kid will remember it next time and make sure that his conduct will keep him out of court!!

  5. Sure much have you dealt with these kids? No fear, no remorse. Many of them are far more dangerous than their adult counterparts (yes, that's right, the fact that their frontal lobes/judgment aren't fully developed isn't just a mitigator, it's what makes them more dangerous). The juvenile system is a joke. Interview some of your clients. They'll tell you that.

  6. Saturday, March 14, 2009 3:15:00PM--

    YOU ARE AN ASS OLD GOAT!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. the trialmaster does not do juvie ct, unless the child is indicted on murder one and tried in adult court. Then the Trialmaster gets very involved and the state wishes they did not try the child as an adult.

  8. What I love about this story is the people who are surprised that all juvenile defendants are not forced to piss and shit all over themselves in court. They're the same people outraged that the 4 year old who brought his brothers pot to school is not in jail right now.

    Some of you out there really need to just go jump in front of a moving car.

  9. all of you who invest in the stk mkt should watch the video of john stewart intv jim cramer. what a fantastic cross. cramer deserves 366-spreading rumors is a 10b violation

  10. Hey Rump,

    Did you notice that President Obama banned the slaughter of "Downer Cows" just before nameing his new head of the Food and Drug Administration? Her name is Hamburg. Talk about ironic.

  11. It is hard to believe that contributors on this post are parents. You are heartless.

    1) When we talk juveniles, we are talking misds, and 3 and 2 felonies...not "direct files"

    2) Teens and kids do stupid and impulsive things...they are different from adults

    3) Many of these kids never have a chance, they are abandoned and ignored or their parents have significant shortcomings

    4) Your a bunch a of your buddy lawyers gets in trouble you are all so liberal...but with a kid, where you do not even know what the allegetion was, you are hard core

    5) A society that their abandons kids is a sinful society. That involves a lack of morals. No matter what my kids do, I back them 100% because there is a higher order than what is written in the statute books. When your kids know that they can always count on you, it has an effect on who they are and how they perceive themselves. Kids in our community must perceive themselves as just that, kids not as a 15 year old beyond reproach.

    6) If you condone or enable the institutionalized abuse of kids then you are a fool for not understanding what the cause is for people to go bad.

    7) Want to know how to prevent a lot of crime? Grow up in an affluent neighborhood, come from a loving family, be blessed with good health, have like minded friends, have money to steer away from problems, go to a great college and lawschool, become a professional and, as long as you work hard and you are honest, life is pretty fulfilling and easy. If you are not fortunate enough to have that (like I did)or even a portion of it, how can you honestly criticize kids that get the wrong end of the stick? Many of the times, their demise is not their fault.

    No kids deserve to pee on themselves. It will never be a learning experience other than pointing out how alienated you are from the law abiders.

  12. obviously this should not happen but you guys are making it out as if the child was raped and tortured. get a grip. maybe the 12 year old will remember that next time. I think the old goat is making more sense than you "oh wo' is me crowd"

  13. Scott

    Thank you for your insightful comments -- spot on.

    More importantly, thank you for taking on juvenile cases despite the embarrasing amount the State may pay you.

    I believe that the judges in juvenile appreciate your willingness to help.
