Friday, February 20, 2009


The title of the post links to the New Times article. 

Budget cuts are to blame.   The Dade SAO now loses three top trial prosecutors who have over 100 years of combined experience. 

The loss of these three prosecutors is bound to adversely affect our community. They did their job for decades, and they did it supremely well. 

But lets look a little deeper. Certainly  the prosecutors' office loss of three  top trial lawyers  may result in a rare not guilty on a serious capital case in the future. But what the  Dade SAO also loses is the experience that is passed on to younger and less experienced prosecutors. When Mr. Laeser tried a case, he usually had a younger prosecutor with him. Someone who could study and learn what it takes to throughly investigate and prepare a case for trial.  Mr. Laeser, Mr. Waksman and Mr. Gilbert took seriously their responsibility to train attorneys. When they leave the SAO, their knowledge and experience and ability to train younger lawyers leaves with them. 

And that is an irreplaceable loss indeed. 


  1. In every misdemeanor/traffic courtroom there are least three or four ASA's. Can't KFR allot two ASA's per courtroom, instead, and use the savings to keep Laeser, Waksman and Gilbert on the payroll?

  2. These are some serious lawyers being let go... KFR, you are a moron.

  3. When are they retiring? They all deserve a great sendoff.

  4. As for Laeser, Waksman & Gilbert...


  5. The shumie time guys are just pounding the south florida lawyer blog. He invited them and they are taking over. Must be 20-30 of them leaving comments.

  6. Can't KFR defer her own salary to keep one or more of those guys on the payroll?

  7. Rump=here's the deal. If you watch the movie JAWS backwards, it's basically about a shark that keeps throwing up people and eventually they have to open the beaches.


  8. Hey Rumpy one small request- keep posting the hot latina's twitter comments.

  9. 4:12--Shumie is going to be shuuuuuuming with the princess tonight.

    I heard from Rumpole the princess is like a kitty cat on the dance pole. Purr......

  10. Rumpole:

    How did you scooped by the New Times on this post? I read this for the first time Wednesday night. Have you lost all your sources in the SAO? Don't worry, I have some blockbuster info (some of which is in the public record now) on the BSO/Broward SAO that I promise to give to you the day before it hits the fan.

  11. 4:21:00 p.m., that is very true! I had never looked at it that way.

  12. Those three are a HUGE loss. David Gilbert, especially. Not only is he a great lawyer and a hell of a guy, but he took the time to help young ASA's learn the ropes and practice their craft with the integrity the position demands.

  13. 2:08 is right. I was in DV court this week and there were 4, count 'em 4 prosecutors for ..... drum roll please..... an arraignment calendar! Reminds me of the joke "How many ASA's does it take to handle an arraignment calendar?... but I digress, anyways, you don't need 4 people to handle 20 or 30 arraignments. Even though I am a criminal defense attorney, I too am a citizen of this county, I don't want the murderers and child molesters being set free for lack of experience on the part of the SAO (unless I represent them, of course... just kidding). Bottom line, KFR needs to take a hard look at her office, and restructure accordingly, keep the top prosecutors, and if you lose some ASA's in County Court, well then, we will all have to live with criminals who don't put the correct signage on their work vans in our midst. A small price to pay.

  14. no loss at all.excpt for the Abe's dry sense of humor. they will starve in pivate practice.

  15. I'm an ASA who is still in my initial 3 year commitment, and all I can say is this news is very disheartening. Some people I startd with take this job just to pay the bills. Some take it for th experience, and then to pay the bills. Some take it because they love protecting the people of the State.

    I've had brief interactions with all 3 of these ASAs, and could only have dreamed to work with them regularly. Rump hit it square on th head, as there is so much someone like myself could learn from these three men.

    Even though I make only $40,000 a year, I would much prefer to take a furlow on the 5-8 court holidays where the SAO is not closed, and keep these 3 ASAs.

  16. Those are some seriously big shoes to fill. Despite the knocks on the office, how many times do the major crimes ASAs lose a case?

  17. If only we had more ASAs like 9:36.......

    At least part of the office's problem is related to the glut of people who take the job for the purpose of gaining experience. The constant turnover keeps institutional knowledge at a minimum and ensures that people are promoted way too early (yes, you don't have to say it, the administration bears some of the responsibility for the turnover as well).

    I wish more people appreciated the responsibility that comes with being an ASA like 9:36 does.


  18. Rump what's the latest update with the twitter jewel?

  19. The question left at 7:27 is an answer I too would like to know.
    Rumpy-baby-sweetheart what is your twitter mistress up to?

    BTW- From one attorney to another do me a favor Rump and send the Princess a message via twitter--

    Those lawyers in Coral Gables don't stand a chance with the Colombian. This Palm Beach attorney is going marry her!
