Monday, February 09, 2009


The Florida Bar Board of Governors has voted 42-0 to authorize the Family Law section to file an amicus brief in the 3rd DCA in support of Miami Circuit Judge Cindy Lederman's ruling that the state's ban on adoption of children by gay couples violates the Equal Protection Clause. 

The title of the post links to the DBR article.

Rumpole says: Children need loving parents. End of inquiry. Period. 


  1. This is absolute proof that the Florida Bar totally espouses the homosexual agenda and unfairly and unlawfully disbarred be because I choose to freely and lawfully practice my Christian faith. Now who the hell else can I sue?

  2. to 4:14 pm

    The Captain Reports ...

    Grey Tesh is a board certified criminal defense attorney in Palm Beach County who has a successful criminal defense practice and who writes a criminal defense oriented BLOG covering what is going on in PB.

    Cap Out ...

  3. Rump,
    You should have added to your thought Children need loving parents,
    "no matter what the parents sexual orientation is."
    You're gonna have a lot of people who say that loving 'parents' means a mom and dad and not two moms or two dads.

  4. I think I was clear with the "end of inquiry. Period." I think that showed that I did not believe that the decision on adoption should include anything other than if two people can provide a safe and loving environment.

    When you start defining parents beyond one or two adults that assumes total responsibility to raise a child for life, you get into trouble.

  5. lederman made the right decision, let's hope it sticks.
