Monday, October 20, 2008


I was asked, and I agreed,  to remove the last post which was written by someone else in defense of Douglas Chumbley.  The comments were very favorable and well intentioned. However, they had unintended side effects and the author requested I remove them. 

I have never done this in the past. Indeed I have been threatened if I did not remove my own posts that certain individuals took offense to. Of course I never backed down when threatened. However, I did not write that last post. It was emailed to me by several well meaning individuals. Therefore, when the author asked me to remove, for well intentioned reasons, I did so.  Deal with it.  

I will post (almost) any and all comments criticising me about removing the post or putting it up to begin with. I will not post crude comments about former Judge Chumbley or his family, so don't waste your time writing them. It takes me less than one second to click the "don't publish" button.  Deal with it. 

I think I like the under tonight. But the way I have been on these lately, you should probably take the over. 

Denver at NE. Under 49. +50.  

Update: We won our bet last night, barely, so the ugly totals are as follows: we lost both big over bets this weekend for a -330, but we won both small bets based on our updated matrix for +50, for a total of -280. We won our MNF under for 50 for a weekly total of  714-230=484.  Maybe we'll just roll everything on a parlay of Obama Florida + Ohio. 


  1. I quit the blog. It's not what it used to be. Rumpole has lost that edge that made this blog what it was.

  2. A more interesting question is why it was published in the first place. To a certain degree, by picking and choosing which comments are posted, Rumpole gives a certain credibility that they would otherwise not have. The post while intended to be favorable gave an unrealistic explanation of what went down in the bathroom and ended by asking for a job in a most undignified manner. Take responsibly for the posts or publish everything. I don’t know who wrote in support of chumbly, but I assumed you vetted it. Rumpole had said that as chumbly was no long a public figure he should by left alone, why then was the post allowed in the first place.

  3. I posted the comment as a post because it was emailed to the FACDL and as such I believed, or should I say I assumed, it was approved for wide distribution. The person who wrote it has since sent an explanation as to why he did it, and basically it was an emotional response to a very upsetting situation.

  4. Defense attorney here. Although shit does happen, I really doubt that the cops arrested a judge based on the testimony of a flake who alleges that someone propositioned him with his penis exposed in a bathroom. If you didn't do it tell Centorino to pound sand and eat his PTI. Has anyone actually read the pc?

  5. I initially read the email from the poster where he said he was upset his email was distributed outside of FACDL-Miami. Then I read an email that appeared to be a complete retraction of what he said.

    I'm more concerned about the second issue.

  6. Did I miss something ?? Jay White has steadfastly refused to accept PTI for his alleged "wardrobe-malfunction" at the Madonna show. Rumpole, please get your story straight!!

  7. rumpole: i believe at this point with all of the public and collective interest in whether judge chumble was improperly prosecuted that you or the sao provide the facts contained within the arrest report affidavit.

  8. Rump- I was rollin with Nolan in San Fran. What happened?

  9. 11:19--------you want the affidavit? Make a public records request.

    Posting it here is totally unnecessary. Chumbley took PTI. He's not claiming he was falsely arrested or that the prosecution was malicious. Why should he be further embarasssed because a couple of guys who know 1/2 the facts are stirring the pot here? Leave him alone. He resigned. It's done.

    I don't know Chumbley from a whole in the hole, but I appreciate Rump's dignified handling of this mess. Those of you bashing Rump's efforts seem to forget that these folks are human beings. Yes, Rump has made mistakes.........we all do. But, he's trying, admits his errors and attempts to make up for them. That's a lot more than most of us can say. So, step off!


  10. PS-----6:19...........quit if you like.

    I'd rather see perspective instead of edge.


  11. I will not post the arrest affidavit in this case, so if you get it, it is for your own prurient interests.

  12. what is the statues of indigent defense after the overhaul of the system and creation of the 5 conflict offices? If representation is inadequate what is FACDL doing about it? Hearing Catalono talk about misd. traffic cases? please How about lobbying the legislature about felony defense funds? Is that all you can do as a defense organization? Then you are no better than the federal government you criticize. Let's debate abortion when it has been legal for 35 years and ignore 10000 handgun murders a year. Lets ingore inadequate defense of poor accused of felonies and put on trainging seminars for habitual drunk drivers and other hfo in danger of losing their drivers licenses. a bunch of very small men indeed.

  13. Anyone interested in starting a Judge Michael Genden fan club?

  14. Check out the Judge Dennis v. Judge Miller brouhaha in the Herald. Judge Dennis is alleging that Miller grabbed and shoved her during a dispute over a fax machine. Priceless!

  15. the trialmaster does not have a "wide stance"

  16. Look,

    Any author of such a thing should have a right to retract it.

    But, when I read it I knew something was not true. It made no sense.

    They never make a misd arrest for that kind of case unless the cop sees it. They state would not file it on someone's word alone. There must be more to this story.

    Second, the judge should not have resigned if he had a valid defense.

    Third, I too would like to see the damn file before I am sure what really happened.

    Can someone please scan the a form and send it to rump?

    A Dumb Defense Attorney

  17. "Iron Mike Genden" is both a great guy and a wonderful jurist. During his justice building stint, he maintained a file cabinet replete with case law on numerous criminal law issues. He was a "go-to-guy" for many a judge who wanted to make the right call. He is also great in civil on forfeiture issues. Lastly, he is known to his fellow judges as the "Lunch King". The guy is also an Epicure Regular along with Leesfield, Venzer and Ron "Epicure King" Dresnick.

  18. Genden was a real, down-to-earth guy who wore his heart on his sleave and, also, happened to be an exceptional and caring judge. It was always a pleasure to be in front of him. The RJG building went a bit downhill when he left.
