Monday, October 06, 2008


UPDATE: First we fixed the links in the post. Sorry for the problems. The links work. 
Second, why not take a flyer on the over 47 tonight? 50 Tobins on the over. Just for fun. Minnesota (don't cha know)  at the Big Easy.

OYEZ OYEZ The US Supreme Court is in session,   just in time to steal another election if the Republicans need a little boost on November 5. 

The title links to the SCOTUS Blog and the Oyez links to the Court itself. 

On Tuesday the Court hears argument on two criminal law cases:
Herring v. US, on the issue of whether the exclusionary rule applies to evidence seized based on erroneous information;

and  Arizona v. Gant, on whether under New York v. Belton the police can conduct a warrantless search of an automobile if the arrested occupant poses no threat to officer safety or destruction of evidence.

It's been more than a week since a Judge in Broward did something "un-judge" like. Well, the wait is over. Personally offended that one of his "boyz" was beaten at the polls,  chief Judge Vic Tobin has been working the phone lines,  trying to get Judge Robert Andrews, who is going to be retiring due to health reasons, to retire early so Tobin can get Judge Dijols  appointed. 

Andrews refused to retire early. Tobin denied the report to the Herald calling Andrews "not well." Andrews responded by saying he didn't know Pedro "from Adam's house cat." 

Now that's what we've all come to expect by our distinguished Judges from Broward. A good ole fashioned fight, replete with political promises and intrigue. Perhaps Tobin is a bit concerned that if all these Judges keep losing at the polls, his support as head honcho could evaporate faster than you can say "Dale Ross." However, it's nice to know Vic Tobin has Governor Charlie Crist in his vest pocket. Let him out for air once in  awhile, and with a little sunlight, food and water, he could grow into something big.

Now here is apparently one problem Judge Tobin did not anticipate: Mardi Levey-Cohen Palin has announced that if Judge Dijols is appointed, she will in fact serve his term. (readers following the election mess know that currently Levey-Cohen is not on the ballot and that a vote for Dijols is a vote for her.) What a mess!.

Miami Dade practice tip:
On the second and third Mondays in October the Hialeah Branch Court serves free pastelitos and cuban coffee to the first thirty lawyers who file NOAs. 

See You In Court, not expecting much help from the nifty nine. 


  1. Last Chance to RSVP for two FACDL-MIAMI events taking place next week:

    October 16 - Luncheon Seminar

    October 18 - Evening at the New Theatre

    For more information about all of the FACDL-MIAMI October events, please visit our website by clicking on the link to the left of the main page of this BLOG or go to:

  2. Stat of the night- in the second quarter with the Vikings up 17-10 Minnesota had 30 yards and 17 points.

  3. Rumor around the Clerk’s office is that someone put Julio Valido on the ballot to dilute Hispanic votes away from clerk of court candidate Alfredo Perez.

    Rumor is that candidate Julio Valido’s mother Diana or Dayana Valido and his father Julio Valido, Sr, both work for the Clerk’s office.

    Rumor is that candidate Julio Valido has not attended one campaign event, responded to one invite to a campaign event. He has not spent a nickel on his campaign.

    Julio Valido a professional air conditioner repair man aims to be clerk of the court? Valido’s parents both work for the clerks office?

    Does any of this pass the smell test?

  4. Our prayers go out to Judge Andrews in Broward. Hope that he feels better real soon. Judge Andrews is brilliant, fair and always a real pleasure to appear before. He gets the issues quick and asks the attorneys questions that are directly on point. After he rules and the hearing is over, it is then common for Judge Andrews and the attorneys to then spend 5 to 10 minutes chatting in chambers about non-case related stuff. Hope he feels better soon.
