Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Some of the best comments from the comments sections by our readers  about the  Fax fight between Judge David Miller and Judge Maria Espinosa Dennis:

judges sepe, shenberg and gelber said...
We have all gotten together because this brings shame and dishonor on the Dade Judiciary and we are all individually and collectively appalled.

anonymous said... (edited by Rumpole. Full comment is in yesterdays post.)
Where do I start?
Judge Blake has 38 new jokes
Judge Lindsey doesnt understand this whole thing
Judge Muir is explaining it to Judge Lindsey
Judge Thomas is holding a hearing on this at 10pm Friday
Judge Margolious is remembering all the judges he did a "nugie" on over the years

Rumpole, please just the fax. hahahahhaha. get it? just the facts (fax) ???

And our personal favourite:

anonymous said...
Cost of an Administrator for 120 Judges $100,000.00 +
Cost of a Fax Machine - $350.00
Seeing the Judiciary behave like children because the Administration did not do their job -


  1. The movie "W." is in theaters. It is an excellent movie, the commercials do not do justice to it. It is a serious movie with only 2 or 3 uniquely Oliver Stone brief scenes. One for instance, and I don't know what he was thinking to put this in the movie if factually true, has W and his wife having a conversation while he takes a crap and while she reads in bed. Be that as it may the question now becomes and the point of this post is the following: What lawyers should prosecute and defend W when he is indicted. The movie and recent books lead to t he inescapable conclusion that if Obama wins and the Dems. have over 60 in the Senate there will be Watergate/IranContra type hearings regarding the invasion of Iraq. I nominate since they have both been on tv lately and we all know that is the essence of trial excellence: Mark Eiglarsh and Yale Galanter.

  2. There is unanimous agreement that former Judges Jon Colby and Alan Postman should be appointed to chair an "inquiry into the incident involving a fax machine and the Honorables David Miller and Maria Dennis Espinosa".

    Colby and Postman will be vested with subpoena power, and a table at Mortons from 12pm -8pm, from which they can interview witnesses and nosh.

    At the conclusion of their investigation the Judges will issue a report that will be as much anticipated and read as the president's annual report on fitness.

    Once their report is made public, Judges Postman and Colby will then teach a class to all Dade County Judges entitled "How to get along with your fellow Judge...or all I need to know about using a fax machine in ten minutes or less." Colby and Postman will require that each and every Judge read and sign a statement swearing that they have read "fax machines for idiots" and "the principles of dispute resolution" by the Dali Lama, forward by the Honorable David Young.

    This and Only This will restore the honor and integrity to our beloved bench in Dade County.

  3. Laughing my ass off. For those of you new to Dade County, Gerald Weatherington was the chief Judge prior to Judge Farina.

    Trivia: Who was the chief judge prior to Weatherington. Rumpole, anyone?

  4. wetherington was the chief before judge rivkind. farina came after rivkind.

  5. Rump- with the defection of his top capo regime mendy the shark, the Gaviria family has been dealt a stunning blow. Mendy was in charge of collections and litigation and right now the Moldovan family is moving in on territory that Garvria can no longer defend.

  6. Easy to answer except between Wetherington and Farina was Rivkind. Before that was Cowart.

  7. Does David Young understand that by dropping a dime to Joan he has exposed his client (Espinosa-Dennis) to public disclosure of the JQC issue? Does he understand that all of the files of the SAO at the end of this sorry affair will be public knowledge and all the judges and court personnel who will give statements under subpeona to the SAO will have those statements disclosed as public record? How incredibly stupid, short sighted and self absorbed can one a--hole be.

    That is why David has no business representing anyone. He was never a good lawyer to begin with. (His only lawyer job was with the SAO and they only took him on and kept him because of this father.) Is his TV career in such jeopardy that he needs to start establishing a practice claiming to be a JQC expert?

    David snap your fingers and go back to Hollywood where they appreciate you. We are no longer are forced to tolerate you here.

  8. A three way "Battle Royale" erupted today in Judge Fernandez' court which spilled into the second floor hallway. My two sons reported that Jay White, Jonathon Blecher, and Phil Reizenstein (in that order) were in the queue awaiting there turn at the podium. Apparently, Reizenstein's breifcase trolley had crushed Blecher's toes sending him into what my sons described as a "Tazmanian Frenzy". Blecher then erroneously accused White of the toe-paux. Blecher then grabbed Jay's infamous python/schnauzer briefcase and frisbee'd it into the hallway. Reizenstein's briefcase trolley fell on its side spilling its contents which included: an empty Hostess Twinkie bag, a Dungeons and Dragons Strategy Guide, and two Regal Cinema Passes to High School Musical. More details to follow..

  9. Rump= accept. Do I have time to buy a new suit? Can I get my hair done?Will there be publicity photos? Can they just shoot me from the right side, semi profile? Will there be hot support staff to "assist" me?

  10. this just in ; Judge Blake refused an invitation to caffe con leche by Judge Jimenez. As a result the Versailles restaurant on calle ocho is now banning any judge who is non-cuban. As retaliation, the Jewish American Bar Association (JABA) has called out its pit bull enforcer lawyer Richard Hersch and will be filing a complaint with the JQC over the flooding of the coffe market in the Gerstein Building with coffee "too strong" for the average Jewish lawyer to stomach. This conspiracy, started by the late Judge Crespo, to accentuate the power base of Cubans vis a vis the Jewish robed ones has led to other fallout. Judges Emas and Firtel recently were given poor seats at a Cuban retaurant while Latino judges were given seats in the more prestigious back area. This perceived slight has led to discussions by anglo and JABA judges to boycott plaintains and arroz blanco. More to come at 6.

  11. Leonard Rivkind was chief judge before Joe Farina and Gerry Wetherington was chief judge before Rivkind.

  12. I vote we ban Ken Weisman from the blog, His comments are moronic and he dresses a lot worse than he thinks he does.

    All in favor say "AYE-WEISMAN GOODBYE."

  13. and Ed Cowart was the chief before Jerry. and probably the best judge ever to wear robes in at least in dade county.

  14. Postman would have surely been chief Judge if he had stayed. Doesn't Colby work for him now at Postman and Associates?

  15. If Judge Dennis was so petty that she hid her fax machine from Judge Miller, Miller was right to call her out. Maybe Miller was a jerk in criminal, but his reputation with the folk in civil is gold. By the way, you seen that file for the judge?

  16. Yesterday; "The other judges on the 4th Floor for joining in the complaint."

    Who are the 4th floor Judges that joined? Also can I send a fax machine to each of the Judges or would that fall under gifts over $50 prohibited?

  17. A Guide To Safe FAX

    Q. Do I have to be married to have safe fax?
    A. Although married people fax quite often, there are many single people who fax complete strangers every day.

    Q. My parents say they never had fax when they were young and were only allowed to write memos to each other until they were twenty-one. How old do you think someone should be before they can fax?
    A. Faxing procedures can be performed at any age, once you perfect the procedures.

    Q. If I fax something to myself, will I go blind?
    A. Certainly not, as far as we can see.

    Q. There is a place on our street where you can go and pay for fax. Is this legal?
    A. Yes, many people have no other outlet for their fax drives, and must pay a "professional" when their need to fax becomes too great.

    Q. Should a cover always be used for faxing?
    A. Unless you are really sure of the one you are faxing, a cover should always be used to insure safe fax.

    Q. What happens if I do the procedure incorrectly, and I fax prematurely?
    A. Don't panic. Many people prematurely fax when they haven't faxed in a long time. Just start over, most people won't mind if you start again.

    Q. I have a personal and a business fax. Can transmissions become mixed up?
    A. Being bi-faxual can be confusing, but as long as you use a cover with each one, you won't transmit anything you're not supposed to.

  18. 12:25 - Yesterday there were posts that eluded to initials BM and VP and one post actually named Victoria Platzer.

  19. I have an idea, Farina should send Adrian to Civil, Miller to Family, Dennis to Criminal, and Platzer to Dependency. How is that guys?

  20. love it!! i'm assuming dennis espinosa is meant to go to jail when you say criminal. am i right?
