Wednesday, September 24, 2008


DOWN GOES DIJOLS. DOWN GOES DIJOLS. (thanks to Howard Cosell for his "down goes Frazier ...down goes Frazier" call in the historic Frazier/Foreman fight.). 

The title links to the 4th DCA opinion ruling that Mardi Anne Levey Cohen (add favorable name here)  shall be restored to the ballot for the upcoming judicial election.  The Broward  County Elections Department which had produced ballots with Levey's name, and then was ordered by Miami Judge Feder to destroy those ballots and produce a ballot with Dijols's name has now been told to "stop the presses" and make another ballot with Levey's name. 

Broward has spent so much money on the ballot fiasco that they have been forced to print presidential ballots with just John McCain's name, as they do not have enough money to print a Barack Obama ballot. 

Anyway, the 4th held that the voters voted and that is that.  There's some sort of claptrap about the difference between being qualified to be a judge (and don't get us started on that) and using a maiden name. But who reads appellate opinions carefully anyway? The decision ends with a refusal to entertain any motion for re-hearing. 
The only question that remains is whether Dijols seeks redress with the Florida Supreme Court. Why doesn't he just apply to the Supreme Court? They have a vacancy, and then everyone can be happy.  See, if we were Governor things would be so much simpler without all this needless litigation. 

We may now decide to run for Judge in Miami under the name "Don Shula Dan Marino Rumpole"  since the 4th DCA has now given the green light to the name game as it applies to judicial candidates. 

See You In Court. 
Thurgood Marshall John Roberts Daniel Marino Donald Shula Rumpole, III, Esq. 


  1. You missed the point since she qualified with Dijolis never said boo with her maiden name why change it now.

    Dijolis waited until after he lost to say boo.

    JQC will get her thrown of bench in 2010. Now the Broward New Times will have to reprint the article.

  2. Not really clear on this issue. Why would she drop the Cohen and go with Levey? Does Cohen sound more,or less,Jewish than Levey???
    That's the reason why candidates in Dade change their names; to appeal to certain ethnicities.
    What was her angle?

  3. I would like to run as Elian Gonzalez, Esq.

  4. Where else but in Miami could another ballot botch up occur?

    I will no longer be coming into the office in the mornings. My mornings are now reserved for the Princess.

    Can't this man do two things at one time? this is the most drama i've even seen. this is the biggest, biggest fairy tale I've ever heard. IF JOHN MCCAIN CAN'T FOCUS ON TWO THINGS AT THE SAME TIME, HOW CAN HE BE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES? This is pure political reasons because he's dropping in the polls. Send Sarah Palin to deal with the economy. After all, that old fool thinks she's more qualified on the economy than anyone else because she was the mayor of WASALLA (spelling) and the mayor of ALASKA from where she can see RUSSIA. GIVE ME A F-ING BREAK.

  6. this is the 3:00 a.m. phone call we've been talking about. Our economy is in crisis, there's a 3:00 a.m. phone call, and Grandpa McCain just roll over and and went to sleep.

  7. Lurvey got another JOA this week on another cop. Who's he paying?

  8. 2:17,
    Remember, Elian got sent back.

  9. 2:17 - I thought Rosa Rodriguez already has. Copy-cat!!

  10. She lost as Cohen, so I guess she wanted to try with another name.

  11. Michael Hernandez found guilty of 1st degree murder

  12. any inside information on the GUILTY Hernandez verdict from Orlando?



    Michael Hernandez found GUILTY as charged of First Degree Murder. Now the Judge has no choice but to sentence him to LIFE in prison.

    Cap Out

  14. WOW. That's awful. The judge will have to sentence that murderer to life? What a shame. Just breaks my heart.

  15. McCain to cancel the first debate. Cites economic collapse as more important.

    Obama and McCain were supposed to issue a joint statement, but McCain said no such agreement was in place, said he has to roll up his sleeves and work and not mess with statements.

    Does it seem to you that McCain keeps saying: "I need to work on fixing what is broken, Obama if you want to focus on the campaign, then you're a moron when our country is in crisis?"

    Don't know if that was a seized opportunity there to campaign without really campaigning.

  16. 1:30: her angle is that her husband is a judge. Using hubby's last name has the advantage of creating connection with the sitting judge. Remeber the Eddie Murphy movie "Distinguished Gentleman."

  17. BREAKING: Jack Thompson permanently disbarred... I think I'm going to turn on the ol' playstation for a game of Grand Theft Auto in celebration

  18. SOUTH CHARLESTON, W.Va. (Sept. 25) -- A West Virginia man who police said passed gas and fanned it toward a patrolman has been charged with battery on a police officer.
    Jose A. Cruz, 34, of Clarksburg, was pulled over early Tuesday for driving without headlights, police said. According to the criminal complaint, Cruz smelled of alcohol, had slurred speech and failed three field sobriety tests before he was handcuffed and taken to a police station for a breathalyzer test.
    As Patrolman T.E. Parsons prepared the machine, Cruz scooted his chair toward Parsons, lifted his leg and "passed gas loudly," the complaint said.
    Cruz, according to complaint, then fanned the gas toward the officer.
    "The gas was very odorous and created contact of an insulting or provoking nature with Patrolman Parsons," the complaint alleged.
    He was also charged with driving under the influence, driving without headlights and two counts of obstruction.
    Cruz acknowledged passing gas, but said he didn't move his chair toward the officer nor aim gas at the patrolman. He said he had an upset stomach at the time, but police denied his request to go to the bathroom when he first arrived at the station.
    "I couldn't hold it no more," he said.
    He also denied being drunk and uncooperative as the police complaint alleged. He added he was upset at being prepared for a breathalyzer test while having an asthma attack. The police statement said he later resisted being secured for a trip to a hospital that he requested for asthma treatment.
    Cruz said the officers thought the gas incident was funny when it happened and laughed about it with him.
    "This is ridiculous," he said. "I could be facing time."

  19. Man Charged with Battery on Police Officer for farting in Cop's direction:

    No folks, we do not make stuff like this up, we just report it.

  20. "Now the Judge has no choice but to sentence him to LIFE in prison"

    So what, Captain?

  21. Sorry for the delay in posting comments. In trial as well. I am debating whether I should comment on the disbarment of Thompson. I have to think about it. The order is linked on the Broward Blog

  22. come on rump...comment away!!!

  23. hmm lurvey gets an acquittal and rumpole mentions that he hasnt been able to blog becuase of trial.

    reizenstein is still top suspect but lurvey is running a close second

  24. Enjoy disbarment, Jack...

    Remember, in your next choice of career, to memorize the following:

    "Would you like to biggie size that?"


  25. Why, did his wife not represent him in the Florida Supreme Court?

  26. I take no joy that Jack Thompson is disbarred but his downfall was a direct result of his erratic behavior and rantings.

    Rump congratulate me. The Princess FINALLY accepted my comment!

    Attorney NOT Rejected By The Princess

  27. nobody wants the princesss crap on here; it makes that other blog unreadable & insufferable... please keep it over there.
