Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Judge Chumbley gets top marks, Judge Jeri Cohen not so bueno.

The NY Times reports that our fearless and feckless president has decided to punish Russia by sic-ing Condi Rice on them. Plus he's sending "aid" to Georgia, including a shipment of spare exercise bicycles he no longer uses, and DVD's of the best of Donald Rumsfeld. 

That'll show em.   You don't mess with idiots from Texas. 

The federal blog has salacious pictures of Paris Hilton that appeal to the prurient interests of aging federal magistrates. 

If you need the blogging equivalent of a cold shower after visiting Mr. Markus's federal "T-n-A" blog,  you can hop over to the Supreme Court blog and check out a fascinating dissertation on whether Alaskan fisherman are entitled to interest in the Exxon Valdez case.  If that doesn't cool you down, nothing will. 

And last but not least, here is the New Times article on your favourite humble little blog and blogger. 


  1. Congrats on your New Times shout out. Myabe next time, though, they'll interview some dade county attorneys who know what's going on down here.

  2. Rump-- You The Man!

    Attorney Rejected By The Princess,
    proud member since 2008

  3. "I've sailed the seven seas. And the first vote I ever cast was for Ronald Wilson Reagan in 1979. And I worked for the Afghan resistance to the Soviet invasion in the 1980s. That's enough."

    Rump: Have you been misquoted? How were you able to vote for Ronald Wilson Reagan in 1979, if the election wasn't until 1980?

    BTW, link is to a nice article. Did you work for the CIA in college?

  4. 4:56 Afghan- it is clear you can't think outside the box, so I'll help you- Reagan had more than a dozen primary election battles in 1979 before he became the Republican Nominee.

  5. Hey Rump: I heard that JORGE CUETO, soon to be Judge CUETO, has received a call from the White House to travel to Georgia as a special envoy, I knew Mr. CUETO is fully fluent in RUSSIA - from his days with the Agency, but go figure they re-oped him in a time of crisis, speakes volumes of his abilities, we should all support CUETO, better choice than Veliz and her husband, the make-a-list duo!

  6. herein lies the bush administration's gift to future generations.

    The USA is accusing Russia of invading a sovereign state irrespective of international laws and norms for the purposes of a regime change...

    Sound familiar!?

    You've got to be kidding me, what sort of leg does bush think he can stand on with the Russians.

    You, Mr. President, have bequeathed unto us quite disaster in the realm of international relations. Your foray into Mesopotamia has now set an untimely precedent, where international bodies and laws are ignored, powerful states are unencumbered to do as they please, and the weak suffer the inequities of the mighty.

    Georgia is only the second of many states that will fall prey to the vanities of individuals and the excesses of the privileged masses

  7. Nice try Rump, but no cigar. My box is just fine, thank you.

    There were no "primary election battles" in 1979, as you say. There were only a handful of multi-candidate forums and straw polls that year.

    In fact, Reagan was so far ahead in the polls that his campaign strategists decided on an "above the fray" plan.

    He only attended a handful of these straw polls and there were no "primary battles" in 1979.

    Reagan didn't officially enter the race until November 3, 1979.

  8. Float like a butterfly
    sting like a bee
    your hands can't hit
    what your eyes can't see.

    Rumble young man, rumble.

  9. NO PRIMARY BATTLES IN 1979? Check out the Iowa Caucus (BIg Mo for George Bush) New Hampshire debate at the NRA ("I paid for this microphone!" Reagan yelled) and Bush beats Reagan in the Mass primary. Those are the first few I can remember. Rep Phillip Crane was running as well. I remember my first vote and I remember where I cast it and for whom I voted.

  10. CONCORD, N.H. - A debate, a microphone and one famous remark during the 1980 New Hampshire primary helped thrust Ronald Reagan to the presidency. George H.W. Bush had scored an unexpected victory in the Iowa caucuses, and appeared to have the momentum in the days leading up to the New Hampshire primary.

    But a debate on Feb. 23, 1980, turned the tide in Reagan's favor. Reagan uttered the words, "I am paying for this microphone, Mr. Green." (the editor's name was actually Mr. Breen and the quote has been often repeated as "I paid for this microphone").

    Reagan actually borrowed the quote from a Spencer Tracy movie "State Of The Union." In that show, Spencer Tracy's character was to be cut off at a debate, and he said that line.

    Cap Out ...

  11. Rump:

    If you can't see the differences between Iraq and Georgia, you're pretty damn clueless.

    Kinda like your hero Obama's moral equivalence in his first comments on the Russian invasion.

    Given your confusion over the "1979" primaries, though, it's kinda understandable

  12. Rump, some of us Gerstein building hacks would like to know if the violation of the cease fire by Russia will affect the Florida-Georgia game?

  13. For about a year, Miami city leaders have tried to evict ''Khali Kreme,'' ''Sincere Luv'' and the other ''dorm dudes'' of, a gay porn site that films out of a red-brick colonial-style house.
    From the outside, nothing about the home's appearance suggests it's different from its neighbors. But inside, multiple webcams capture occupants' almost every move -- from household chores to regularly scheduled sexual encounters....

    Cocodorm argues its Edgewater home can't be called an adult business because, unlike a run-of-the-mill strip club, the public is not invited in. Those who want to see Cocodorm's ''hottest and horniest'' do so via the Internet, with a credit card.
    Avoiding the adult-business label is key, because Miami's zoning code limits such establishments to industrial areas and requires they obtain city approval. Should the courts agree with Miami, the operation would likely be closed.
    `NOT GOOD'
    ''What they are doing is not good for the neighborhood,'' laments Miami Code Enforcement Director Mariano Loret de Mola.
    That conclusion is far from certain, and U.S. District Court Judge Marcia Cooke recently rejected a city effort to dismiss Cocodorm's suit

  14. great quote rumpole.

    you are 1 cool old man.

    extremely attentive to detail; strict or exact in the observance of the formalities or amenities of conduct or actions.

    Use: Every day the punctilious Judge required her bailiff to shout "hear ye hear ye..." before she took the bench.

  16. Can anyone explain to me why there are no comments from a fake shumie or fake Q?

  17. Florida Supreme Court JNC list of finalists is out.

    Torpy and

    Gee- I wonder who's the only one that a Republican Governor can appoint?

    Hint: He used to be in the House.

  18. The frita, the Cuban version of a hamburger, has made a comeback in Havana.

    Since June, the traditional frita can once again be found among the offerings at a cafeteria adjacent to the Puerto Sagua Restaurant in the heart of Havana, where it is served in its classical style with soft buns and julienne-fried malanga.

    The highly-seasoned burgers are sold for 24 Cuban pesos, about $1.

    The cafeteria is owned by the state-run corporation Habaguanex, run by Havana historian Eusebio Leal.

    Lost from Cuban culinary memory since the late-1960s, the return of the frita has received a warm welcome from both locals and tourists who flock to the small establishment with just seven tables.

    Although the novelty offering has increased business over the past couple of months, many Havana locals have complained of the high cost now associated with a meal that was once vastly popular and economically accessible.

    Many elderly residents still recall a time when the burgers could be purchased for just a few cents. In a country where state salaries are paid in pesos, 24 pesos can be quite an expensive meal. Cubans earn an average monthly salary of 408 pesos, which amounts to about $17.

    ''A very nice initiative, everything is very nice, but for my budget, it is a bit too much to go eat fritas with my husband and two kids,'' Rosalba Diaz, a high school teacher from central Havana, told El Nuevo Herald in a telephone interview. ``Do the math: Four fritas are $4 and that kind of outing can't happen every day.''

  19. Those names are reserved by the international protocol on fake bloggers and cannot be released without the applicant fulfilling several conditions and paying a premium price.

    Currently the IPFB has over 18,000 fake names on reserve.

  20. Rick Freedman

    You are no doubt a well intended man but I am not sure if an individual has ever bugged me more then you have. You are dominating my email inbox at an alarming rate. And by the way, I am not liberties last champion but rather, a maverick hired gun looking for a good fee. Tone it down a notch chachi..



    Supreme Court JNC sends names to
    the Governor:

    For the Cantero seat, an At-Large Vacancy, the names are:

    Judge Charles Canady, 54, Lakeland, Second District Court of Appeal

    Judge Kevin Emas, 50, Miami, 11th Judicial Circuit

    Edward G. Guedes, 44, Miami, Attorney

    Judge Jorge Labarga, 55, West Palm Beach, 15th Judicial Circuit

    Judge Vincent G. Torpy, Jr., 52, Daytona Beach, Fifth District Court of Appeal

    For the Justice Bell seat, the names are:

    Judge Ricky L. Polston, 52, Tallahassee, First District Court of Appeal

    Judge Waddell A. Wallace, III, 55, Jacksonville, 4th Judicial Circuit

    Judge Peter D. Webster, 59, Tallahassee, First District Court of Appeal

    The Governor now has 60 days to make the appointments.

    Captain Out ....

  22. So, CABA leaders are excited that 243 people returned their poll. Out of 1400 mailed. quick math here, oh, about 17 %.
    That's lame.
    And now the poll gets released and john q public thinks that's representative of what CABA thinks and endorses.
    243 !!
    and let me guess, none of those poeple voted for their friends or in a 'popularity' contest. It was all based on merit? yeah, right.
    And how bogus is it to ask how the challengers 'treat' Hispanics.
    What is that based on? If you've seen the challenger say hello to a Cuban in the hallway?
    DBR publishing this story as if was big news just shows how lame they can be too. and if I were writing this on papaer, I'd say I myself have wasted too much ink on this non-story.

  23. Saw Lurvey and Shumie posting on Shumie's computer. They are either Rump or Captain-no doubt.

  24. While agreeing with the conventional wisdom that Charlie will follow Jeb's top down approach of picking a DCA judge, I will depart from the conventional wisdom that he will pick Canady as a sop to McCain's efforts to shore up an ostensible lack of conservative Republican bona fides. I'm going with Torpy. He went to FSU, too, so there's something going on there.

    As to the Bell replacement, no doubt it's either Webster or Polston. That's a toss-up, so I'm calling Webster, if only because the coin landed tails up.

  25. former prosecuter Marlyn Marcus has passed on.

  26. To 11:51 am - from the tone of your comments, it appears that your favorite candidate(s) didn't fare so well on the CABA poll? Apparently this group of lawyers looks beyond ethnicity to recognize who is more qualified and who is less qualified to be a judge. Actually 17% is a decent representation since it's larger than the anticipated voter turnout for August 26th (estimated to be around 12%). Remember, if you don't vote, your opinion doesn't count. This goes for the bar poll and for the election.


    As I have said before, CABA is no longer the Cuban American Bar Association, it is the "TIO THOMAS Uncle Tom) Bar Association. An instrumentality of the large law firms who have managed to take over the board and steer philosophy to suit their agenda, under the aura of Cuban American - used to promote those the new majority wants - who are you kidding!

    How can anyone pass judgement on a non-incumbent who has never had either the power or position to exhibit judicial treatment? You can guess, which is as good as Ass-U-Me. No one can tell how any person will handle their success to become a judge; to many a judges and politicos the success is intoxicating, going to their heads like a bottle of Jose Cuervo. In “too few years” I have too often seen successful candidates forget where it was they came from, where they’ve been, what they have seen! See it all the time with politicos, who forget or turn on their roots, forget humility, and arrogance and delusion becomes their mark, they are usually one term wonders.

    I challenge CABA to publish the list of those who cast ballots, specifically all those submitting absentee ballots (the new CABA election scam borrowed from the local (Sweetwater/Miami/Hialeah) elections to manipulate success, and the return list on this most recent poll. What was the percentage of present versus absentee ballots cast for current CABA board members? If CABA does, I suggest you will see that a disordinate percentage of ballots originated from large law firms blocks, vis absentee ballots. So who are you kidding, you are lying to yourself first, and deceiving this community. Look in the mirror.

    For the Record, last time I posted there was an apparent youngster - one who was obviously not arround before the 90's - who took issue with my critic and persepective of the new CABA, you have your right, but look at the hatch marks on my sleeve, the scrapes on my knuckles, and the bloody nose from hitting the glass ceiling in an all white law firm, only then we can talk on the same plain and compare experiences and commitment!

    I am neither a judicial candidate, nor was I a candiadate for the CABA board, but I am old school. I am one of those who is at home with the "little people," have not forgottne how and what it took to get here, still remember all those who supported my sucesses, and one of those to whom the "elite" in our profession often recruit at election time, so I know well of what I speak.

    I started practicing in this Town when there were judges like Turner, Baralt, Lance. McKenzie, etc., whose disdain for Hispanics and minorities in general was not only evident, but blatant. I interviewed at a local firm whose senior partner said Cubans do not make good trial lawyers (well-I proved him wrong - my first solo victory was against his firm, with him as first chair - before a gem of a judge - Silver). I remember as a youth being in then Municipal Court" accompanying my father on an ordinance violation only to hear the then "Municipal Judge" comment that "you Cubans come to this country to violate the law." -

    So to anyone wants to take issue with my perspective, I ask you to walk the walk and gain the experience, it is easy in Miami today to walk into any Government Office or Courtroom in Miami-Dade, and get some modicum of repected and sense of equality or a level playing field, but you have those advantage and all that deference because some of us old time dinosaurs paid the price, and have not forgotten and will never forget our experiences or, more so, how we got here!

    So there you have my perspective, Again, you are welcome to yours, but I will vote and support only those who have been with us in the tenches, who have ahumbel origins, not those who are endorsed and Shepard by the elite - the wannabe God Fathers of our judiciary. In my humble opinion, I have a better chance of finding humility in someone whose career has been in the tenches with use, than in the oak panel conference rooms of the elite Downtown or Coral Gables law firms.

    Have to wonder Rump - how the general audiance would respond to my perspective!

  28. Rumpole, what is wrong with you? Are you just a complete liar?

    NH primary was in 1980, you liar. So was Mass. and Iowa caucas. Stop making shit up to cover lies you got caught in.

  29. Here's a couple of websites/blogs that aren't particularly friendly:

    And interestingly enough, they manage to do it without raising ridiculous arguments like non-sensical loyalty oaths. That's the difference between people who know what they're doing and people who don't.

  30. FYI:

    Josie Velis may be counting on family support (Judge Peter Velis)to make it happen in Miami.

  31. The article from the New Times was great. And I still think Alan Shuminer is Rumpole.

  32. Seriously people, how does one know how certain candidates who have never been on the bench would treat hispanics? And why does CABA think that anyone would care about what their poll says anyway?

    Did every other Bar Association do the same poll- No.
    Why? Because they have better things to do.

    CABA people- get over yourselves!

  33. Agreed: Rump: you're $#*@&^ old. Uncle Rump. Grampy Rump. The Old Dude.

  34. Rick Freedman : get a client, for crissakes.

  35. 2:05:00 p.m., you are absolutely right. That's how it was then and how it is now. You are writing from the best perspective: the perspective one only gets from experience in the trenches.

  36. 3:38 pm - you'll never work in this town again....say HELLO to my lil friend!

  37. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  38. Stop picking on Rick Freedman. If you don't want to be on the FACDL list, just say so and stop insulting a guy who is helping defense attorneys.

    I am surprised CABA did not hit Jeri Beth Cohen harder. Her anti-Cuban comments are simply inexcusable.

  39. Congrats Rumpy, but why is the "most popular" article on the New Times site about strippers and a free lunch?

  40. I think Rick does a great job and he is a very fine atty who has made a very successful transition into civil law.

  41. Rick Freeman rules!!! BABAOOEY.

  42. And when did the Public Defender's Office get renamed the Brummer Building? This guy is fighting against taking on more cases while at the same time,, letting 20% of his legal work force do no trial work?

    It's just silly

  43. whiny cuban 2:05 pm: you must be half dominican or honduran, not enough to be a "made man" in the CABA regime. Roberto Martinez and Peter Prieto and that guy who looks like a mannequin because he's had so much plastic surgery have shattered any glass ceiling you claim exists in "lilly white" "Big firms." Maybe you just don't have what it takes, Papo. PS CABA is a hack organization. Tony Castro????? remember when he was a prosecutor??? He makes Manny Segarra look like a rocket scientist.

  44. Exactly Rumpole, a civil lawyer should run an organization for civil attys NOT FACDL

    And, the New Times says that you are a Public Defender. Please advise

  45. The conventional/political wisdom dictates that Governor Crist will appoint Judge Jorge Labarga of Palm Beach. It would be politically insane for Governor Crist to appoint someone other than an Hispanic to replace Justice Cantero on our state's highest court. The governor is a strong McCain supporter. With the upcoming presidential campaign, Governor Crist will have to keep the his solid bloc of Hispanic republicans happy. I am confident Governor Crist is sensitive to the need for a qualified and diverse judiciary. Labarga is the one.
