Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Anybody else thinking that with the circuit judges away this week , the courthouse has been quiet and peaceful and actually a decent place to work?  

Or maybe the oppressive heat just has dampened down everyone's normally bad manners. 

See You in the peaceful and quiet courthouse. 


  1. You seen Harvey Ruvins posters and website advertising his 'technology?' Too bad it sucks!!
    Helping people on-line instead of in-line. A cute tag line to use, but what if I want to talk to someone live? Forget it!
    Stupid website pages take longer to load than the dump truck down the street and has the same info.

  2. funny thing is, no one actually goes to the justice building to do any work this week except... traffic magistrates.

  3. Ruvin technology LOL!!

    Visit the Federal court house clerks office what do you find? A computer and HP laser printer that accepts copy cards. You can type in a case or name and pull the file on screen and print the pages you want on a printer. No wrestling with files or copy machines.

    Why can't I access court files at my office or home in adobe PDF?

    All Ruvin did was merge information that existed from before he was in office to newer software and assigned fields.

    Want to impress me do as or better than the Federal clerk of court system.

  4. LOL LOL- from one of the Shumie discussion groups on Yahoo:

    Bronx23289: What's a Shumie-Doo anyway?


    redbarronesq99: what's a shumie-doo?

  5. To Captain & Rumpole

    Please don't forget to remind all your readers about FACDL's Judicial Candidates Forum on Wednesday at 5:30 PM at Miami Dade College, Wolfson Campus, Room 1261(Building One, second floor)

    All 19 Candidates have confirmed their attendance for the event.

    We have arranged for free parking at the MDC garage on 5th Street between NE 1st and NE 2nd Ave. We will also be serving light food and drinks.

    There will be time set aside to ask questions of the candidates and meet with them.

    The event is open to the public. If you are not already a member of FACDL-Miami, please consider joining.

    Hope to see you there.

    Rick Freedman

  6. i will attend the facdl judicial forum because,, i am one of liberties last champions.

  7. Ruvin's website touts his "environmentalism" Did you see those huge a** plastic signs? Can they be recycled? Betcha they're not biodegradable.

  8. Can the Circuit judges leave Adrian there? Just wondering...
