Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Update: about 35 votes so far and the poll went up about 4 hours ago. COURT IS OPEN TOMORROW (except for Broward which will close in remembrance of the tropical storm)

I spelled candidate Marcia Caballero's name wrong in the poll. I cannot change it now because voting has begun. But her name is Marcia not Maria. 


Over the course of the next two weeks, two of the most important decisions in American political history will take place.

Never before have the choices for Vice President had the probability of impacting our lives as directly as they do for us today.

No one may admit out loud that a “black” candidate for president and potentially a “black” President will automatically be a significant target of some extreme nut-jobs in our society - and on the flip side- nobody has kept quiet about the fact that if McCain is elected he will be the oldest elected President in history. Both of these facts lead one to understand that the VP choice is more than just a choice for the second (wo)man on the ticket.

It is the choice (and the reasoning behind it) that a President is always supposed to think about first; that being the fact that the VP is always just a "heart-beat" away from becoming our nation's commander and chief. And in the year 2008, that "heart-beat" is one we should all be paying close attention to.

No one may vote for the Vice-President, so to speak, but that does not make the choices any less important.

This is both an exciting and critically important time in the history of American politics and soon the history books will be written.

The short list for each side appears to be getting shorter and shorter.

For the Democrats:

Evan Bayh, 52, Sen. Indiana. A “swing” state with 11 electoral votes is the primary reason why his name is mentioned. His strength is the fact that he is on the Senate Intelligence & Armed Services Committee. Negative: He was a strong supporter of the war. Truth is, the Republicans will win this state with or without a Bayh on the Obama ticket.

Joseph Biden, 65, Sen. Delaware. Can you say foreign policy experience? Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. His only downside to the Obama qualifications list is that he is from “inside the beltway”.

Hillary Clinton, 60, Sen. NY. The only way she will get on the ticket is if she promises to guarantee that Bill would move to a small country in Africa for the next eight years and two months.

Timothy Kaine, 50, Gov. Virginia. An “outside” the beltway Governor, and from a swing state that, while it has gone red for the past 44 years, is close enough to move to the Democrats with this popular Governor on the ticket. Little known fact: he is a Spanish speaking former Catholic missionary. Negative: has no national security experience.

Kathleen Sebelius, 60, Gov. Kansas. Two-term popular governor of a red state (also for the past 44 years), she could swing this state to blue. If you really want to put a qualified woman on the ticket and you don’t want her name to be Hillary, she is a perfect pick. Of course, picking her would cause a continental divide among all of Hillary’s supporters.

For the Republicans:

Charlie Crist, Gov. Fla. 27 and 51. Those two numbers are strong arguments for Crist. The Republicans cannot keep the White House without Florida and they almost guarantee winning its 27 electoral votes with Crist on the ticket. And Crist is only 51 years old and looks even better with his new fiancé by his side. Negative: McCain needs someone to the right of him, not the left.

Joseph Lieberman, 66, Sen. Conn. Vice presidential running mate of Al Gore in 2000, he was elected as an independent in the last senate election in his state of Connecticut. With McCain trying to sure up the base of his own party, picking Lieberman would be McCain shooting himself in the foot. McCain also needs someone younger on the ticket with him. They may be close friends, but they won’t be running mates.

Timothy Pawlenty, 47, Gov. Minnesota. This has been a blue state since 1972, but with Pawlenty on the ticket, it could easily go red. A popular, “young”, two term governor of a Midwest state. Big on energy and the environment. If he gets picked, you will hear a lot about his Community Based Energy Development Credit – a policy about using wind and clean energy in his state.

Mitt Romney, 61, former Gov. Mass. They love him in the Midwest and Ohio is the number one “swing state” for the Republicans. They need to hold it. Saved the Olympics and has a sterling business resume. That balance is what McCain is looking for, because we need to remember that people vote their pocketbooks and “it’s all about the economy, stupid.”

Could we have two guys named Tim on the ticket? I think it certainly comes down to Kaine & Biden for the donkeys and Romney & Pawlenty for the elephants. But every day brings a new rumor and the winds can shift significantly in just 24 hours.

Who do you think will join Obama & McCain on their tickets???

Stay tuned, folks, it's going to be a very interesting two weeks.



  1. It will be Biden, Clinton, Clark or Webb (in order of probability). The Georgia-Russia confrontation ensures a "National Security," 3am phone call readu, VP.

  2. That idiot "Barak Osama" can't even pick his nose. How can he pick a VP?

  3. who started drug court? Just saw a commercial from jeri beth cohen where she claims she started it. Is that true?

  4. The Times says Obama's choice will be a safe choice. With foreign policy intruding these last weeks on our economic problems, it would seem Sen Joe Biden would be the choice.
    He did great in the debates and if he has nothing to hide, he seems like a safe and solid choice.

    McCain needs a paradigm shifting selection (Obama already is shifting the paradigm himself). Our Governor Chain Gang Charlie is not that type of choice. McCain can get his help in FLA by promising him a cabinet spot or head of agency like EPA. I think he will pick Mitt because of McCain's perceived weakness on the economy. It would allow him to tout a team experienced on foreign policy and the economy.

    So Rumpole says Biden and Romney.

    (Is it constitutional to have a VP named Mitt? )

  5. Here is the slate from the CPC (Christian Coalition Council).

    I feel very comfortable that I oppose everyone they selected, save for one.

  6. What do people think about a division in circuit criminal starting court at 9:30? More convenient, less convenient, doesn't matter?

  7. I think Barack should "keep it real" and pick Al Sharpton as
    his VP. It could have been Jesse
    if he hadn't been caught saying he wanted to cut Barack's nutsack off.

  8. hey rump - what about tom ridge being picked by mccain and the new mexico governor bill richardson being picked by obama?

  9. RUMP - your thoughts:

    bill richardson for obama - speaks spanish, foreign policy experience, former u.n. ambassador

    tom ridge for mccain - former homeland security chief, former governor of penn. (also a swing state)

  10. I think Richardson makes a lot of sense for Obama and would be a great choice. It brings hispanics to the table and he has plenty of experience. I think Ridge brings nothing to McCain except a reminder of the Bush administration. McCain doesn't need any additional help in the homeland security area.

  11. On the Miami Herald website under discussions about having school closed two days:

    "In the legal community, we say two shumie days are better than one."

  12. SHUMIE VS THE Q on opposite ends of glades battle. riparian rights fed ct rodeo coming up folks. Get your ringside seats while you can.

  13. SHUMIE VS THE Q on opposite ends of glades battle. riparian rights fed ct rodeo coming up folks. Get your ringside seats while you can.

  14. Bill Richardson is persona non grata with the Clintons after his Judas impression. Despite losing the nomination Clinton still carries a lot of sway at the convention.

    She (and her peeps) will need to be compensated for her strong support of Obama in the campaign. My best guess is that a deal will be brokered that will allow Richardson to be Secy of State and allow Biden (or the VA Gov.) to slot in for Veep.

    If Biden doesnt get the Veep, he may be tapped for a Supreme Court Seat when it opens.

  15. Drug Court 1st.Judge was Stanley Goldstein with Broward following and others climbing aboard.He was the best,but Jeff ran close behind.
    The Pre-Trial programs were started by Judge Tom Peterson,at a time he was a chief a.s.a.

  16. whocould say that abbe cuellar is more qulaified to be a judge than judge cohen as annoying as she is.

    abbe cuellar wasnt qualified to be an asa and its not like there are not a lot of idiots and sao

    this is racism pure and simple

  17. I remember Stanley Goldtsein as a former motorcycle cop who became a Judge with a hearty laugh and a deep sense of caring and fairness. He was the perfect person to start drug court and Jeff Rosinek was the perfect person to move it to another level. Judge Labora-White has some big shoes to fill.

  18. As for a Republican paradigm shift how about Governor Sarah Palin from Alaska. Articulate, photogenic, and conservative. She is also a reformer who has been cleaning up Alaska after decades of corruption. In short she is McCain Maverick. The downside she is from Alaska, which the rest of the country thinks has diversity in terms of Eskimos and polar bears.


  19. OK, kiddies. Drug Court was started by former Chief Judge Gerald T. Wetherington and former Judge Herbert Klein. Exactly who is posting on this blog? Fake Anonymous

  20. Someone wrote:

    "abbe cuellar wasnt qualified to be an asa and its not like there are not a lot of idiots and sao"

    I feel so offended.

    Fake Manny Segarra

  21. are you kidding me Lisa and Steven up all night voting for themselfs!

  22. Circuit Court Judge Jeri Beth Cohen did not start drug court nor has she claimed to have started it, what she did, was to take the drug court model and institute it in dependancy proceedings in the courthouse on 27 ave for parents who were losing their children because of substance abuse problems.

  23. Jeri Beth's commercial said she started the first DEPENDENCY Drug Court. Could this be when she was first in dependency court or should we continue to assume shit that's not true to fulfill our agenda?

    Pathetic. Are some of you actually lawyers?

  24. You must be a defense attorney whom Abbie would not give a good plea to- that is no reason to call her incompetent. Who knows, maybe you are one of the rejects that the State Attorney's Office would just not hire and now you are sour. Abbie Cuellar was an excellent prosecutor.

  25. I miss Stan Goldstien. He was a good guy. His portrait is on the wall in drug court. He really got the drug court going.

    Jeff Rosinek did a great job after him.

    Judge White will be just as good.

    Good things happen in that courtroom.

  26. 7:35, agreed!

    11:39, as if our country isn't in enough shambles.

    Attorney Rejected By The Princess,
    proud member since 2008.

  27. Hey give me a former cop on the bench anytime, it is much like a priest, they knew a child molester when they see one!

  28. 9:30 a.m. court starting time is better than 8:30 or 9:00. It lets you leave traffic behind.
