Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Friend Of Rumpole

Um...uhh...hello. Friend Of Rumpole here. He is uh...indisposed at the moment. He can't post with any regularity at the moment. He gave me the password and asked me to post something. Since I really don't know anything about what you guys do here, this is really my best effort. 

So like uh consider this a summer hiatus. 

A brief respite. 

I can check and clear comments and Rumpole said you should talk among yourselves. 

Oh yeah. He also said something about someone who wears a robe will surely do something dumb and then I would have something to talk about. But I didn't really understand what he meant and he has been somewhat cryptic about this whole thing. So uhh  thanks for reading. And Rumpole will be back soon. Hopefully. 

PS. Oh yeah I remember something else: he said the people running for judges are starting to get on his nerves with their childish (yeah, he said to use that word: "childish") comments on the blog and that they should stop it right away or he would do something drastic when he gets back. Ok. That's it for now. See Ya. 


  1. Poor Rump: Terminal B.D.S. (Bush Derangement Syndrome). Pray for him.

  2. Are you Shumie or the Q?

  3. Can the BS and face it. Rump's parole officer finally caught up with him. Fake Anonymous.
