Monday, June 02, 2008


We received this comment. It rightfully deserves posting on the front page:

Kenneth Weisman said...
I have been unable to discuss Stuart Mishkin's life and death without breaking down in tears (I cry as I type). I had the honour of working with Stuart for nearly 20 years. As a young lawyer it was Stuart who gave me my first job in the private sector. I learned business and ethics from both Stuart and Steven Golembe. Stuart had an uncanny ability to make any client feel comfortable and safe. He taught me to never get "involved" with our clients. He taught me how to earn. I learned our business "old school".

It was Stuart who told me the most important lesson of our craft-"your word is your the end of the day it is all you have". I treasure this lesson most. I frequently repeat this to my two sons. Stuart had his share of issues (which one of us doesn't?). He belonged to an old school of thinking which disavowed the value of therapists. Nevertheless, his view of death was one of acceptance. I kissed him every time I saw him in court (he hated this). I have lost a friend and mentor(again the tears). I am blessed to have been his friend.
Only love, Kenneth Weisman


  1. Yeah, Kenny is awesome. I was a prosecutor for over 10 years. Kenny was one of the few guys whom I knew I could trust. He ALWAYS told it like it was. Kenny, Reemberto, M. Matters, Stuart A, Joe Reyes, Pitts, Fleisher......too bad so many of the young attorneys don't get what a difference being a straight shooter makes. When Mish died, they lost yet another great example.



    In the race to be first, that is the first news media organization to call it for Barack, AP, minutes ago, declared that Barack Obama had wrapped up the nomination of his party, with enough delegates to secure the nomination at the convention this summer.

    They are counting on Obama garnering at least 30% of the vote in the final two primary states this evening, in order to make that prediction.

    But remember, the objective in the news media, is always ... to be first (what you thought it had something to do with being right).

    In any regard, this is an historic day, mark it on your calender, June 3, 2008: AP wire reads ...

    "Barack Obama effectively clinched the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday after a grueling marathon, based on an Associated Press tally of convention delegates, becoming the first black candidate ever to lead his party into a fall campaign for the White House."

    So now it's McCain v. Obama and in a short five months we will elect a new President.

    The only suspense now is who will be on the two tickets.

    CAPTAIN OUT ..........

  3. herald say PD's office to refuse new cases because of buget cuts.

  4. Kenny, SRM loved you too! He certainly will be missed.

  5. Obama picks Evan Bayh to shore up working class votes.

    Bill (Judas) Rischardson to be Secy of State.

  6. Rumpola
    Loved the Misk. Just loved the guy.

    And at 4:59 can I call it? SHUMIE TIME EVERYONE.

    a miami florida super delegate with 1/2 vote, says, "just hold your horses. it's not over till it's over. We're looking into a qualifications fight and potential lawsuit at the end of july."

  8. Forget Richardson as Secy of State; he'll go for experience and guidance & will pick Joe Biden. Remember those cabinet posts are made AFTER you win.

  9. Kenny:

    What you wrote from your heart, deserved to be a front page post (kudos here to Rump for recognizing that). Now I have a whole new angle on the kiss in court thing. (I hope and intend to make you smile here, in spite of those tears of lose and grief.) You are a mensch, a good friend, and most importantly a good dad. Just keep making Mishkin proud, and he'll keep smiling down at you.

    An old, respectful friend.
