Monday, April 21, 2008



Anonymous said...
10:30, people are not anonymous because of your reasons on THIS blog. They are anonymous because they don't want to be trashed just because someone sees their name. It doesn't matter what people say. If John Doe says "it's Monday," the next 5 responses are that John Doe cant try a case, something about their past, something about their distant past, or something untrue that just sounds juicy.

Rumpole responds: You are entirely correct. We are committed to changing that. People who post and sign their names will be protected from the slew of follow-up posts trashing them. We promise. Give us a try. We have decided more censorship in this area is a good thing.

Anonymous said...
Rumpole you shall be forgiven.

Truly yours,
The Holy Father

Rumpole says: see?

WOOPS... Here's a problem you don't see very often:

Something happened with the First District Court of Appeal.
First, the First denied an appeal by Allstate.
And then, as the Insurance Commissioner was giving a press conference and accepting accolades, comes this terse missive by the First: The Order "was issued in clerical error."
The order was withdrawn, and we await further explanation.

The Herald article is HERE


  1. Are u serious about not letting others rip someone personally if they sign their name to something?....

  2. Rumpole,

    You are smart & funny. I am pretty and a little intoxicated. I want you...

  3. ok, I'm officially drunk now, I want to be on my knees and please you and then ask to be forgiven...


    (6:46 pm, thanks for the flattery)

    Let's all plug in our favorite lawyer's name:


    You need a good lawyer, or maybe three. Where do you go? If you're like most people, you ask friends and relatives for referrals or scan the Yellow Pages.

    A Seattle lawyer says he has a better idea:

    Launched last summer in nine states and Washington, D.C., the Web site debuted in Florida this month. Its ambitious plan: to publish numerical ratings on every single — that's more than 70,000 — Sunshine State lawyer, whether the lawyers like it or not.

    Check it out, I did and I've got the highest rating. (what do they say, Rump ... it's not bragging, if it's true).

    CAPTAIN OUT ....

  5. Captain

    You are such a putts!!

  6. To Real Captain/Rump:
    Can you get a copy of that motion for us that fake Captain was talking about?

  7. New RUMOR; if no one else files, SHelly Schwartz to file against Migda sp she doesn't get in unopposed.......GO SHELLY

  8. "..or scan the Yellow Pages. "

    Who the hell looks in the yellow pages? Do they even print them anymore?

    The best way to search for a lawyer is at the Florida Bar web site for several reasons:

    1. It will list any bar complaints in the past 10 years, and;

    2. Always look for a lawyer who is certified in the area of law you need help in. The attorney must take extra courses to become certified in a particular area of law (appeals, criminal law, divorces, etc).

    You do not want a family doctor doing brain surgery when you can get a specilized doctor who is a board certified brain surgeon.

    A certified lawyer in a particular field of law will cost more but in the end you get faster better results. So less billed time adds up to savings at the end of the day.

  9. Thanks for that Bill Maher link under the last post. It was hilarious. A good way to start my morning.
    And for those who wish to fire Bill Maher, I have an easy way to avoid what he says... it's called the power button on my TV. It's a reallly cool little thing. If I don't want to hear what someone is saying, I push that button, and Poof. Like magic, the person disappears.
    Same thing with poeple who don't like this blog. If you don't put the site into your browser link, it won't come up and you don't have to read it. Pretty cool, huh?

  10. What do you know Rumpy, I covered that story today too! Maybe it was meant to be released Wednesday, and it came out a day early?

  11. Captain, (oh, sorry to burst the bubble of those who continue to believe it's me) thanks for the heads up that is now in Florida. It's pretty much a joke.

    It came to the web with much fanfare and controversy because it lists disciplinary records of lawyers. In Florida that's not such a big deal anymore as the florida bar website lists disciplinary actions for the last 10 years of every lawyer that's been disciplined.

    I signed in this morning and "claimed my profile." Just based on my time in practice and no disciplinary record it gave me a 6.7 (good). I added some bullshit things to my profile and it went to 9.2 in a matter of minutes.

    Additionally, nothing you add has to be verified, so you can claim you received the "greatest lawyer on the planet award," from the "association of the greatest lawyers on the planet" and it doesn't verify whether it's true.

    Most lawyer rating services are less than accurate, but at least they're reviewed by people, and not based on inputting information on a website.

    So it appears to be a great thing for unknowing potential clients to look at when choosing a lawyer, like most forms of advertisement.

  12. the defintion of putz is someone without a sense of humor. 7:38 needs to get a sense of humor and learn how to spell the word.

    Mr. T, on the other hand, he has a sense of humor. He is no putts.

  13. captain should have is blogger rights revoked.

    brian, i glad that you are not captain

  14. The only lawyer who had has criminal experience and was top rated at all on Avvo was Bobby Reiff.

  15. And the Q- tip top rated.

  16. i had a sneaky feeling it was Reiff all along. He loves to write and he keeps up on all the dui and traffic laws, just like the captain.

    and he went underground after posting with his name at first and then getting the standard crap that "anonymous" drivels out, then he reappeared as El Capitan.

  17. its SHUMIE TIME
    and I'm outta here.

  18. Anon @ 9:38am...

    Thank you!

    For those of us, civilians in your world, but lovers of the great dish on this blog (and desperately in love w/ Rumpy), that's a fab heads up. Common sense, I know. But you'd be surprised how many will stumble upon that and want to kiss you for the great tip.

  19. Need openion, proposing legislation that certain non violent crimes be automatically expunged ten years after completion of sentence. What are pros and cons?

  20. Why should crimes,even non-violent crimes be expunges by law.A person could commit 10 crimes,one a year for ten years and have all ten expunged within twenty years.If the law would mean only one expunction,no problem,but that may not be what is being suggested.We have people in Miami-Dade that have 10,15 and even 20 or more withholds.These are criminal,violating the law of the state,county or city and they must learn not to violate the law.We have become to tolerant of vioations of the law and the community is suffering.When will it stop?
    Yes, some statutes should be removed as criminal violation and be made civil violation.This goes for criminal/misdemeanors(open container of alcohol within 100 feet,commercial signs on motor vehicles)and criminal/traffic(registrations over 4 months expired).Trespass after warning,petit theft.poss.of marijuana etc.have consequences which are and or may be having consequences on the community.One time persons have the oppurtunity to have records sealed or expunges but should not be unbridled and automatic for each non-violent or specified violation of law.
    If you violate the law accept the consequences if you are found guilty,whatever those consequences may be especially if you are a repeat offender.

  21. I actually have a legal question/comment. The selling drug stat wihin a 1000 ft of a school says in the jury instructions it has to be between the hours of 6 am to 12 am so if the A-form is dated 11:45 and school is not in session nor are kids of elementary school anywhere around at this time-why are we still ocnvicting on this statute? Doesn't this mean that statute isn't doing what it orignially intended, which was keeping drugs away from kids? Why isn't this overbroad? So many first time users or small street deals are getting busted on this statute which is a 1rst degree felony.
