Friday, April 18, 2008



Today was her last day in court as she retires with a Sony Development deal firmly in hand for a Television show. Although we hardly knew her, we hear that this could not have happened to a nicer person.

We wish her well.

And a little bird whispered in our ear that it was none other than Television Judge David Young who recommended Judge Mills-Francis for an audition.

Tip of the blogger's hat to BLOGGING BLACK IN MIAMI for the great BIO on the Judge.

College in Maine. Law School in Florida. Former PD. Guardian Ad Litem. Certified Foster Parent. And a Judge with a large dose of common sense and a great sense of humor from what we have seen.

According to DUI and County Court lawyers who have emailed us, she is going to be missed.

Former DUI defense whiz Judge Joe Fernandez takes over her division starting Monday.


  1. Karen always made a trip to her courtroom fun.

    Good luck with TV.

  2. Rump, really now, you don't think any of us buy your "we hardly knew her" line, do you?

    You do?

  3. Will she be riding off with her high horse or does the horse stay in Miami?

  4. It was a pleasure to be in front of her.

    Warm, affable, a sense of humor yet she definetly ran her court room. Her staff were all great as well.

    As a PD and defense atty, she was a VERY zealous advocate.

    She was experienced, knowledgeable and did not require me to get dressed up to be in front of her. My kind of judge!

    I will miss her.

  5. talk about going out with a bang: Judge Fernandez did 3, yes 3, jury trials this week!...No JOAs though

  6. Tax dollars hard at work:

    Elderly 74 year old jewish grandmother on her way to New York for passover was arrested at the airport because she could not undue a safety pin on her pants quick enough.

    Standing outside Big Trouble Bail Bonds this afternoon, Reichman [the grandmother] showed bruises on her arms and said, "This is what they did to me."

    Good lord I feel so much safer knowing 74 year old grandmothers with safety pins will not be on the next flight I take.

  7. Rump lets review: I asked "Shumie do?"

    and some idiot IONShumie responded "shumie don't"

    So now I ask "Shumie will?"

  8. question: what other sanctions can you ask for other than exlusion of a witness or a discovery when the state fails to comply with a motion to compel? Has anyone ever had a judge grant monetary sanctions against the state?

  9. good luck judge, one of your clerks will miss you oh so very dearly

    oprah better watch it

  10. When can we expect Judge Hendon and Cohn in the building. Perhaps they can rotate in and send Newman and Lindesey to Civil, a place where they can hurt the pocket book not the libery or life and future of those who appear before them!
