Saturday, March 01, 2008

Officer Struck and Killed

City Of North Miami Police Officer Fritz Doucet was killed in Fort Pierce on I-95 when he and another person who had stopped their morotcycles in the emergency lane were struck by a car when the driver lost control of her vehicle.

According to the Miami Herald report HERE

Docuet was a nine year veteran of the police department.


  1. Fritz: A good yet grumpy and cynical cop. He walked the line, helping people in his path. I have good memories of him. RIP Fritz

    -Fellow Cop

  2. Anyone wanna bet Jack Thompson blames it on Grand Theft Auto?

  3. Fritz was my steady partner in NYC. He was a great cop and I loved him like my brother. I'm gonna miss you Fritz........

  4. Fritz was a good cop and an even better friend. I will miss the funny and interesting conversations at our various spots in the city....He always had a very good outlook and kept his head up no matter what. I will miss him terribly but never forget him.

    NMPD co-worker

  5. I went to high school with Fritz and was very sad to hear the news. My prayers go out to his family.

  6. My Fritzito
    I will never forget our handball days in Aviation.We continued to be the best of friends. We managed to always keep in touch. You always said you'd be there for me and me for you. Love you and miss you with all my heart.
