Monday, March 17, 2008


Thursday, March 20, 2008
Brickell Bay Club
2333 Brickell Avenue, Miami
5:00 PM

Sponsored by: Transitions Recovery Program

The evening includes a seminar as well as Cocktails and Hors D'oeuvresCome learn about the methods used by police during the process of interviewing and interrogating subjects.

Edith Georgi and Dr. John Palmatier will be presenting.

The Seminar is only open to current members of FACDL-Miami. If you have not yet paid your 2008 dues ($75 for private attorneys and $25 for government attorneys) please bring your checkbook and renew your membership on Thursday evening.
In order to have enough seats, food and drinks, we would appreciate an RSVP if you intend to come to the seminar.

For more information and to RSVP, please contact us at facdlmiami (at)
Look forward to seeing you there.

Well, maybe not everyone will be there- we might be home watching "My Cousin Vinny". Then again, we might just put in an appearance.

Update: for those of you who wasted your time in law school reading cases instead of going to the movies, the "I shot the clerk" reference is to the movie "My Cousin Vinny" where the police chief questions Vinny's nephew, and he repeats the phrase in disbelief, but the officer records it as a confession.


  1. Interesting how everyone running for judge has no qualms taking money from Hank Adorno.

  2. To the person who ended their comment with "gotcha" - please send me a private email. You could not be more wrong.

    1) I was not in the State that you mentioned.

    2) It was about two weeks ago, not within the time frame you believe. Please check your dates.

    3) The individual in question has requested several times I not get him/her involved in this. However, if you send me a private email I will be happy to explain in detail my whereabouts during the time in question.

    4) I have no idea where anyone else was.

    5) I NEVER removed any comment I made. Please check the date and you will see it is there. However, you may be confused because only a certain number of posts are on the front page. You need to click on a month and year for the archives to see that you are wrong and I have not removed anything.

    6) And just for the record- you have the wrong CONTINENT.


  3. I'm sorry. I just can't post even amusing comments, because of the sensitive nature of the subject.

  4. "I shot the Clerk"? what does that mean?

  5. MacBook Air stumps TSA agents, owner misses flight

    The suspiciously thin, port-free laptop sends airport security into a tizzy, until cooler heads prevail. Maybe it's time for some tech briefings at the TSA, no?

  6. And while TSA agents are wasting time fussing with laptops, undercover investigators with bomb parts in their bags have been sailing though security checkpoints.

  7. A third of the bad arrests come from dumb officers who don't know the definition of probable cause; a third come from officers who get pissed at a comment the arrestee makes to them and they want to show the arrestee who's boss; and a third come from officers just wanting to make an important arrest to get promoted. This is a sad state of reality.

  8. To the person who wanted to know where their comment went, please see my comment at 10:46. You are wrong about most everything, but I have given my word to limit this blog's attacks on that person, so after posting it, I took it down. You need to leave that person alone. You are wrong- about me, about my whereabouts, and about me removing a comment some weeks ago. I did not do it- and you should send me an email if you want a further explanation.


  9. Alan "So Sue Me" Shumie is much to busy dressing down valet parking attendants and surly waiters to be the author of this blog.

    Shumie was spotted as Macaluso's recently. The restaurant, known for having its own set of peculiar rules, buckled under to Alan's demands of only 20% pork in the meatballs.

  10. I love you, Rump. Does that make me gay?

  11. Rumpole, you are such a nose bleed.

  12. For the shut-in that didn't get the My Cousin Vinny" reference....u should kill yourself.

    It's called disclose-ya!

  13. Rumpole; you silly man. you did not post my recent harmless comment about a cop wasting his whole shift as a crimefighter arrested a 60 year old woman for petit theft.

  14. 3:16............I guess that means officers never arrest anyone because he or she has committed a crime in your world. Way to keep things in perspective. No wonder nothing gets done. Morons like you are more interested in rhetoric than improvements.

  15. Learn to read carefully, 7:55. 3:16said "bad arrests", and s/he's right on.

  16. A comment by one of "two yutes" describing his incredulity when arrested for murder and robbery
