Wednesday, March 12, 2008


From Wikipedia:

Hubris or hybris (Greek ὕβριςa) according to its modern usage, is exaggerated self pride, arrogance or self-confidence (overbearing pride), often resulting in fatal retribution. In Ancient Greece, "hubris" referred to actions taken in order to shame and humiliate the victim, thereby making oneself seem superior.

Hubris was a crime in classical Athens. It was considered the greatest sin of the ancient Greek world. The category of acts constituting hubris for the ancient Greeks apparently broadened from the original specific reference to molestation of a corpse, or a humiliation of a defeated foe, to molestation, or irreverent, "outrageous treatment", in general. The meaning was further generalized in its modern English usage to apply to any outrageous act or exhibition of pride or disregard for basic moral law. Such an act may be referred to as an "act of hubris", or the person committing the act may be said to be hubristic. Ate, Greek for 'ruin, folly, delusion', is the action performed by the hero, usually because of his/her hubris, or great pride, that leads to his/her death or downfall.



    It's official - he's out. And I hope it was worth it Eliot. The man who told the Republican leader of the NY house that he would "fucking steamroll" over him (if he didn;t agree with a particular policy) - has now been steamrolled out of office because he thought HE was above the law.

    Spitzer will be replaced by Lt. Gov. David Paterson, who will become New York's first black governor. Also, he will become the first blind governor in the history of the US.

    Cap Out ...

  2. captain; when will you come up with something original?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. For those who are on limited budgets:

  5. Ture, all true.

    Still, for some perspective, I recommend Greenwald today:

    Or better yet, Bill Maher:

  6. So if I point and laugh at every hypocritical "leader" who gets what's coming, Zeus will whack me with a lightening bolt? Say it ain't so.

    Good job, Eliot.

  7. It's official, alright - Jack Thompson has filed a complaint with the NY Bar. Thought you would like to know. Found it on FindLaw. Dated the 11th, of course.

  8. cap, you're a dickhead. get it right.

    the LT Gov is legally blind, meaning he can see if you are right in front of him.

    you, however, are legally a dickhead, which you dont need to be directly in front of me to see.

  9. Breaking News the NY Times says this is the Myspace page for the 22 year old girl who was Fucking the Governor:

    Ny Times says at 22 yrs old she had no clue that he was the NY Governor.

  10. Here is what you get for five grand according to the New York Times just moments ago:

  11. spitzer wanted to have unprotected sex with a hooker. she must have been some babe! clearly he feel in love with her she was so hot. it happens ive heard. simply put, he had a gfe.

  12. If you really want to be entertained check out Wacky Jacky's wikipedia page and read some of the revisions.

  13. Spitzer should retain Jon Blecher as counsel. Jon's experience at representing South Florida Johns could prove very useful in Spitzer's defense.

  14. to 12:37

    I guess you missed it when I wrote about Salvia divinorum and the bills before the legislature six days earlier and now The Miami Herald and the AP and CNN and other wire services are reporting today that the Florida Legislature has taken up several bills on Salvia divinorum

    but I guess that would be too original to write about for you.

    Cap Out ...

  15. Perhaps it is time for some real relevant legislation; not another traffic statute pages 210-477 are traffic and vessel safety laws in west's, are you fucking kidding me. Now here I propose an absolutely relevant and important law: Make it a FELONY to have a public figure use security details to help facillitate committing a crime such as prostitution. that means governors clinton and spitzer, presidents kennedy, clinton, older bush when vice pres. etc. It must be terrible to be a secret service agent or governor detail and have to look the other way or help facilitate adultery or illegal sex with whores. apparently oneof clinton's bodygurards in arkansas died under mysterious circumstances when the flowers scandal broke during his campaign for president. she was on geraldo. now that would be a real law. who the hell needs 250 pages of laws regulating cars. what do you think captain?

  16. check out blecher's add at!!!

  17. OCCCRC Constitional see 3/13 opinion


    Unfortunately, it appears my earlier prediction ("Get used to the letters OCCCRC") has now been reduced to writing with today's Supreme Court's opinion reversing the lower court judge on FACDL's Writ Quo Warranto against the State of Florida.


    Joseph George has his work cut out for him with the funding issues presently facing the Florida Legislature and with his inability to have hired any death qualified attorneys to handle the capital cases.

    Cap Out ...

  19. Pacificus now expects to see litigation by the counties refusing to pay for office space for the OCCRC now that the Supremes have said that they are not public defenders.

  20. Blecher has had that ad on for about 5 years now. is a bunch of really really nasty women.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. you wish you thought of it first.
