Wednesday, February 20, 2008


When we last left Jack Thomson, Esq., he was hard at battle with the Florida Bar, Florida Supreme Court, Judge Tunis, and the video game industry.

The Florida Supreme Court filed a rule to show cause as to why Mr. Thompson should not be held in contempt for his frequent filings in the Supreme Court, many of which have been posted in the comments section of this blog.

Now we received this.....remarkable document. "Remarkable" is truly the only word for this pleading. Let us just say this: no matter how hard we fight in court for clients, there comes a time when even we cut our losses. Not so Mr. Thompson. He has taken the Florida Supreme Court's Rule to Show Cause and quite literally torn in up and tossed the pieces in their faces.

We would never have been so..... brave (we recognize other adjectives may well apply here.) Our copy of the pleading came e-mailed with a picture of a rabbit in a briar patch. One can only wonder if the original pleading was similarly adorned:



v. Case Numbers SC 07 - 80 and 07- 354




Comes now respondent John B. Thompson (Thompson) and provides this court with a preliminary response to its show cause order of February 19, 2008, with a more detailed response to follow prior to the court’s March 5 deadline, noting:
Thompson deeply appreciates, more than this court could ever know, its show cause order as it opens the door to Thompson’s seeking and receiving relief from the federal courts.
The federal court system dismissed Thompson’s prior suit on abstention grounds, stating that Thompson had an “adequate state remedy” to seek redress for any infringement of rights by The Bar and by this Supreme Court that is supposed to oversee and remedy the misdeeds of The Bar.
This court’s panicked threat against Thompson, apparently stemming in part from the court’s having been caught by Thompson not complying with Florida Statute 876.05 (Loyalty Oath Law), has wonderfully proven not just that Thompson has no “adequate state remedy” but that he has no state remedy at all. This court threatens Thompson if he even files this pleading. This is a brazen attempt by this court to repeal the absolute right of every citizen, under the First Amendment, to “petition the government for a redress” of grievances.
This court’s misstep exquisitely proves his point to a federal tribunal that it no more understands the First Amendment than it understands the legal and constitutional issues on which it was so grandly reversed in Bush v. Gore.
Thompson has Fifth, Sixth, Fourteenth, and First Amendment rights that this court’s show cause order wildly infringes upon. Thompson has a right to represent himself in traffic court and before this court. Thompson is a competent lawyer with 31 years of continuous good standing within The Bar who has a string of victories against powerful corporate interests—the very interests who filed these SLAPP Bar complaints.
Ted Bundy, for Heaven’s sake, was not even a lawyer, and yet he was allowed to represent himself in this state within its courts. Thompson, who has committed no crime but whose “sin” is that he has waged a successful campaign against the very porn industry that helped train Bundy to kill, is being petulantly threatened by this court that he is to be muzzled and denied access to this state court. Nonsense.
US Supreme Court Justice Douglas in Lathrop v. Donohue warned that integrated state bars would eventually become “goose-stepping brigades.” This court has confirmed that those brigade are now here in this state and that this court is brazenly leading them. This court is free to enter a show cause order against the ghosts of Justices Douglas and of all the US Supreme Court Justices who handed down Keller v. State Bar of California
if it likes. Even King Canute knew he could not order the tide not to come in.
All this court with its panicked show cause threat has accomplished is handed Thompson the keys to the federal courthouse. Abstention is out the window, thanks to this High Court.
What “adequate state remedy” does any citizen have, let alone a lawyer have, when the very court that has negligently failed to oversee The Bar threatens a whistleblower with retribution because he dares to keep blowing the whistle?
This court has threatened Thompson. He does not threaten back. He hereby informs this court that he will see it in federal court. This court has just thrown Brer Rabbit into the briar patch.
Thank you so very, very much.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that this has been provided this February 20 2008, to Bar staff counsel Sheila Tuma, to Kenneth Marvin, Director of Lawyer Regulation for The Bar, to Dava Tunis, and to all Bar Governors as well as to Bar President Frank Angones.

Florida Bar #231665
1172 South Dixie Hwy., Suite 111
Coral Gables, Florida 33146


  1. Does JT have any real clients other than himself (which I realize is now a full-time job plus time and a half).

  2. And Man Coulter once again shows us he thinks he is never wrong.

    Oh, and you forgot to mention he's planning to sue msnbc for telling the truth about him too.


    1. Wait for Herald guy to throw paper 3 inches away from required spot - yell at him and accuse him of watching porn.

    2. Check various blogs for postings about me. Begin drafting "pleading of the day."

    3. Call various TV stations and complain about "vulgar" programming. Threaten to "come down there."

    4. Turn off computer before wife wakes up and sees what I'm doing.

    5. Go to office and write down license plate #s of people parked improperly.

    6. Check blogs. Email Rumpole. Post about Ben Kuehne, Barnaby Min, and Judge Tunis.

    7. Continue searching for evidence of Min's friends when he was in 8th grade.

    8. Daydream about when I used to actually practice law.

    9. Go to bathroom down hall, giving dirty looks to other tenants. (Complain about all the kids on "take your kid to work day")

    10. Check blogs, file pleading of the day, post it, go home to check blogs.

  4. Why do you continue to post these rantings? This man is in need of mental help. Do not continue to enable this craziness!!! Maybe his family needs to appoint a conservator .. like Britney Spears. For goodness sake, stop the madness!!!!

  5. Can we get the criteria for to Backer Act someone. Lets review the backer act and try and get JT the help he needs. If we can get Britney help JT deserves nothing less.



    We have just found out that FACDL has voted on their Awards for their upcoming Installation Banquet to be held on May 17, 2008

    The Honorable Gerald Kogan Judicial Distinction Award will be presented to Judge Steven Leifman.

    The Rodney Thaxton “Against All Odds” Award” will be presented to the team of defense lawyers in USA v. Jose Padilla, et al: Michael Caruso, Marshall Dore Louis, Jeanne Baker, Tony Natale, Ken Swartz, William Swor, and Orlando do Campo.

    The Daniel S. Pearson-Harry W. Prebish Founder’s Award will be presented to Benedict Kuehne.

    The Captain makes a call out to all members of the bar that will be attending the event at the JW Marriott in May.


    What better way to show our collective support for Ben than for everyone to show up wearing a bowtie!!!

    CAPTAIN OUT .....

  7. Has anyone realized that what has been posted on this blog and what appears on the Supreme Court website is only the order to show cause portion? The docket specifically states that the full text of the order is not on the docket. It is a mulitple page order to show cause. I have never seen such a thing in my years of practice. The Court goes through an entire explanation of how insulting, obnoxious, rude, and ignorant Thompson is. About time they put a stop to Thompson's nonsense.

  8. GREAT IDEA CAPTAIN. I just wonder if you'd be so supportive if he flipped..........


    The NY Times and MSNBC News is reporting that 71 year old John McCain is having an affair with a 40 year old DC lobbiest.

    VIAGRA really works!!

  10. These are some very funny comments. I cannot and will not post the comment calling someone a "midget". Violation of the blog rules and all that.

  11. someone please fax the supreme court order against JT to me so that I can PDF it and link it to the blog.

    Fax to 305-428-2780

    Send it from a Kinkos if you want to remain unknown.

  12. Rumpole,

    That was hardly a "brave" response. It is simply a confused rant that mistakes the first amendment for the right to harass, insult, mock and ignore our system of justice. Thompson may have convinced himself that he's been thrown in the briar patch, but from here it seems like he's mistaken the briar patch for a tree chipper.

  13. Well, well, well, Jack,

    The Supreme Court has finally had enough, Jack. Do you really think that Judge Jordan or Judge Huck will save you from disbarment? I don't think you're insane. No, I think you're really dumb, for a smart guy. Look in the mirror, Jack. What do you see, other than a dumb guy who wants to be on TV whenever there is another school shooting. Admit it to yourself, if not to those of us who have been victims of your hatred--you were EXCITED when that mad man shot up the Northern Illinois University classroom. I have your email, sent when you first learned of it, under the caption "son of a gun, look what's happening". A funny pun to you; a sick comment to the rest of us. You were soooo excited, because you could be on Fox-spewing your rap. But Jack, think about it--honestly--the same sort of "make me famous and important" thinking that drives these pitiful killers also drives you. It is an opportunity for you to be important, even though you're irrelevant. So, if the Supreme Court is entering orders like they did yesterday, you're toast. Live with it, my "friend"....

  14. this man thompson is a wild lune but fun to watch.

  15. The REG picture on the previous post of the REGJB was taken on February 19, 2008 at 9:34AM

    The picture was taken with a mobile Sony Ericsson Cell Phone Model # W580i The phone looks like this one:

    So to find rumpole is to seek out the owner of this cell phone and who at the State Attorneys Office was on a high floor taking pictures at 9:34AM on February 19, 2008.

    Also the pictue shows a dark tint meaning it was taken from an office with oneway window tint.

    Rumpole say I am wrong.

    If you want to know how I know this just ask and I shall tell.

  16. bowties for Ben - count me in Captain

  17. jack, can you recommend any porn sites for my viewing pleasure?
    thank you

  18. Big round of applause for the brain trust at the SAO Public Corruption Unit and KFR for her "get tough" stance on public corruption.
    They prosecute Miami City Attorney Jorge Fernandez for lying about his expense account purchases, including a $1500.00 dinner at the Rusty Pelican for his son's graduation. Fernandez then claimed it was city business. (Funny how that sounds like felony grand theft) Fernandez pleads guilty and gets misdemeanor probation and a one year promise that he wont work for a government entity.

    BUT, now he is going before the Miami city commission and asking for severance pay. The total package is estimated to be upwards of $300,000. How hard would it have been for the prosecutor to type up a written plea agreement where Fernandez agreed not to pursue any civil or administrative relief for any futher pay or benefits? Fernandez will probably sue the city for wronful termination after his probation is done. Or maybe he'll collect his pension. Or maybe he'll submit Wax's legal bills for his defense and say that it was work related. At least the prosecutor was smart enough to ask for restitution of the money he stole- a whopping $3,000.

    Congrats to Barry Wax for pulling one over on the SAO and the City of Miami. He's probably over at the Rusty Pelican eating dinner with Jorge Fernandez. Screw it Barry, get the Filet Mignon, the City is probably paying for it anyway.

    Let this be a lesson to all future criminals: Dont risk life in prison by brandishing a gun for a 40 dollar robbery. Get yourself a good government job, line up to the trough of taxpayer money and then get out of town. Public Corruption and white collar crime is the new rage.

  19. Christian Dunham and David Pettus
    just got a 45 minute Not Guilty Verdict on an L&L Molestation on a
    Child case before Judge Julio Jimenez. Nice work fellas.


  20. John Bruce's antics are wonderful to watch, to be sure.

    Some of us are just as familiar with those antics along other lines as the attornies and judges of Florida are.

    We have seen his postings of legal demands and orders (as opposed to simple pleadings and respectful requests) for several years.

    Someone actually asked if he has other clients. If he's had any dealings with the legal system beyond his own personal agenda, I haven't seen any signs of it, that's for certain. And one migh ask how one's character can be defamed and lead to harming one's profession... if he actually isn't "working".

    His actions and attitudes make one shake their head and question the legal system in general. Fortunately, I hold John Bruce responsible for his own actions and don't scream "this is what ALL lawyers are like!". Nay, fear not. The legal system has enough problems without laying the entire blame on John Bruce.

    And someone actually questioned his sanity. John Bruce claims to have already been deemed sane by a Dr. Wunderman. Interestingly enough, both Dr. Wunderman and his wife are extremely close to John Bruce and his own personal religious beliefs. Dr. Wunderman's wife having been a leader in their religious group. While Dr. Wunderman may make a very good counselor or psychiatrist using his religious beliefs to counsel others, the close association in religious beliefs, and the defense of John Bruce's religious attitudes and treatment of others makes one think of a conflict of interest in EVALUATING sanity in John Bruce. It would be like having an extreme Baptist who is homophobic evaluating Fred Phelp's sanity.

    And John Bruce's recent actions outside of FL seriously question his honor and ethics. It's mentioned about John Bruce's excessive legal filings in FL. But how much does the FL or Federal Court really know about his filings OUTSIDE of FL? The Federal system may have links, but do they take into account OTHER cases? One such filing is the demand that Omaha Police turn over ALL information regarding the recent mall shooting:

    Where has that case gone beyond initial filing? Probably no where. Though it was filed, it seems to be ignored once it got the attention he wanted.

    As someone else mentioned, he's threatened to sue MSNBC.

    How about the fact that he's made the request of the NIU President to allow him to go there and push his agenda on the students and staff? Imagine if every agenda seeker did that. The NRA, the Anti-gun crowd, the Scientologists, Lyndon LaRouche, etc. Reportedly, the WBC has already protested at least one vigil there. Now, add to that John Bruce demanding that all information regarding the NIU shooter's gaming habits be turned over to him or he'll sue:

    Mr. Rumpole, I realize that you folks here have the focus of the legal system (even more focused on FL) and yet some additional outside information comes in, but I think if one could create a single website and toss in EVERY piece of John Bruce's filings, EVERY interview (written or otherwise), EVERY post he's ever written (even ones that have been deleted), EVERY email he has ever written (no matter WHO they are to), and EVERY phone conversation he's ever held regarding the legal system and his agendas, one might see a very scary picture that even some "supporters" might want to distance themselves from.

    Even if John Bruce is disbarred, it certainly would not end his rantings and ravings. Yet, like the Florida Bar or not, I can't imagine them, or ANY legal Bar, NOT disbarring him permanently.

    I'll be honest, I have very little confidence in the legal system as a whole. Filled with contridiction and inconsistancy and even ignorance, I can't imagine how such a system has survived. BUT, while many stereotype lawyers as a whole as the second coming of Satan, I tend to only hold such impressions to ONLY those who act in such a manner. I'd like to believe that that is in fact true. Unforunately, with so much sensationalistic media attention to the likes of John Bruce and even ex-lawyer Fred Phelps, it does take a LOT of faith to continue to believe it.

    BTW, LOVE the site and LOVE the "civil lawyers" vs "criminal lawyers" arguments. Reminds me of the old forums with "PC vs Mac" threads. :)

    Andrew Rhodes

  21. Jack's latest rant, for lack of a better term, shows his ignorance and/or lack of understanding of proper procedures.

    If you want to bring an action against The Florida Bar, draft your Complaint ant file it in Federal Cout. If you really must, although most lawyers would advise against it, send a short, polite letter to The Florida Bar and The Florida Supreme Court informing them that you intend to bring a federal lawsuit against them.

    Your rants and ravings will get you nowhere.

  22. Jack,

    Can you spell CONTEMPT? Can you spell EMERGENCY SUSPENSION? Can you spell DISBARMENT? Can you spell JAIL? You will soon receive an order to personally appear before the Justices. I suggest you bring your toothbrush.

    Without any question you are in serious need of psychiatric assistance. Are you really so delusional that you believe that you are invulnerable? Do you really believe the federal judges will give you any greater deference than the state judges have up to this point? You really are finished.

  23. I'm on board with Ben - I'm wearing my bowtie to the banquet Captain

  24. The thing about Thompson and his case is that had he not been such an intentional smart ass in the words he used he actually may have found a Judge or two that felt he had a point or two. When you bash the very people you ask for help from it is very hard to get results.

    While I find his pleadings entertaining to say the least he should have been more interested in the Judges view and not getting a blog of legal minds entertained after a long trial.

    In short Thompson you missed the boat. You had the ticket but just missed the boat in fact you may have even had a first class ticket for the boat.

    After you get disbarred check the DBR want ad's pleanty of spots for talented paralegal's.

  25. this man jt does not want to be lawyer any longer

  26. Rump,

    Re post: BREAKING NEWS!!

    A poster wrote:

    "The NY Times and MSNBC News is reporting that 71 year old John McCain is having an affair with a 40 year old DC lobbiest.

    VIAGRA really works!!"

    The New York Times reported no such thing.

  27. Captain, I am comepletly in support of Ben and I think it would be a great diea if everyone were to wear a bowtie at the banquet. It would be a strong showing of support and would let Ben know that we stand by him in his time of need. Great idea and I hope everyone (the men) wears one. I think the women can even be creative and clip on a bowtie somewhere (??) to show their support.

    Please continue to mention this as we get closer to the banquet so everyone will remember the idea.

  28. As someone who actually had to deal with Jack Thompson once (it was a long, long time ago, but it's nice to know that some things never change), I would almost feel sorry for him if that undercurrent of meannness didn't overshadow his obvious mental illness. That biting spiteful cruelty that he usually displays puts a damper on my sense of pity.

  29. While your largely uninformed posters malign everything and everyone from chimpanzees to Jack Thompson (well, OK there isn't really a wide difference between the two), they are ignoring a true issue of concern...funding for the courts. Many misconceptions abound.
    1) Anyone who thinks Judges are the highest paid persons in the court system is ignorant. Look at the AOC, as just one example. And adjacent to the court system is law enforcement. Any senior, high ranking officer out earns a judge.
    2) The Clerk's office is funded separately from fees. While state employees scramble for paper clips observe some of the renovations occuring in areas where clerks of the court work. This is sure true in civil.
    3) Anyone who thinks Judges can function without their judicial assistants should leave the Gerstein Building and go to Family Court or General Civil.
    4) Jack Thompson is a nonentity to whom you give a forum. Expect an escalation in his aberrant behavior as the full moon phases in.
    Della Street

  30. Captain great idea lets piss off the feds and have them investigating half the defense bar in Miami. Oh wait - they already are..

  31. Excuse me, Rumpole, but it is not an order to show cause why I should not be held in contempt.

    In it an order to show cause, for example, as to why I should not be denied access to the court. I understand the difference. Maybe some of the legal beagles out there will understand what the following means and where we ar headed. By the way, any additional libels of me here will result in Rumpole's getting a subpoena:
    February 21, 2008

    The Honorable Michael B. Mukasey
    Attorney General of the United States
    U.S. Department of Justice
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, D.C. 20530

    Re: Criminal Conspiracy in Florida to Deprive a Citizen of Federal Civil Rights

    Dear Attorney General Mukasey:

    On February 19, 2008, the Florida Supreme Court and its Justices committed certain criminal acts by threatening me with retribution in retaliation for my seeking relief in that court, which I have every right to do not only as a resident of Florida but also as a member of The Florida Bar in continuous good standing for 31 years.

    These criminal threats by these government officials under color of state law constitute not only extortion and racketeering, but they are in furtherance of a related conspiracy to criminally distribute pornography to children in violation of state and federal laws.

    At the middle of this conspiracy is a Miami lawyer by the name of Benedict P. Kuehne, who has this month been indicted by the United States Justice Department for allegedly laundering Medellin cocaine cartel money. I have met with your Department’s officials in the Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering Section about Kuehne. They and you need to know that I now have evidence that Mr. Kuehne has also bribed a judge whom the Florida Supreme Court, in turn, is protecting.

    This same particular state judge is now under a cloud in that Miami-Dade Chief Judge Joseph Farina has asked the Attorney General of Florida to investigate the filing of a clearly forged State Loyalty Oath in her name and on her behalf.

    Additionally, a Florida Bar Governor has, on behalf of The Florida Bar and the Florida Supreme Court, sought to punish me in retaliation for my filing a federal civil rights action to try to seek redress for these illegal activities. To threaten a litigant with harm simply because he filed a federal civil rights lawsuit constitutes yet another criminal act of obstruction of justice.

    I am calling now, and urgently so, upon the United States Justice Department, particularly in light of the fact that Ben Kuehne is in the middle of all this, to direct the Federal Bureau of Investigation to commence a full and fair criminal investigation of this criminal conspiracy by certain Florida state officials to extort not just me and others but also to engage in racketeering and other related criminal acts, including obstruction of justice.

    By copy of this letter, I am informing the Florida Supreme Court Justices that any further criminal actions taken by them against me will be construed as compounding and, exacerbating the criminal activities in which they have already engaged in violation of federal law.

    Please advise me as to what the Justice Department is going to do in these regards. I will, of course, provide the Department of Justice sworn testimony in these regards as will other individuals who have similarly been targeted by this criminal conspiracy involving Florida state officials.

    Regards, Jack Thompson

    Copy: Florida Supreme Court

  32. Obama and Vanalla ICE get it straight:

  33. Barry Wax gushes:

    "Congratulations to David Pettus and Christian Dunham who obtained a Not Guilty Verdict yesterday on an L&L Molestation on a Minor between the ages of 12 and 16 before Judge Jimenez! Great job guys! Now take the rest of the week off…"

    Maybe the guy didnt really do it. Maybe.

    Maybe the State's case had holes, and the guy did it.

    However the process worked in this case, it resulted in an NG. But if it happened to the kid (s) and he's fucked up for it, and the guy just skated, you shouldnt be gushing about the "VICTORY!!!!!"

    Its not all about the wins, Barry. Wins can also leave victims in their wake.

  34. By the way, Rumpole, Thompson is spelled with a P. Thanks. Oh, and so as to not disappoint my deractors, thanks for reminded me. I should have done this a week ago:

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Jack Thompson
    To: ; ; ; ; ;
    Cc: ;
    Sent: Thursday, February 21, 2008 4:34 PM
    Subject: Formal FCC Decency Complaint against NBC Television Network

    This is my formal complaint against the NBC Television Network and all of its affiliates (in Miami its affiliate is WTVJ-TV) for airing Jane Fonda's use of the word "cunt" in its Today show telecast on Valentine's Day, of all things, February 14, 2008, outside the "safe harbor" for such indecent comments.

    I understand and appreciate Ted Turner a little bit better now.

    Please proceed, and please acknowledge receipt of this formal complaint.

    Jack Thompson, Attorney
    5721 Riviera Drive
    Coral Gables, Florida 33146

  35. Joel,

    Why are you announcing the verdicts in cases? Are you now the paid publicist of your group? Maybe we should all start putting our results on the blog both state and defense...

    Oh wait, I just thought of something, no one would care. Take a clue Joel.

  36. When is the public repremand against JT in the Florida Supreme Court. I personally will charter a bus and take all JT fans to the event in Tallahassee.

    Please note: Popcorn will be sold in the lobby of the Supreme Court. Drinks will not be allowed.

  37. I will be sending out invitations to the JT is disbarred pool party.

  38. I can't and won't post the comment stating an attorney smoked marijuana with jurors. Not without proof.

    And yes, you got me. That was me lugging my camera equipment into the SAO to take a picture. Boy am I dumb. To get caught by a little slip-up like that. Woe is me.

  39. Can we get back to the good stuff-

    Shumie and his dog.

    The Q and his EGO.

    When Adrien is finishing arraignments.

    Fake Alschuler (he's my favoritie).

    Fake Blecher and the Godfather quotes (a close second).

    Fake Peckins because it makes me laugh that someone would imitate him.

    The Captain and his dopey political junk.

    You know...good blog stuff. Not this crap.

    BTW- the "How JT spends his day" was very funny. A+ blog work.

  40. Is Golembe representing Howard Zwibel?

  41. "Fake Blecher- I told him to stop posting."

    "How did you get to listen?

    "I made him an offer he couldn't refuse."

  42. I'd like someone to make a public records request and post the salaries of Ruben O. Carrerou and his overpaid harem.

  43. In the same post, Thom(p)son threatens to start issuing subpoenas because of "any additional libels of me" but then accuses Ben Kuehne and Judge Tunis of bribery (it seems that Ben has bigger things to worry about than orchestrating a conspiracy to rig Thom(p)son's Bar Hearing). I would love to libel you Thom(p)son but I really don't have to. The truth is damning enough.

    Fake Neil Rogers

  44. JT is now making accusations that Ben bribed a judge?
    Is there a way of seeing if he's ever made a campaign contribution?
    To all you candidates out there: if he send you a check, run far away. Send it back.

  45. Bowties Bowties
    They come in all shapes are sizes
    I'll be wearing mine at the dinner
    cause Ben will surely be a winner

    when all is said and done!!!!!

  46. hey 4:40

    Someone was pretending to be me when the used my initials to proclaim victory from dp and cd. But why do you care anyway??

    p.s. My group? Let the election go old man. Let it go. LOL

    The real JD

  47. Whay about the L& L twins associate? HOT!

  48. JT's letter to Mukasey was hilarious...Jack, would you be so kind as to post his response if and when you get one?

  49. hey quatro quarrenta

    that was someone using my initials to promote the ng-not i.

    my group??? are you a angry brummerite?
    if so, i think it might be time to move on....


    the real jd

  50. The Clerk's office is funded separately from fees. Thats Bull Shhiiiiittt.

    Mr. Ruvin get's $180-K each year plus all the kick backs.

  51. She is beyond hot!!! And those multiple earings drive me wild. She is a minx.

  52. Rump- unless you throw on the franchise fake blogger tag, you're about to lose fake alschuler to the Jax Couthouse blog where he will be known as fake murray hersch. Its a multi year deal and I don't think you can match it.

  53. SAY IT ISN'T SO. at the democratic presidential debate the univision anchor said there will be 150 million hispanics in the u.s 40years from now. boy , do they fuck that much?

  54. Jack, I'm confused.

    Was Hanoi Jane's use of the word "cunt" part of the vast conspiracy against you, which now includes the Justices of the Supreme Court, Judge Tunis, Ben Kuehne, Steve Chaykin, Northern Illinois University, and the several voices chattering in your head? Or is this another conspiracy? Are you offended by the word "cunt"? Would you have preferred Jane to say pussy? kitty? snatch? vagina? Or do all those words offend you? Do you think about them daily? hourly? every minute? If Jane had said it on Fox rather than NBC, would that have been acceptable?

    Rumpole, Jack's self-destruction is so entertaining. Please continue to post all his responses to the Supreme Court's order to show cause, and be sure to post the sanction order when it's entered.

    Remember, Jack, the sanction to be entered includes, BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO, preventing you from filing further trash unless you can convince a licensed lawyer to sign it. That means you'll be paying money, my "friend". You'll need to find a paying job, I'm afraid, and you won't have as much time to entertain us. Now that's too bad....

  55. Hi Joel,

    "Angry Brummerite" I am not. I'm not even sure how you've concluded that I am an "old man." I guess it is you who can't let go.

    No, I may be a defense atty or I may be a member of the Rundle clan. My annoyances with you and "your group" have nothing to do with any ancient election. Just think you are all a bunch of pathetic boys.

    Oh, and if one of your groupies is posting using your name, that's even more pathetic.

  56. To those commenting on how John Bruce complains about libel against him but has no problem making wild accusations against others (an act he claims is HIS First Amendment Right)...

    You have to remember this is the individual who single handedly rewrote the old song "I Did It My Way" to "Do It My Way, Or Else!".

    This is the man who, after all, threatened to have Bristol County, MA District Attorney Paul Walsh arrested if the DA didn't act the way John Bruce demanded during the Joshua Robida case.

    This is also the man who demanded that the Louisianna State Attorney General handle the defense of John Bruce's video game legislation HIS way or step aside because, basically, only John Bruce can do the job right.

    This is also the man who thought it would be a good idea to push his agenda at NIU and at the same time threaten them with a lawsuit if they didn't do as he demanded.

    And obviously we can mention a great many other acts, in and out of FL.

    With John Bruce, he's proven that he takes the stance not of "my way or no way" but "my way, there is NO other way, or else!".

    Andrew Rhodes

  57. After reading that response to the Florida Supreme Court ...

    Jack Thompson for President!!!

  58. Jack doesn't need a "paying job." His wife is a partner at Carlton Fields.

  59. From the DBR:
    "Anti-Porn Crusader May Face Sanctions for 'Meritless Filings'"

    ""I have a right to file anything I want with the court," Thompson told the Daily Business Review on Wednesday. "It is beyond bizarre that they think they can tell me I can't seek relief. They can deny relief, but they can't tell me I can't seek relief.""

    It's spelled



    Andrew Rhodes

  60. Bye-bye, Dava. We hardly knew ye:




    v. Case Numbers SC 07 - 80 and 07- 354




    Comes now respondent John B. Thompson (Thompson) and moves this court for entry of the extraordinary writ of quo warranto herein, stating:
    Dava J. Tunis is the Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge chosen by the Eleventh Circuit’s Chief Judge Farina to serve as referee herein.
    Unfortunately, Judge Tunis has never complied with the state’s Loyalty Oath Law, Florida Statute 876.05, et sequitur.
    The first oath she submitted while a County Court Judge was forged. So clearly was it forged that Judge Farina has secured a criminal investigation of the forgery of the Tunis document.
    Tunis’ subsequent stabs at filing a valid State Loyalty Oath have also failed, as a Public Records Law Request under Chapter 119 reveals that they are not notarized and they deviate from the language mandated by statute. A number of formal Opinions issued by this State’s Attorney Generals hold that failure to comply with the strict requirements of FS 876.05 proves fatal.
    Thus, Dava Tunis is sitting on the Circuit Court bench with no legal authority to do so. As such, she must be removed from the bench, and she must refund all monies paid her by the state during all of her terms as judge.
    Further, all of her orders are void, as she has had no authority to ender them.
    WHEREFORE, Thompson moves this court for the entry of a writ of quo warranto granting the above-noted relief and any other appropriate relief.
    Thompson hopes this court finds this pleading both interesting and legitimate, as Thompson has been practicing law in continuous good standing in this state for 31 years, and thus he knows a) what a writ of quo warranto is, and b) what the state Loyalty Oath requirements are, unlike some judges and unlike some Justices.
    I HEREBY CERTIFY that this has been provided this February 22, 2008, to Bar staff counsel Sheila Tuma, and to Dava Tunis.

    JOHN B. THOMPSON, Attorney
    Florida Bar #231665
    1172 South Dixie Hwy., Suite 111
    Coral Gables, Florida 33146

  61. You guys think this stuff is good? Check THIS out. It's got PICTURES, and it's 100% authentic Jack Thompson at his most contemptable.

  62. Anonymous,

    You're right. Jack's wife has a paying job at Carlton Fields. He copies the head of litigation there with every nutty, entertaining email that he favors me with. He'd better hope she keeps billing those hours, though, or he'll have to go to work. And if Hanoi Jane says "cunt" again, he won't be able to be glued to his television to hear it and protect us from it.

  63. Eh, Mnementh2230? Where do you think Dennis @ GP copied and pasted that from without referencing it?

    Oh look, its got pictures.

  64. Jack,

    Want to be taken seriously by the courts? Consider citing CASE LAW. If you can't find case law, then explain why.

    You may the only certifiably sane lawyer in Florida, but your briefs suck. Maybe your wife can help?
