Wednesday, December 19, 2007


This is copied from a post on the Broward Blog.
This story was almost too tragic to contemplate when it was initially reported.
Please donate.

Edward Babington Special Needs Trust

Edward Alex Babington is the 14 year old autistic boy recently released from the hospital after being stabbed in both eyes, allegedly by his aunt. He has lost sight permanently in one eye, and only time will tell if he recovers sight in the remaining eye.The Association for Retarded Citizens (The Arc), has set up the Edward Babington Third Party Special Needs Trust Fund, at Sun Trust Bank, to benefit the child. Donations can be made through The Arc by calling 305-759-8500, ext. 101, or by email through The Arc's contact person Tonja Parra, at
This information comes through attorney Sean Conway, who represents the child's mother. Please watch Channel 4 at six and eleven tonight, to learn more on how you can help the Babington family.

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