Thursday, November 29, 2007


The Packers roll into Dallas tonight for the start of the Thursday night NFL season.

The Pack are getting between 6.5 and 7 and the over/under is 51. We have made a pretty good living this year picking the favorite and the under, which is normally a pretty difficult proposition. And the Green Bay Packers bring a very underrated defense to the game tonight. However, we like a shootout and we like the Pack. However, in the interest of making sure people don't go losing the holiday money, we like the Pack more for personal reasons then we are convinced they will win. So if you follow our advice tonight, tred lightly.

Packers+6.5-7 and over 51.

It's still too early for our final picks, but we just might have some good news this Sunday for one particular 0-11 team near and dear to our hearts.


  1. I officially announce my candidancy for the Office of the Public Defender and request inclusion in the poll.

    Oh yeah, and someone please let me know who wins the football game tonight - I don't have the NFL network!

    CAPTAIN OUT .............

  2. Several assistant PD's who suspiciously may have been out all night on South Beach after attending the Fund Raiser for Judge Leon Firtel serenaded unsuspecting PD employees this morning with Christmas carols that had a decidely political bent: songs that were crooned in the hallways included "Its beginning to look alot like Barzee" and "We need a little Barzee just a little Barzee" before finishing up with the touching favorite "I'm dreaming of Barzee for PD."

  3. I knew it!!!! I knew I heard singing in the hallways this morning. I thought it was a radio, but I knew it. And I thought I heard Barzee's name as well. At least I'm not going crazy.

  4. And several ASAs who may have been out all night on South Beach serenaded unsuspecting SAO employees this morning with songs such as Deck the PDO (halls) with Gail Levine, fa la la la la, la la la la.

  5. Barzee is not 100% but he is seriously considering a run. He is ready to put down 250k if he runs. Carlos, if you are reading, Reach out to the Barzee.

    Lift the ban on the lawyers.

  6. I'm on the Captain bandwagon for PD. Include him in the poll Rumpole. He has my vote.

  7. Captain, you are cheap. The NFL Network is only $5 if you have Comcast.

  8. judge Jacqueline Hogan Scola for PD. Who by her quiet and courteous nature on the bench- her strict respect to the bill of rights, and her distinguished and judicially moderate sentences has shown that she has the temperment and character and care for the rights of others- she among everyone else, has distingushed herself as the best PD candidate out there.

  9. El Capitan- you may have noticed the new changes to the blog-instituted a few weeks ago. One of those changes is that by accepting the new blogger format, I have to use blogger's polls- and Google's blogger poll is not allowing me to make changes to the poll. I can add you only by scrapping the poll and starting over. perhaps if you gave us your real name, I might be moved to do so.

  10. That Dude Hubbart is no longer the PD??? Where was I when he retired? Next thing somebody will tell me Reno is no longer the state attorney, Dude.

  11. Pardon the interruption of the PD debate, but I must know immediately whether others watching NFL Network are noticing a problem with the HD picture on one of the cameras?

  12. Captain
    Not sure you can qualify using the name Captain. Come forward and tell your name. If you want the job, you need a set of stones. The fact that you came out and did not state your real name first is suspect.

  13. Steve Bustamante for PD!

  14. It is time we all realize that the job of Public Defender is too much for any one man-or let's all get behind a dynamic duo- why it's got be be FINGER-LEVINE for PD!!!!!!!!!

  15. Amazing how much you can sock away by teetotalling.

  16. The first intelligent thing I have seen on this blog is FINGER&LEVINE for PD!!!!!!!!!Levine will decline, so let's give them (the) Finger! Fake Anonymous
