Sunday, September 09, 2007


The fun and profit starts today!!!!
Just keep one thing in mind for a profitable year- The Dolphins.
Bet against them whenever the line allows it.

Early in the year means the offenses are ahead of defenses, so we start by looking for lower over/under totals.

Unless otherwise stated, all of our lines come from the USA Today online lines.

Our Suicide Pick: Chargers over the Bears.
David Markus: Steelers over Browns. (while we think the Steelers will win, we would advise Mr. Markus in general to pick home team favorites in a suicide pool. But he is smarter than we are and doesn't need our advice. He knows the intricacies of things like "me versus I" for real good grammar and such.)
Toots: Seahawks over the Bucs.
Rick Freedman: Jaguars over Titans.
Feet of Clay: Cowboys over Giants.
Miguel De la O(over): Seattle over Tampa Bay.


The Bears travel to San Diego and the Chargers are -5.5 favorites over Rumpole’s second most overrated team in the NFC (the Saints are the most overrated team. Get a secondary will ya?) Give the points and watch the Bears crumble. No Lovie for Smith’s Bruins today. Chargers roll.

Patriots at Jets. The o/u is 41. We seem to remember a bad beat last year on an o/u Pats/Jets game as we liked the over and the final the score was something like 10-3. Once burned but not twice shy. Revamped Patriots Offense plus the loss of a Patriots starting cornerback on defense turns this one into a Meadowlands shoot out.
J-E-T-S-Over Over Over.41.

Arizona at San Fran. We really like both these teams. Great new coach in Arizona with Kenny Whizenhut and Russ Grimm taking their Steeler success to the Cardinals. This Arizona team will make a statement this year. But the 49’ers are more mature. Great drafts over the last few years are now ready to payoff. San Fran is our pick to win the division this year and Alex Smith is the more experienced QB over pretty boy Lineart. A nice low line of -3.5 makes the 49’ers a good home team play.

KC at Houston. Take the over 38.

Tennessee at Jacksonville. Take the over 37.5

(Those are our picks that will count. Purely for entertainment, we try and pick the two best games of the week. Since we make the rules, we only count the outcome if we win.)

Game of the week:
Monday Night Football humdinger as Ravens travel to Cincinnati for a week one divisional match-up. We’re not high on either team this year. We think this is the year the Ravens get old, and Cincinnati’s defense resembles the REGJB security screeners- everything gets in, nothing gets stopped, and the personnel have pending criminal cases. Lay the 2.5 and take the home team Bengals as the history is that these teams split with the home team getting the win.

52nd Street Irwin's Inside tip (see below to find out just who Irwin is) : One word: TOE. Ravens Pro Bowl Offensive Lineman Jonathan Ogden has turf toe. The Ravens depend on him to protect Steve McNair, who is almost as old as Richard Hersch, and to open running lanes for new RB Willis McGahee. With Ogden limping and possibly out, the Ravens are a considerably weaker team than most people realize.

Alternate game of the week divisional rivalry:
Giants go to Dallas. Cowboys give 5.5 to the visiting Gints. Cowboys have the talent, but new Coach Wade Phillips.....uuggh. Vanilla re-tread at best. Rumpole says, give the points if you must play this game.

As an old bookie we knew growing up, named 52nd Street Irwin used to say “Now let us learn you something”.

Don’t play more than two games, three tops. You can’t beat the vig. Ever. (How do you think we paid for law school? On the backs of schnooks who need action.) If you want to gamble, you look for your one best shot, shove all your chips in and let it roll. You can’t beat the odds over a life time, but you can find good bets and swing the odds in your favor every now and then. If you want to turn a profit, find a game or two that you like and take your shot.

If you want action on ten games a week, please listen to us- just email those picks to us and we will book everyone of them every week and every time.
And when you don’t pay up, 52nd Street Irwin, who has retired to Miami, will be looking for you, and he will not be happy.

Have fun.

Last minute news, notes, and thoughts: Steelers have uncertainty on the offensive line and last minute replacements at fullback and kick returner. That can't be good. Broncos have the talent to win the Super Bowl. And for the last two years they traveled east and lost their season opener to vastly inferior teams. Denver plays Buffalo and we wouldn't touch this one with Rick Freedman's civil fees let alone our money. Jags are 8-0 in last 8 home openers and yet the QB situation has us nervous. Vince Young can win a game by himself, and will have to do that most of the time this year. I can't get a read on the Seahawks. Today is a good game to watch. They should win this one, and super bowl teams win the ones they should win. Redskins can make a statement today by the blitz. Superior corners and safety's are the strength of this team. Question is whether new QB has the right stuff. Could be a long day for Trent Green unless he gets his bell rung. Cleo anyone? I am nervous about my suicide pick. This was a pretty tough week and new coach Norv Turner in San Diego makes me nervous. But my gut feeling is Bears are way overrated and will tumble this year like Steelers did last year. Rex Grossman is not the QB to build a wining team around in the NFL. Bears will miss the loss of the A Train more than they realize and several contract issues including the Head Coach have team members whispering about salaries more than you would like. Last year's success has bred this year's dissension.
Finally, current genius - Patriots coach Belichick -has re-built his team with one thing in mind: to match offense with the Colts. He is convinced shoot-outs and 45 point scoring is the wave of the future. I am not convinced he is right. I don't think Pats make the AFC Championship game. They have too much talent to have a bad season, but something tells me not everything is kosher in bean town. If you read the NY Post every day, then you know the resident genius has some troubles in his personal life, not including Randy Moss. We shall see.


  1. from the herald today....


    Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Jorge J. Perez is leaving the bench, but not for a TV gig. Perez joins the Tew Cardenas law firm on Nov. 1 -- as a partner, specializing in commercial trial work.

    A financial decision, says Perez, appointed in '03 by then-Gov. Jeb Bush. Perez, 44, has a son in college and a 6-year-old boy in private school, and cares for his 72-year-old mother, a retired physician. Wife Maria, 45, an attorney, is now a stay-at-home mom.

    ''As much as I love this job, I'm the sole support for my family,'' says Perez, who earns $145,080 as a jurist.

    He'll receive a ''substantial increase'' in salary at his new job, says Thomas Tew, senior partner.

    Other big firms pursued Perez, Tew says. ``He was given a fraternity rush by a lot of players.''

    Among Perez's high-profile cases: Flagami rapist Julio Soler, who sexually assaulted a woman in front of her 7-year-old daughter and infant son; and Danqiong Yang, accused of killing her 2-year-old boy by slashing his throat. She has been found mentally incompetent to stand trial.

  2. A couple of posts ago, the Captain shared what should have been an impossible to beleive story about a wack job judge in Orlando. There was a video in the link that you gotta see to beleive.

    Why, why, why do people like this judge think they have the moral authority to do this kind of stuff?,0,4522302.story


  3. The Dolphins...

    Plus c'est la meme chose, plus ça change.

  4. your picks sucked, rumpy

  5. We were right on our blind item: Judge Perez leaves the bench. The Herald steals our line about him not leaving for a TV gig and no credit as usual. Win on Chargers as pick and in Suicide Pool. Win on Jets Pats over. Loss on other 2 overs. Defense well ahead today. 4-2 this week so far on Football. 1 for 1 on predictions about Judges retiring. C-Boys look good tonight as our pick so far. Rick Freedman is OUT as sole casualty in first week of Suicide Pool. Tough loss as Jax was 8-0 in home openers but last minute QB change gave us worry. And didn't we tell you to avoid Denver on the road today? Last second field goal may have pulled out the win but they were never close to covering.

  6. hey rum - what happened to my judge shenberg post?

  7. I feel just awful that Judge Perez needs to find a real job to support his family. 145 g's. Even if you can't figure out how to eek out a living on that, how about su esposa going back to work? Maybe college niño could get a part time job? Mom the "retired physician" didn't manage to save a dime? Get a clue about real life, your-soon-to-be-ex-honor.

    Thanks for the commitment to justice. Good riddance, whiner

    (Maybe there's something going on that's not being reported on a way I hope that's the case, but really!)

  8. Harvey Ruvin read this previous message!

    Anonymous said...
    This email is for the Ethics Commission.

    Check where Mcgillis obtained the monies to do that election mailer. I mean, a man without a job cannot possibly pay over $10K for a mailer that aims at destroying the candidates that did not pay Bob Levy. Someone paid for that and that my friends is a criminal, JQC and Ethics investigations.

    Does someone care? Maybe Harvey Ruvin? Maybe not? We all know that SPIRIT is a ongoing crime. Harvey needs to go, but Mcgillis is not the person to replace him.

    Tuesday, September 04, 2007 11:48:00 PM

  9. Boy is McGillis gonna be pissed:

    Ex-band promoter aims to be clerk of courts

    Posted on Mon, Sep. 10, 2007

    A high school dropout who used to promote the boy band Menudo has filed election papers to challenge Clerk of Courts Harvey Ruvin, a 39-year veteran of public office who has been running the clerk's office since 1992 and also served 20 years as a county commissioner.

    Darrin McGillis, 40, said he is running for a variety of reasons -- he wants to update the technology of the courts, he thinks Ruvin, 70, is about ready to retire and he thinks the office needs someone who will be around longer, and he's mad at Ruvin for not releasing the contents of a dependency case file to him in 1998.

    ''That's one of my personal issues with Mr. Ruvin,'' he said.

    The case involved McGillis' sister, who died that year. He was fighting the Department of Children & Families and relatives of his sister's seven children over custody.

    McGillis has had several other involvements with the courts: he was arrested on organized fraud charges in 1999 and had the charges dismissed as part of a plea deal that required him to pay restitution of more than $22,000; he's twice been sued by acquaintances who accused him of repeat violence, cases he claims were motivated by money; and a member of Menudo sued him claiming sexual harassment in Puerto Rico but later retracted the claim.

    Ruvin had no comment on his colorful opponent. Ruvin did say he is not planning to retire, that he finished high school, college and law school. And he's never been arrested.


  10. If the Herald ran a story about how little Judges make, you'd get one responses... working class idiots who think anything more than minimum wage is good enough.

    The legislative and executive hate us. The public hates us. And the players in the civil field don't care. Tew, Dorta, Podhurst, Alvarez got there's so screw the rest.

    Out court system is a shambles, yet the wealthiest partners have moved on. Toilets that seldom flushed? That's a problem for associates.

    Judicial Salaries need to be doubled... and I'd even accept replacing elections with appointments if that's what it took.

    Until then... we get crap judges. I have no faith in them.

  11. My picks did not suck. Indy minus 5.5 and the under both won. San Diego covered. Jets Pats over won. Dallas covered. If you dont consider the Dallas game because i was iffy on that, i was 4-2 to start the season. I have one game tonight i like, san fran over arizona, and the Cinncy pick I am iffy on. I also told you to stay away from the Denver game and the Jax game and Denver didn't cover and Jax lost. I had a better week than most who charge for their picks.

  12. There used to be an article on McGillis at Wikipedia. Jimbo Wales shut it down.

    If you try and create a neutral article on McGillis you'll probably end up permanently banned from Wikipedia and your article deleted.

  13. i know it is difficult for you south floridians to understand as it is geography....but Sanford is not orlando,just like Key Largo is not like Miami.....and you guys really are the pot calling the kettle black with your bunch of judicial misfits !
    a voice from up nawth in gods country!!!!

  14. From the Onion Peeler: Has anyone considered the fact that some people become judges, don't like it, and leave and it is easier to say it is for the money than to piss off everyone in the building and say you are tired of defendants, large dockets, and someone mad at you for a decision you made or didn't every damn day. A circuit court criminal judge in miami has 700 cases and its like being an asa or apd but you have to know the law better than them and the flw, not to mention crazy criminal defendants, threats, rule 3s, young inexperienced attorneys etc. Now go to Brickell, made 3x the money and be bored to death. Sometimes after 15-20 years of excitement a little boredom is nice. How many of us are tired of doing trials, they aren't exciting or fun anymore. Don't judge the judge, like I said being a felony judge in Miami dealing with human misery 5 days a week can take its toll-these are career criminals, murders, rapists etc. not slip and fall cases. onion out!

  15. Wade Phillips as "vanilla retread"? BULLSHIT! Last team he coached was the Bills and they went 11-5 that year and only lost in the playoff in the crazy "Music City Miracle" kick-off lateral against Tenn.

    Bills have sucked since he left. Dallas will win 11-12 games this yr ans score lots of points doing it.

    Can't wait til next Sunday in Miami.

  16. BREAKING BLOG NEWS:Alan J Shuminer a/k/a Shumie will be filing papers next week to run as the Harvey Ruvin endorsed candidate for clerk of court.

  17. Oh yeah everyone was trying to get Wade Phillips. The Steelers lost a bidding war to the cowboys right? Even NE was going to fire Belichick to get Wade Phillips and all his super bowl rings. Phillips has what 10 or 12 rings? Chuck Noll and Tom Landry and Don Shula are all jealous of him. Tony Dungy says Wade Phillips taught him everything he knows. Yeah, right.

  18. 1)Perez was an awesome Judge. he will be missed. I wish the best to him.

    2) McGillis is a fraking nut job


    Congrats to the Miami Herald and Reporter Susannah Nesmith on her article in the Herald yesterday mentioning that Mr. McGillis was running for Clerk of Court.

    It's nice to know that Ms. Nesmith still reads my reports on the blog - as I wrote about this same story more than a week ago.

    CAPTAIN OUT ............

  20. Word around Town is soem ex-Judges are thinking a staging a comback. Alan "see you in chambers" Postman, Henry "how you like it" Ferro, and Ivan "Me Jod#$ Juan" Hernandez are all looking to return to the bench. After some hesitation, can we suggest that the three amigos, or stooges hire Bob Levy and Armando G. America - - What A Contree!

  21. As some may know, Wikipedia keeps logs of all changes to articles. While you can no longer access the logs at Wikipedia, you can access them at

    The logs can be found here.

    Assuming the logs are correct, and I have no reason to doubt them, it appears that Darrin McGillis sued the founder of Wikipedia, Jimbo Wales, and, in response, that Jimbo Wales responded by banning all discussion of Mr. McGillis.

    So... Ms. Nesmith, what can you discover about McGillis' lawsuit against Jimbo Wales?

  22. Who is Elba Olano?

    That's ELBA OLANO???

  23. Are you kidding me that people are mourning the loss of Judge Perez on the bench? Granted he is a nice guy, but I'd rather appear before a judge who knows the law, runs an efficient calendar and is punctual(Perez did none of these things). I'm sure the money will be better in private practice and he should not be forced to stay in a job for which he was ill-prepared. But let's face it, his legacy will be a failure as a judge.

  24. I can't wait until football season is over so I don't have to read these boring "picks" and bets about who or what team did what...I HATE FOOTBALL

  25. For the world's collective amusement:

  26. Too funny. now rumors on this Blog are making it into the pages of the Daily Review. From today's story on the resignation of Judge Perez:

    One name floated as a Perez replacement is that of Florida Bar counsel Barnaby L. Min in Miami. Reached at his office late Friday, Min denied the speculation.

    I dont know where that rumors coming from, and its not true, he said.

  27. To Monday, September 10, 2007 4:25:00 PM

    Shouldn't you be out at the barn sticking your arm down a cow's ass or something?


  28. I apologize for being so out of the know... but can someone tell me if Judge Barzee Flores is married to attorney Hector Flores?

  29. Simplisitc idiot Rumpole. Wade Phillips is a good coach--not a super genuis like Walsh or Landry, but solid. His teams play above their talent level more often than not. And since Dallas has the most talent in the NFC, Wade will get it done where the "great" Parcells did not. Maybe not better than Colts or Pats, but the class of the NFC.

    And Wade Phillips shall lead them.

  30. Dallas Cowboys 30, Miami Dolphins 13

  31. What had Joe Torre ever done until he managed a talented team? He had been the manager for a couple teams without great success. He had the rep as too soft on players, too easy-going, etc.

    Talent rules, not coaches.

  32. Captain,

    While I do read many of your posts, at least the shorter ones, I didn't get that particular information from you. I actually have sources too, my friend. And public records are by their very nature open to everyone. But I'll take the back-handed congrats anyway.

    Susannah Nesmith
    Miami Herald

  33. From what I recall of Rump last year, he had a pretty good pick season. Most pro handicappers would have a tough time going 60% with thier picks for the year. At least he posts them BEFORE the games. Dont worry Rump- we trust your picks. Now make us some money and we'll donate to your campaign to become Clerk of Courts.

  34. Have to agree on Perez's wife going back to work. A licensed atty staying at home and taking care of a 6 year old is a waste of potential income.


    As most of you already know by now, Judge Jorge Perez has resigned and is leaving for private practice. His resignation letter to Governor Crist is effective November 1, 2007.

    The 11th JNC will again begin the process of accepting applications, conducting interviews and sending up to six names to Governor Crist for a replacement.

    The Gov. presently has six names on his desk to replace Judge Cristina Pereyra Shuminer. Those six names are:

    Joe Davis
    Miguel Delao
    Darrin Gayles
    George Sarduy
    Nushin Sayfile
    Lisa Walsh

    To read the article in the DBR about the Perez resignation, go here:


    To see Judge Cristina at her new job, you can begin watching her next Monday on Channel 23. Her show will every weekday, at 2:00 PM for one hour. The name of the show is VEREDICTO FINAL.

    CAPTAIN OUT .........

  36. Captain, please explain:
    Accg. to DBR review article on Judge Perez,
    One name floated as a Perez replacement is that of Florida Bar counsel Barnaby L. Min in Miami. Reached at his office late Friday, Min denied the speculation.

    “I don’t know where that rumor’s coming from, and it’s not true,” he said.


    And for those of you who missed it, Judge David Young began airing this week, daily at 1:00 pm, on Channel 33.

    The Herald had a great article about David on Sunday. Here it is:

    CAPTAIN OUT ........

  38. Re-name it the "Captain and Rumpole" blog.

    I'd like a typhoon to catch our Captain sometimes, esp. when he reports shit we already know.

  39. Rumpole, I beg you to put the McGillis for Clerk countdown clock on your Blog. Please please please. Funniest thing I've seen in years. If I could I'd project it on the building in front of Ruvin's office.
