Saturday, September 15, 2007


The Captain was good enough to post the information in the comments section yesterday about donating to Officer Somohano’s family.

Officer Jose Somohano was 37 years old and he leaves behind a wife and two children. Somohano was a former schools police officer who was hired by the Miami-Dade Police Dept. in 2003.

The PBA LOVE FUND is a fund that has been set up to help the families of slain officers.

The Love Fund depends on PBA special events and outside contributions for its success.

It is a federally recognized charitable organization[501(c)(3)] and contributions to it are fully tax deductible.

Please make your check or money order payable to the

"Dade County PBA Love Fund"

and mail to:Dade County PBA1

10680 PBA Memorial Blvd.(NW 25th St.)

Miami, FL 33172

We who labour as attorneys some times find ourselves opposing officers in court. We may disagree with their view of a case, but we can never forget that every officer has volunteered to work at a job that may require that they sacrifice their life to protect us or our family. Officer Somohano paid that ultimate price. Many years from now when his name is rarely spoken among us, his family will still have that empty space in their heart. Like Miami Beach Officer Scotty Rakow, and other officers killed in the line of duty, his sacrifice will be applauded, his name will be remembered fondly, but we will go on about our lives, while his family will feel his loss everyday. A small donation is the least we can do to ease his family’s heartache and pain.


This Thursday – September 20, at 6:00 PM., the 11th Circuit Historical Society will have a Book signing and remarks by author Blaise Pichi who has written The Five Weeks Of Giuseppe Zangara, The Man who tried to Kill FDR. While there is no truth to the rumor that the case still languishes on page 165 of Judge Adrien’s calendar, we highly recommend everyone attend this event at the Historical Museum- 101 West Flager- right across from the Civil Court House, and join the 11th Circuit Historical Society. It is a great organization.


Rick Freedman bit the dust in week one (last time we mention this Rick, we promise). And a few picks have already come in. Toots our famous Femme Fatale of Football, our Pretty Pigskin Prognosticator, is going with the Bengals over the Browns, while David Markus like the Dolphins over the Cowboys!!!!!…..just kidding. Markus likes the Jaguars at home over the low flying Falcons. Everyone else still alive (meaning everyone but Rick) is reminded to get their picks in before Sunday.
Rumpole's picks tomorrow.


  1. good post rump. prosecutors and defense lawyers always forget this. we sit back and say you did a bad search or we wonder why some young street cop writes a bad aform. we all get to practice in court after we have slept and are in a safe place where there is no chance of us getting hurt let alone killed. can you imagine going to court everyday with that stress and doing it from 11p to 7a. we should never forget how hard a cops job is.

  2. Please also take a minute to check out
    A Trust Fund has been established for the children of slain Police Officer Jose Somohano who was brutally murdered while serving the citizens of Miami-Dade County. The Police Officer Assistance Trust has setup two easy ways to donate either through a check or online.

  3. I'm going to re-post the PBA fund a few times this week and I will also put a link up to, so don't worry. Starting Monday when readers check in at work, it will be up for a week. Godbless.

  4. I want to give to the family of this slain officer but I have a question. If I give to these police organizations will I be paying for clerical expenses as opposed to giving directly to the family with 100% of my money in the hands of his widow.

    I am not a big fan of charities that take money and little go to the cause. I am not saying this is the case I just want 100% in the hands of the victims family.

    Any advice or comments?



    The Northwestern High School Bulls travelled to Dallas, Texas and beat the number one high school football team in the country, 29-21 tonight before more than 30,000 fans.

    The loss by Southlake Carroll's Dragon's ends a 49 game winning streak. The Bulls expect to be named the Number One HS football team in the country come Monday.

    GO BULLS - You made Dade County proud.

    Now if only the other team from Miami can beat the other team from Dallas.

    CAPTAIN OUT ......

  6. I have no idea about the charity other than it is run by the PBA. I would hope the police take care of their own and give the proceeds to the family.

  7. Rumpole as I am up late this evening and cannot sleep, perhaps you can help: is the Shumie debut party for Halo 3 this Thursday with or without foam?

    Thanks (I hate foam parties)

  8. Miami has the dolphins
    a so so football team
    they take the ball from the 40 to the 40
    and punt it in between
    they have no run
    they have no pass
    they're always out of gas
    and when you say Miami
    your talkin about a team that gets kicked in the ass.

  9. Headline - FACDL intends to seek the issuance of a writ of quo warranto to block SB 1088.

    2nd Headline - Joel D. is frustrated in his efforts to personally take credit for the move, because he can't find anyone to tell him what a writ of quo warranto is.

  10. Rivera wil steal whatever you give to the PBA

  11. For those of you who are concerned that Officer Somohano's family will never see the money that is given to POAT, rest assured. POAT does indeed give the money to the family. PBA also helps the family with their expenses in this difficult time. I can give you this assurance because I lost my sister who was an officer for MDPD. Law Enforcement Organizations do indeed help take care of the families of their lost officers. Fellow lawyers, keep in mind that your lives will move on, but this family will have a hole in their lives forever. The pain never goes away. If you don't believe me, go to the Police Memorial Ceremony that takes place the first week of May every year.
