Sunday, September 16, 2007


With our extensive beltway and White House contacts, Rumpole has learned that President Bush will announce tomorrow (Monday) that he is nominating former NY Federal Judge Michael Mukaskey, for Attorney General. The NY Times article is HERE

Judge Mukaskey was originally appointed to the Bench by President Reagan. He was a Judge in the Second Circuit for 19 years, and was chief Judge of the Southern District Of New York. Before becoming a Judge, Mukaskey served in the US Attorneys Office with Rudy Guiliani.


  1. I'm so thrilled to be the first to say this:

    SOMEBODY CALL THE Q!!!!!!!!!!

    LAS VEGAS - Police arrested O.J. Simpson on Sunday, saying he was part of an armed group who burst into a Las Vegas hotel room and snatched memorabilia that documented his own sports career, long ago eclipsed by scandal.

    The arrest starts a new legal odyssey for the fallen football star who more than a decade ago was acquitted of the slayings of his ex-wife and a friend, and opens the possibility he could spend decades behind bars.

    Simpson was taken away from The Palms casino-hotel by plainclothes officers a day after the arrest of a golfing buddy who police say accompanied him with a gun in the Thursday night holdup. Handcuffed and wearing a golf shirt and jeans, Simpson was placed in an SUV.

    "He was very cooperative, there were no issues," Capt. James Dillon said.

    Simpson was to be booked on two counts of robbery with a deadly weapon, two counts of assault with a deadly weapon, conspiracy to commit burglary and burglary with a firearm, police said. The district attorney, meanwhile, said he expected Simpson to ultimately be charged with seven felonies and one gross misdemeanor.

    If convicted of the booking charges, Simpson would face up to 30 years in state prison on each robbery count alone.

    "He is facing a lot of time," said Clark County District Attorney David Roger.


  2. Rumpole, followed your advice:

    Laugh at those 7 ½ points and TAKE THE TITANS AND THE MONEY LINE

    and bet the Titans straight up - and lost.

    That makes you 4-2 (with a NE win), but still a very good week.

    CAPTAIN OUT .......

  3. Bush ought to only appoint Reagan-era folks. Maybe we'd get a bit of compentence in there, instead of Bush's idiot friends and cronies.

  4. Looking for attorneys,

    Specifically, the attorneys representing the six people accused of helping Shawn LaBeet.

    Most have the PD's office for the moment, but they will have to conflict on at least five of the six. One, Renee D'Angelo, seems to have a private attorney, but it's not listed in CJIS yet.

    Could anyone who is representing these folks, or thinks they will be, give me a call.

    Susannah Nesmith
    Miami Herald


    Speaking of Attorney Generals:

    None other than Rumpole's favorite AG, Janet Reno, is now officially a record producer:

    "An upcoming CD compilation maps out centuries of American history through the reinterpretation of beloved songs such as "Yankee Doodle" and "Home on the Range." New versions of 50 American classics — performed by artists ranging from Take 6 and the Blind Boys of Alabama to Devendra Banhart and Martha Wainwright.

    Former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno is the mastermind behind the collection, which has been years in the making.

    In part, Reno says she is motivated by a desire to share music with her young great-nieces and great-nephews. "One of the joys that I'm looking forward to is to play these recordings for them, so that they can build on their ability to use song to express themselves,".

    Reno describes "Yankee Doodle" — performed by Harper Simon, son of Paul Simon — as a "beautiful rendition," which revealed something new and yet universal.
    Other songs, such as "Home on the Range" and "Rosie the Riveter," conjure up special memories for Reno — such as childhood pony rides or her Aunt Winnie, who served in the Women Airforce Service Pilots during World War II.

    "I just hope that people will have the opportunity to hear [Song of America] and to see what song can do to inspire and to motivate and to give people a sense of themselves," Reno says.

    Song of America, a three-CD set, will be released on Tuesday.

    CAPTAIN OUT ...............



    We are worried about Rumpole:

    BEIJING, China -- A man in southern China appears to have died of exhaustion after a three-day Internet gaming binge, state media said Monday.

    The 30-year-old man fainted at a cyber cafe in the city of Guangzhou Saturday afternoon after he had been playing games online for three days.

    Paramedics tried to revive him but failed and he was declared dead at the cafe. The paper said that he may have died from exhaustion brought on by too many hours on the Internet. About 100 other Web surfers "left the cafe in fear after witnessing the man's death."

    China has 140 million Internet users, second only to the U.S.. It is one of the world's biggest markets for online games, with tens of millions of players, many of whom hunker down for hours in front of PCs in public Internet cafes.

    Several cities have clinics to treat what psychiatrists have dubbed "Internet addiction" in users, many of them children and teenagers, who play online games or surf the Web for days at a time.

    CAPTAIN OUT .........

  8. Is Abby going to go to Vegas to seek revenge and a conviction?

    Will Marsha and Darden continue their relationship and join the team?

    Will O.J. beat the Rap again?

    Rumpole, time to start a pool on this one.

  9. Dear 2:09:

    Shouldn't that be Justicia con frijoles negros? Y yuca?

  10. to fake jose marti:

    in her promo video our former circuit judge touts her mexican upbringing and her love of guacamole (even though shes really cuban, born in tampa i think, she did live and study in mejico).

    the funniest thing...she doesnt refer to her husband alan shuminer by name and they made her drop her married name for the show. producers thought theres no "sh" sound in spanish and shuminer sounds to "jewish".
