Wednesday, March 21, 2007




Veteran courthouse observers called this one close. No body, no murder weapon, and with the actual killer already convicted, veteran prosecutor Gayle Levine was without many of the usual advantages Major Crimes Prosecutors have up their sleeve when they go to trial. Throw in the lead detective's admitted affair with a witness, and you have all the makings of a real Miami trial- sex and murder were once again intertwined in a REGJB courtroom.

Locascio was more than ably represented by ace criminal defense attorneys Bob Amsel and David Raben, who now find themselves in the unenviable position of fighting for their client's life. The defense did not have an easy time of it, with a pending divorce between the departed Mrs. Locascio and her CPA husband providing all the motive a Miami jury needed to find Locascio guilty. There were whispers of a senile juror, which may complicate matters in phase two. Judge Stan Blake presided over the three week trial with his usual common sense and fair approach to matters. With the defense down but not out, the only question left is whether this one goes to the Third DCA (if the defendant is sentenced to life) or directly to the Supreme Court (if the defendant is sentenced to death.)


  1. get me bruce fleisher!!!!

  2. fleisher? i'd take naftaly wachs in a situation like this...

  3. Korda: There's the usual names- Haddad, Bogenshutz, Black. I want the best.

    Korda's advisor: The real drop dead best?

    Korda. yeah.

    Korda's advisor: The Money Is No Object Best?

    Korda: Yeah.

    Korda's Advisor: Then I have one letter for you.

    Korda: What?

    Korda's Advisor: Q
    When people are in trouble- they call lawyers.

    When lawyers or Judges are in trouble- they call the Q.

    Fear the Q
    Respect the Q

    Close your eyes
    become the Q

  4. Fear the Shumie
    Respect the Shumie

    Once he stops yelling at you
    Speak with the Shumie.

  5. Get me LEVINE. She kicked ASS!

  6. Phil would have gotten a nolle prosse.

  7. I love to Attah-Q
    You pew-Q guts out
    Samatta with Q?

    You no likey?

  8. Hey Fake Brummer: How do you get that pic up there?

  9. The NY Times Reported this today. I wonder what Mr. Laeser's view is on this, as he has touched on this subject before:

    Damage to an area of the brain behind the forehead, inches behind the eyes, transforms the way people make moral judgments in life-or-death situations, scientists are reporting today. In a new study, people with this rare injury expressed increased willingness to kill or harm another person if doing so would save others' lives.

    Damage to the Prefrontal Cortex Increases Utilitarian Moral Judgements (Nature)The findings are the most direct evidence to date that humans’ native revulsion for hurting others relies on a part of neural anatomy, one that likely evolved before the brain regions responsible for analysis and planning.

  10. Seasons don't fear the Q
    Only the wind and the sun and the rain
    you can be like they are
    come on baby
    don't fear the Q
    you'll be ready to fly

  11. Horace,
    Do you think that I would suggest blanket lobotomies? Sterilizations to prevent breeding? NEVER !

    I know that there are broken people. Some have brain damage. Some have led lives so terrible that they have been deprived of any moral guidance. Sociopaths often find harming another a relatively simple act, if it serves their narcissictic purposes.

    Once they are broken, and embark on crimes hardly imaginable - should society have the right to punish? If not, then these persons cannot EVER be convicted of ANY crimes.

    But, if they can legally be found guilty of crimes, and they commited a terrible capital homicide, they must face the possibility of the ultimate punishment; just like those of us who believe that we are not broken.

    P.S. My NY Times was not delivered today, I will try to find the item on-line.

    P.S.S. What a win for Gail. You go girl!

  12. This conviction takes the pressure off Alan Ross for the Joyce Cohen conviction.
    The firm is batting a .1000.

    Which one of this duo is qualified to do a death penalty phase. Have they ever attended a life over death seminar?

  13. Fleisher got the brother life already......

  14. Ms. Levine should be the recipient of much deserved kudos. That was quite a win in a very tough case, with very good attorneys for the defense.

    I think you misunderstand my post- the thrust of the article as I read it, is the issue of will and intention versus structure of the brain. Us liberal defense attorneys who always look for an excuse are intrigued with the possibility that criminality is based on brain structure-brain injury-or brain deformity versus a persons intention or desire to committ a crime.

    The article is just grist for the mill.

  15. Ms. Levine knows this case is not a death case. She never would have won the case in front of a regular jury. Standard major crime tactic - empanel a death qualified jury and turn those conservatives loose. The question we should all be asking is whether or not there are ethical concerns with obtaining that unfair advantage with full knowledge that this is not a true death case.

  16. Congrats to Gail. I worked with Gail (as a now former ASA) and her work ethic, trial skills, and wondeful personality (seriously) make her the great person and prosecutor that she is. Good job on the trial.
    -"Go Gail, Go Gail, Go Gail, Go."

  17. Hiring someone to kill your spouse for money is not a death case? How about if we let a jury decide. That is the law, is it not? And you cannot let a jury decide unless you pick a death qualified jury.

  18. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, if a biological explanation for a homicide vitiates the moral culpability of an individual who kills in cold blood, then, the law ought preclude the death penalty because of insanity.

    Respectfully, an argument against this is not one which relies on "blanket labotomies." That's a red herring. If the defense chooses a brain scan, not the prosecutor, and can demonstrate the proper quantum of proof, the death penalty ought not be used in that instance at least. However, because of the epistemic worry of killing an innocent person falsely convcted, the death penalty ought be banned en toto.

  19. Rumpole has been uncovered he is :

    Attorney E. Joseph Ryan, Jr.

    Was a former ASA many years ago was defense counsel for numerous juvi TPR cases.

    Ask anyone who is friends with him that Rumpoles writing skills and humor well seem to be identical. Although Phil. R has the same humor and can be mistaken as Rumpole based on his written papers over the years.

    Investigate and you will find Rumpole in Attorney E. Joseph Ryan, Jr.

    Ps. he is a great guy.

  20. Dial Q for Quaaludes...

    You'll fly baby.

  21. Old guy: Murder for hire is so passe and definately was death worthy back in your day, like when we were still actually hanging people for stealing cattle. Now, come on, even if the jury imposes death, Supreme Court of Fla (as you like to say) would never affirm.

  22. 9:15 is correct. at least the cpa looks like he did it, unlike joyce cohen. ross really blew the joyce cohen case. he almost put her in the chair with his are right, they are batting .1000. look for a rule 3 against ross very soon....

  23. Wow! Predicting a Rule 3 on a guilty, 11:13, are a true profit...asshole.

  24. Rumpole, you're still missing the point with the death penalty.

    All this talk about mental-capacity and a broken judicial system is interesting, but it doesn't get to the heart of the matter-

    What do you do with a securely incarcerated prisoner who having grown-up in a loving family, and being free of mental defect, decides, of his own free-will, to kill a few young children.

    My opinion is that individuals may kill, without condemnation, if it is reasonably necessary to do so to protect themselves or others. I'm not going to take guns away from police or stuff flowers into army rifles. But having taken a person into secure custody, there is virtualy no basis to conclude it reasonably necessary to kill that person.

  25. Rump is E. Joseph Ryan, Jr.??? He Who Must Not Be Named would have a cow.

  26. All this talk about the death penalty, murder trials, and such has got me thinking......who is the best traffic ticket lawyer? I know many here on this sacred site look down on these pavement purveyors, however they too have earned their J.D.'s and make a living as lawyers. Rather than seperate and isolate lets try to find some common ground and be willing to admit that they perform an important job and protectthose that have the need for speed and just can't drive 55. So put aside your bias and prejudice and come up with a list of the top 5 or 10 traffic ticket attorney's.

  27. Had Locascio called the Q, feared the Q, respected the Q and closed his eyes and become the Q, he'd be out in the streets today.

  28. Scott " Six Gun " Hidnert

  29. Locasio would have hired Scott Hidnert for a contract hit on his own attorney if he would have been unfortunate to end up with "the Q" as his legal representative. How many capital murder cases has "Q" done anyway?

  30. Mark " I have lotsa " Gold

  31. does anyone know who were the incompent attorneys who represented the "bird road rapist" at trial? they must have been true idiots to let an innoncent man get convicted.

  32. Here is my list for the top five traffic lawyers:

    1. Cheapest
    2. Second Cheapest
    3. Third Cheapest
    4. Fourth Cheapest
    5. Fifth Cheapest

    Note, in the event of a tie, the tiebreaker would be broken by determination of which lawyer will send the best looking associate to court on my case.

  33. So, where is George Cholakis these days?

  34. Sunny " Sunshine on my Shoulder" Golden

  35. Cholakis is working as a paralegal researching obscure and archaic Florida Statutes regarding traffic rules and regs. for the world class, first class, a-number one traffic attorney Phil Reizenstein.

  36. Top 10 Traffic Ticket Lawyers:

    10. Ed Frank
    9. Randy Maultasch
    8. Marc Gold
    7. Scott Hidnert
    6. George Alvarez
    5. Sunny Goldin
    4. The Gal who Wears sneakers
    3. Phil R.
    2. Jackie Woodward-Reizenstein
    1. The Q

  37. Fred Hsia, Cynthia Manning, and Hashim Burnie are in the top 3 ticket attorneys

  38. Fred Hsia, Cynthia Mannia, and Hashim Burnie are in the top 3 ticket attorneys

  39. To 3:11- I appreciate the compliment, although something tells me that it was not really a compliment. Most people who know me know that I am not a ticket lawyer. I actually handle what I think are serious felony and federal matters. I just happen to work for a ticket lawyer- Jackie Woodward. Therein lies the confusion.

    Now for all the people who think I just dissed ticket lawyers- I didn't. I have had clients call my office more times to complain about the ticket and traffic school then about the agg assault 3 yr min man their son is serving. Not only are tickets important to the people who get them, but uniformly, the nicest and most friendly lawyers in the REGJB are the ones who handle tickets. And they do a great job to boot.

  40. Hey anonymous 5:13:00: Rather than making fun of somebody else while hiding behind your "anonymity", why don't you take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror. Does the term gutless piece of shit come to mind? It should.

  41. Now now- we don't allow those types of posts.

  42. I knew Calvin Mapp. Calvin Mapp was a friend of mine, and Phil R is no Calvin Mapp.

  43. heard that former judge robert w. kaye has passed away. can that be confirmed?

  44. How many other lawyers get a first degree murder case nolle prossed in trial and the state's witness arrested?

  45. Here's a worse problem- Judge Lindsay could pass away right on the bench and no one would even know.

  46. That's just not true. The calendar would finish much quicker and the trials would proceed at a better pace, and I am certain the decisions would be better.

  47. I miss making fun of Bobby Reiff on the blog. he was much more sensitive then Phil R.

  48. Phil R. is more likely to get a nolle prosse in a murder case than a withhold and no school. He has to give back $69.00 all the time.

    he sucks as a ticket attorney. he should stick to something he knows.

  49. Any truth that GINA MENDEZ LOCKE 'N LOAD is running a new ticket clinic? Gina's Palace?

  50. Phil sucks as a ticket attorney? Damn, Phil, you ok? Don't cry. It's ok.

  51. the scene:
    (Day of Trial)
    Traffic Lawyer walks into any county court room: "Mr. Gonzalez? Is there a Mr. Jesus Gonzalez here? Hola, I am your attorney that you paid $2,500. We are going to plea to the 1MM. It is the best for you.

    Attorney walks out of court room and calls office: "Did Mr. Jesus Gonzalez's check clear?"

    Walks back into court: "Ok, we are good to go.:"

    (end of scene) - Lawyer walks out of REG and gets into his proche 911.

  52. I'm fine. I'm trying the types of cases I like, and by all accounts, doing ok.

  53. Oh- and the ticket business we have pays lots of bills and bought my boat.

    Phil R

  54. ok, just checking, because if someone said I sucked as a ticket attorney, I may kill myself.

  55. Well there is not much I can do about suicide, but if someone was accused of killing you, I'd defend them- and depending who you are- hiding as a gutless chicken behind anonymous- I might represent them for free.

  56. I'd like to know who Gina, Josie, and Migna pissed off so badly that someone takes the time to randomly post shit about them daily. Let's stick to trashing the current/future candidates. It's sure to be much more fun.

  57. does any ticket atty. know what happens if you pay a couple of extra bucks above the total costs plus fines to the county? i'm told it gets stuck in the phantom zone because of the "mistaken" overage.

  58. actually, the current candidates cant read, so not much fun

  59. CHAPEL HILL, N.C., March 22 — John Edwards, the Democratic candidate for president, said today that his wife Elizabeth Edwards was once again suffering from breast cancer, this time in an incurable form.

    But in a joint news conference, he and Mrs. Edwards expressed confidence that the disease could be managed with treatment, and that there would be no interruption in his campaign for the Democratic nomination.

    he's got my vote.

  60. I'll have the steak, the veal chop, two loaded baked potates, some more bread.

    Oh...and a salad and diet coke.



    LaRussa: GET ME THE Q!!!

    Fear the Q
    Respect the Q

    Watch the Q fly his private jet to a DUI trial in Jupiter, FL.

    Admit it- doncha wanna be the Q???

  62. headline in the making-

    Ticket and DUI lawyers banded together and raised tens of thousands of dollars for her opponent, and in the end that proved to be the difference as one term Judge Norma "huh?" Lindsay was soundly defeated at the polls today.

  63. I think the Q is dreamy.

  64. Overpaying the fine doesn't keep the convivtion off your record.

    It's an urban legend. See:

  65. "Congratulations! You have hired perhaps the finest criminal defense team in the nation...."

    From the opening letter the Q sends to new clients.

  66. I got a ticket the other day, and got a letter from David Sotchkin from Hialeah. I live in Tampa!!! What's up with that. I think I'll hire him just to see if he'll actually show up here.

    E. Garcia

  67. I heard Phil didnt do shit in that murder case that was dismissed. The witness turned on the State like a rabid pit bull. Andy R. was leading the defense anyway. Phil didnt even ask any questions. I can't beleive he would try to take credit for that!! Hey Phil R., try to get me a wh/court costs on my speeding ticket and SHUT UP!!!

  68. seriously, has anyone seen ed frank.

  69. I saw ed frank once in 1997. He was sleeping next to the beemer

  70. The Q!


    Is it true he left his hot wife for Laura M.?


  71. Damn Phil, who'd you piss off?

  72. I have a question. Why does Albert Quirantes take so much time out of his day to write the stuff about the Q? Is he that much of a loser? And am I right to assume it's Albert himself writing it? I mean who else would it possibly be? Who would like him SO MUCH that they'd go through all that effort for his benefit, not their own? I don't get it.

  73. One other thing I don't get. What's the deal with Evelio Garcia posting from Tampa? Do you remember this guy? He worked for Don Cohn for years. I don't get that either.

  74. 9:28:00 PM thanks. you just won me a bet with my uncle. law school is finally paying off. thought that might have been urban legend. wonder if he still does it. i'll forward the link. owe ya a drink.

  75. Great!

    The "Q", the "Don" and the "Phil" are all named as LLLLLLOOOOOOSSSSSEEEEEERRRRRSSSSSS!!!!!!!

    Have money, but no real life or Friends Club.

    Hurts to be them.

  76. those losers know how to get a guy of with a doob by a tree in a park?

  77. PHILLIP R said:
    "I appreciate the compliment, although something tells me that it was not really a compliment. Most people who know me know that I am not a ticket lawyer. I actually handle what I think are serious felony and federal matters. I just happen to work for a ticket lawyer- Jackie Woodward. Therein lies the confusion."

    Yea right c'mon Phil give us more credit. The moron who put Phil R as the second best traffic lawyer needs to slowly put the crack pipe down.

    Umm, is Rumpole Phil R. Will the post be deleted when Rumpole reads them?

    Rumpole does anyone know your identity?

    Rumpole answer basic questions:
    1. Are you married?
    2. Do you have children? If yes ages?
    3. Are you born and raised in Miami?
    4. Are you Black, White or ....
    5. Have you ever been a Judge?
    6. Have you ever practiced law at the Juvi Court?

    Volunteer hints.

    We do know Rumpole is:

    1. A democrat.

  78. I think the Q and/or his lackeys should spend less time advertising on this blog to other defense attorneys and more time actually pandering to the market that needs his "stellar" lawyering skills.

  79. Very well put, 7:03, very well put.

  80. the Q posts accomplish what they want - attention, congratulations.

  81. jeez, alan. i think phil is gonna be cranky at lunch today.

  82. not as cranky as jackie will be, chris.

  83. When they first put the magnatometers(?) in the building, I saw Ed Frank lie down on the belt and pass through the machine. It was Ed's way of protesting the new procedure...It was the funniest thing I have ever seen at the REGJB. The "security guards" didn't know how to react. He just got up and went on his way.

    Ed is/was a great guy and one of the funniest guys you could ever meet.

  84. Everyone is now closing the eyes and becoming the Q.

    That's really Qool!

  85. say ello to my leetle Q!!!!

  86. whats the name of that guy who works for jonathan schwartz who drives the porsche 911 and walks into county court with a list of 50 cases in small print?

    tony something??

  87. Hey Chris - what time are you coming to Nordstrom's at Merrick Park today?

    The Sales Ladies


  89. When is Phil's B-Day? Can someone please post it so we can plan a Blog Tribute to the Best Ticket Lawyer the Blog has ever seen!


  90. Susanna Nesmith: I am standing out side the Juvenile Justice center waiting for word from Brian Tannenbaum as to his feelings about Judge Jeri B. Cohen entering injunctive releif against Brian Tannenbaum that any future children of Mr. Tannenbaum shall be placed in protective custody. The reason given is that comlete morons should not have access to children.

  91. Not even one of you are worth a penny! God will have the last word.

  92. To heck w/ who's the best lawyer--who was that gorgeous juror in Ed Sr.'s trial? The guy w/ the dark hair and bedroom brown eyes? Where are the Hollywood casting agents when we need them?
