Sunday, March 04, 2007


Judicial Conference Nonsense.

OK, here I am at a Judicial Conference at the same Hotel in Orlando. Its either Orlando, Tallahassee, or Jacksonville for these things. Sometimes Naples, which can be nice.

The same old Judges, with the same old jokes.

Here we go…calling the 11th Circuit the Republic of Miami….hahaha..nope…another cracker is calling us the 11th Judicial Circus…haven’t heard that one but 100 times at these affairs. Yup, we’re the Judges of Miami…we don’t put people in jail for 10 years for possession of cocaine for a first offense. Yeah we grant a motion to suppress every now and then….umm…the fourteenth amendment makes the US Constitution’s guarantees applicable to the State of Florida. Might be nice if that was ever discussed at a conference.

It’s true we don’t have too many Judges here named Robert E Lee or John Wilkes Booth, and we probably have more Jewish and Hispanic Judges than the rest of the state combined, but we seem to manage just fine thank you.

Here’s a dilemma- the bar tonight with the same old coots …or room service with the same rubbery steak. They wouldn’t know picadillo from a Ruben Sandwich in these parts.

That’s kind of the nice thing about my colleagues in Miami. A group of Hispanic Judges will get together for lunch at Jerry’s Deli, while a group of Jewish Judges will driver over to Isle De Canarias.

I remember when Judge Kahn used to hold cooking contests in the Justice Building. One month it would be best Lasagna, the next month best Cheesecake. We don’t have that kind of congeniality any more. It’s more cliquish, which is inevitable with the larger number of Judges. We have Judges now who I remember as CLI’s at the State or PD’s office. Kind of scary. They seem nice, but how much experience can they really have?

In every generation there is great…good and mediocre. I guess I have no right to complain. We had Judge Scott and Judge Cowart…. But we also had a bunch of hacks who couldn’t make it in private practice…so the more things change the more they remain the same.

[I have obviously incorporated some older diary notes about a Judicial Conference with more current events].

We have this major murder trial from Orange County. Jessica Lundsford. The trouble with this job is that sometimes we see the absolute worst of human nature. That poor girl. Her poor family.

I remember when Cowart had the Bundy case. That was a big deal. He was some Judge. I used to love to watch him handle difficult lawyers. “Why bless your soul” he’d say when an attorney objected, and the case went right on. Those records on appeal were a scream. But he was patient, and smart, and wise. And there is a difference between being smart and wise. Many of my colleagues are plenty smart. Less of them are wise.

I pray every day for the wisdom to do the right thing, and the humility to remember that I am only human and so long as I do my best, sometimes that’s good enough. The real problem with this job- the real agony that no one can ever know until they have sat in my seat, is when you try your best and fail. So many things can go wrong when I’m wrong. That’s why I have trouble sleeping at night.

Anyway Rumpole, that’s enough for this week.

And I hope you feel better. Try green tea. Anti-oxidants and all that.


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed Rumpole's article about Murder Everywhere. It was well written and well thought out, with just the right hint of sarcasm. The reason I really loved it though is because it actually has to do with the ongoings of the courthouse, with people I actually know. Too often Rumpole's posts have to do with the articles from the New York Times or elsewhere which I find interesting, but not relatable. This post was both interesting and I could relate to it. Well done Rumpole. This, in my opinion, was your best work.

  2. Thank you for your compliment. I would like to think that my post was "Classic Rumpole." I strive to write a post a day, so I don't always have the material to work with. But I like to think that when the material presents itself, I can write a funny yet informative post. My best work? Nah. Good work? Yup.

  3. Here's a Rumpole riddle:

    What day of the year is the worst day of the year to anarchists, or people with a similar distaste to being ordered by anyone to do anything?

    Answer later tonight.



    2. ESSEN -N- ESSEN


    4. JIM BEST

    5. THE Q






  5. I always say its not a Sunday until I see those power rankings.

  6. agreed, it sets up the trashing that is my only reason for living my miserable life. HONEY - MORE DORITOS!

  7. Wait a second 10:46- what do you mean my posts about articles in the NY Times are not reliable??

    I am nothing if not the harbinger of reliability, honesty, veracity, etc., etc., etc.,.

  8. Eat the Q
    Digest the Q
    Internalize the Q

    You are now the Q

  9. Lets look at Q's other AKAs:

    714, Citrexal, Down And Dirtys, Gorilla Biscuits, Ndanda, Lemmon 714, Lemons, Lennons, Lovers, Ludes, Mandies, Mandrax (commonly misspelled as Mandrex), Quaalude, Quad, Quay, Sopor, Vitamin Q, Wallbangers, Whore Pills, Turkey Gizzards and Buttons.

    Fact: Smoking marijuana laced with the Q has become a major problem in South Africa, rivalling crack cocaine as the most abused hard drug. Its low price (R30.00 average against R150.00 for crack) means it is the preferred hard drug of the large low-income section of society.

    Lets hear it for the Q!

  10. Here we go again; Bennett H. Brummer is quoted in the television version of this report as stopping the defense of Mr. Chavez. (Not that we agree with Mr. Chavez or like what he did.) By doing this, Brummer once again showed how he will do anything he can to stay the Public Defender. KFR should investigate these allegations and put him behind bars for interfering with a Criminal Investigation. KFR, it is on you to do the right thing and put this turd in a small jail cell where he belongs. While you are there, check Carlos Martinez as well as he must be the brains in the cover-up. I feel bad for the poor Assistant Public Defenders who were forced to not represent Mr. Chavez as they could. Shame on you Brummer. I wonder to how many other defendants you have done this to in the past.

  11. what the hell are you talking about? what tv version. what did i miss? did art fly away on magic mushrooms on his majic carpet? did brummer wake up from his nap? why does anyone care?

  12. After over a year of this blog, it still baffles me that 95% of the hate/criticism is directed at BHB and only 5% at KFR. Are current and former APDs just that much more cantankerous a lot than current and former ASAs?

  13. I agree. When I started this blog I was CERTAIN there would be an outpouring of anger against the State Attorney. That's what you hear in the courthouse. And the PDs always seem happy. And yet, in the face of all logic, this undercurrent of anger against BHB bubbled to the surface.
    Live and learn.

  14. Well if its an internal thing, perhaps because APD's feel more compelled to speak out against BHB than ASA's do against KFR.

    Few can ever claim to have their house in order I would think. There is always division between the ranks. As many posts as we read about mindless ASA's just following orders, its not a stretch to think that KFR is incompetent.

    Just a look at some of the people she puts in charge... Don Horn, Howard Pohl, Kathleen Hoague... if that doesn't speak volumes I don't know what does.

  15. Kathleen Hoague is exellent. Very strange that you would lump her in with the others. I makes me think you are a big looser.
    On the PD front, it seems clear to me that the top brass have forgotten that they are lawyers.

  16. From the Q's website:

    "Unlike other law firms, not everyone who can afford our fees is accepted as a client. We believe the successful attorney/client relationship is special and unique to every client. That is why every client fills out an "application" to become a client-the application is rigorously reviewed, and it is not uncommon for a client to meet with the lawyers on more than one occassion before the firm undertakes representation in th matter. However, rest assured, if you are accepted as a client, you are about to be represented by one of the most respected and successful law firms in the United States."

    Fear The Q

    Respect the Q

    close your eyes

    become the Q

  17. I can only hope that 5:58 is not a member of The Florida Bar.

  18. if he is he is one funny, dirty bird.


    To our favorite scribe of the Diary of a Mad Jurist:

    The Couey trial is from Citrus County, (Not Orange County).

    I do enjoy your Sunday posts....

    CAPTAIN OUT .........

  20. The power rankings are way off and especially bc Reiff and Essen are in the top 5. Here, then, the true DUI power rankings:

    1. Lloyd Golburgh - Former Essen lawyer in Bwd. Has more DUI jury trials around the State than anyone else.

    2. Lyons and Lurvey - you get every penny's worth

    3. Richard Hersch - #3 only becasue Lloyd, Chris and Dan are better trial lawyers.

    3. Mike Catalano.

    4. Mike Braxton - hardest working lawyer in Miami

    5. Carlos Canet - Former Essen lawyer - no one knows Blood like Carlos.

  21. I am not Kathleen's mom. She is a superb trial lawyer. She is very caring about her work + spends many long hours doing what she can to improve the quality of lawyering and her office. If you doubt what I write, pick up a major case against her.

    The last thought that you will have at the end of the case is: THUS ENDETH THE LESSON.

  22. power rankings:

  23. If you really know Kathleen Hogue, you would like her and respect her.
    She is a very good lawyer and a very respected prosecutor.

  24. Interesting that no one jumped up to defend Pohl or Horn or KFR. ;-)

  25. I agree with "Sunday, March 04, 2007 5:16:00 PM." The question is, who will challenge KFR in 2008?

    (Please! Not that fool of Al Milian.)

    Can we please start to solicit real choices to get the blood flowing. I cannot take another 4 years of Kentucky Fried Ridiculous.

    HELP! (Give me a drink!) Help!

    Not you KFR! You need yours.

  26. only a popular black man could beat her in a primary. same goes for bhb.

  27. Rumpole: This is 10:46 who complimented your post. If you reread what I wrote, I said I find your posts about the NY Times interesting, but not RELATABLE. I did not say reliable. Maybe you got confused because relatable may not actually be a word. Look it up for me, will you?

  28. Answer to Rumpole Riddle:

    March Forth!!

  29. RUle Britana!
    Britin Rules The Waves!
    England Never never never shall be slaves!!!

  30. CORRECT! 3/4/05 (which is interesting for other reasons) is the date those of us who question authority dislike most. March 4th

    March forth- oh yeah? Who's gonna make me?

  31. rumpole what does "1" mean?


    Rumpole's the name he has chosen
    He's crafty this Howard Rosen
    He pretends he's defense
    while he sits on the fence
    As A prosecutor's career he has chosen

    The Rumpole Charge he did parry
    Running the Blog accusations did vary
    He's shifty and fast
    his posts are a blast
    But now we know Rumpole is Rosen

    Of this I am certain
    That Howie is Rump
    These charges he'll never trump
    running a blog from an office he'll dump
    when Rumpole reveals he is Rosen
    And KFR finds out for certain
    then choose he must
    between SAO or bust
    and with the end of the blog we'll all be hurtin

    So Rosen will retire as Rump
    a career in the media would be a bump up
    famous he'll be
    but scared by you and me
    for being rump de la rump behind a curtain.

    (c) Rump is Rosen
    all rights reserved

  33. To Mad Jurist:

    Thank you for your posts "from the other side".

    A Mad Attorney

  34. The 1 is meaningless. Sometimes when I want to delete a post I have to sign in. But the new blogger unlike the old blogger won't let me sign in without posting something- so I type a 1- then I'm in- then I delete the post.

  35. NO NO NO. He is sending coded messages. That's why he leaves the 1 up. This is a deep and far reaching conspiracy invlving hundreds of websites and dozens of rumpoles. They are plotting to take over. Like the tri-lateral comission. Only worse. Crack the code- go to the wesites I have been to: the 5 stages of rumpole; the 6 senses of rumpole- not to mention the awsome seven seals of rumpole. This is so vast and beyond your imagination. Rumpole's "1" is meaningful. Trust me.

  36. Dear Rumpole,

    THe query as to why there is so much anti-Brummer hostility in comparison to that of KFR is simple. It is not anyone currently in the office and it is not a multitude of poeple. It is a select few that cannot let their hatred of Brummer et. al. go. That is because there were either fired or asked to leave (or nobody missed them when they left) and they were soundly spanked when they tried to pull off a coup. Simply, the handful of those who continue to write in a bitter, angry hacks with nothing better to do.

    No mystery behind that one.

  37. check out that Photog of Rick Freedman and the article in the Daily Business Review about his recent $5 Million Dollar verdict in civil. Nice pic, Rick

  38. No Idiot. There is nothing about KFR because ASAs don't have access to the internet. Just goes to show you how much time Pds are spending on thier clients!

  39. now that's gold jerry, gold!!!!

  40. bad email address

    but you can aLWAYS EMAIL ME at

    remember: the email is the key. hahahha.

  41. Can those defenders of the defender., ie., those who defend BHB please comment on the Sleepy Bennet Picture.

    1) is it him?

    2) What in the world is he doing sleeping in his car during the day? Doesn't he have a couch in his office?

    Thank you.

  42. sEEN AT LUNCH TODAY- The three amigos who run this blog- Shuminer, Pracitto, and Reizenstein.rum

  43. 1.) that is not brummer but a clever photo shop hatchet job.
    2) but if by some chance it is brummer, what is wrong with an afternnon snap on the side of the road?

  44. I know the person who took the picture. It's a real picture. You can't photoshop a sleepy face.

    This person was walking down a coral gables street one afternoon and there he was- our fearless leader -snoozing in his beemer. Our hero whipped out his cell phone camera, and the rest is blog history.

  45. Somebody sent me an email and dared me to post it - then when I did they sent me an email and asked that I post without the rumpole logo. So here it is. But my thoughts are- somebody has too much times on their hands.

    Anonymous said said...
    I mean it- Rumpole is deep into numerology. Its like a religion to him. That is why he gave his little riddle yesterday- why is this day interesting? And someone responded 3/4/5 and Rumpole said that was not what he was after but (to quote) at 10:05 AM-

    CORRECT! 3/4/05 (which is interesting for other reasons) is the date those of us who question authority dislike most. March 4th

    March forth- oh yeah? Who's gonna make me?

    WHY RUMPOLE_ WHY IS 3/4/5 "interesting for other reasons"?? Tell us how your numerology religion affects everything you do. Come clean. I have been on your websites and I know how much attention you pay to dates and numbers. I know for instance the reason why you started this blog on a particular date. That was the answer on site 3 of the five stages of Rumpole. So why don't you tell the rest of your adoring fans what kind of nut you really are.

  46. Seen at lunch three amigas with much in common, Gina, Josie and Migda....2008???????????????????

  47. Seen at lunch three amigas with much in common, Gina, Josie and Migda....2008???????????????????

  48. Kathleen Hoague is an outstanding prosecutor and a terrific human being. She is well respected as a supervisor and demonstrates the kind of common sense that is often lacking by others in the SAO administration. Furthermore, her mom passed away just a couple years ago, so the commments about her mother are totally inappropriate.

  49. I removed the post mentioning her mother (which it only did in a generic sense). Sorry it got through.

  50. And...I have had occassion to deal with Ms. Hoague throughout the years. She is a pro...and her word is her bond. You can't ask for more than that from a prosecutor.

  51. Rumpole is a numismatist....and so am I.

  52. Three coins in the Fountain!

  53. A penny for your thoughts.

  54. Don Horn was a great trial attorney and is a wonderful person. He has the toughest job in the office. He doesn't go around talking smack and promoting himself like certain others do. He doesn't blame KFR for everything. He accepts responsibility, takes responsibility and does his job honestly. The office would be a better place if more followed his lead.

  55. Don Horn is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.

  56. Or did I mean to say that Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest...

  57. Well, we ASAs are taught Don Horn, not Raymond Shaw.

  58. Can we get an opinion from someone other than Don Horn's [insert name of living relative here]?

    ([ref] used to avoid deletion over a reference taken way too seriously out of context.)

  59. Blaming Don and/or Lorna for the office problems is ridiculous. Anyone who was at the SAO prior to his return and her hiring will tell you that the problems were apparent then as well. Their real issues revolve around the nature of their jobs.

    I've worked with them both in the past. They're honest people who routinely find themselves in difficult positions making impossible choices because they deal with all of the office difficulties that others don't want to or have the guts to handle. In an office of almost 300 lawyers and 800 support staff, that can be overwhelming.

    PS----I don't mean to disparage the other chiefs. I supervised a couple of divisions while at that office in the past. It was challenging, to say the least. At this stage of my life, I certainly wouldn't want to have to deal with all of the nonsense they see day in and day out for years on end.

  60. Lorna Salamander... sssss... Lorna Chameleon more like it. (Or other appropriate cold blooded reptile.)

  61. What happened to the Diary of Mad Jurist IV?
