Friday, March 02, 2007


After many weeks of voire dire, the trial of John Couey, accused of murdering 9 year old Jessica Lundsford began Thursday.

Yesterday, the young girl's Father and Grandmother testified. This whole process cannot be anything other than reliving a nightmare for the family of Jessica Lundsford.

We hope the trial proceeds in a fair and orderly fashion, and that this trial marks the beginning of healing and closure for all those devastated by this tragic event.

The posts have been short this week as we have, like many others, been battling for truth and justice and against a persistent upper respiratory infection.

See You In Court.


  1. Are the Kotsin motions still working in West Palm Beach? i have a tough DUI coming up in two weeks.

  2. Everybody knows Andy Kotsin did not create what is called the Kotsin motions. He should stop taking credit for it.

  3. That guy isn't even a DUI lawyer. He is a civil lawyer who took a leave of absence from a big firm to work on a screenplay adaptation of Dan Simmons new Novel Terror.

  4. Jealousy is a bitch! Guess Kotsin showed these local DUI yokels that there is no substitute for intelligence and creativity...oh, except maybe a b.s. continuance when the state is ready!

  5. Rump was in a murder trial

  6. Wow - tension in the courtroom today - 4-1 - as the prosecutor introduced the photos of the body as she was found in the grave and then at the ME's office. At least 2 of the jurors asked for kleenex to wipe tears from their eyes.

    You could hear a pin drop in the courtroom.

  7. One can only hope that after a full and fair trial …. That someone kill Mr. Couey

  8. Rumpole;

    You hear that Scott Hidnert had to shoot to defend himself from an attempted armed robbery last night? Regretfully, the robber was killed, but fortunately, Scott was not.

  9. It's hard to know what's going on in the Couey trial. The judge has the doors blocked by police officers and will not let anyone in (not even media) except during court brakes. A few of us tried to go watch after calendar and were turned away by the (rude) ct liason cops.

    Is this legal?????

  10. Try the blog from the St. Pete Times. While it is not trying to be funny, it does have an entertaining outsider's perception of our fair city and courthouse....
    plus gives a play by play of the trial.

  11. To 2:47:00. Learn to write proper English. Courts allow "B R E A K S," defined as a short respite from work. Cars have "B R A K E S" which are devices that cause you to stop or slow down.

  12. can we put the "brakes" on the spelling police. this is a blog, not a brief.

  13. Nice shootin Tex, I mean Scott. In this bness gotta be packin. Hate to ever use it, but better than the alternative. Heard the guy had handcuffs and ski masks. Who knows what that could have meant. Hell of a thing to have to go thru.

  14. Killing Couey is a bit like slammin' the barn door after the horse done gone. When we fixin' to talk eugenics?

  15. is there any confirmation that it was scott who capped the robber?

    any news links?

  16. South Africa : News

    3 expelled for 'orgy' at school
    02/03/2007 08:44 - (SA)

    Cape Town - Three pupils have been expelled from the upmarket Paarl Gymnasium after being caught having group sex on the school premises, the weekly, Son, reported on Friday.

    The newspaper reported that the school's governing body said the school had applied the Western Cape education department's code of conduct in expelling the trio.

    A teacher caught a girl, 14, being sodomised by a matric pupil, 17, while she was providing oral sex to a grade nine pupil aged 16 on the school premises, Son said.

    Said the 16-year-old: "We were making a 'sandwich' when the teacher arrived. She was in the middle, I was in front and my friend was behind her."

    The principal could not be reached for comment.,,2-7-1442_2077496,00.html

  17. What is the issue on the Palm Beach motion?

  18. Kotsin Schmotsin. Just take 1st minimums and shut your trap for crying out loud. DUI dorks.
