Friday, February 02, 2007



It seems that the campaign season begins earlier and earlier every judicial election. 2008 is no different. Candidates have until Friday, May 9, 2008 to qualify for their group, that's 464 days away, but already four candidates have filed to run in the Circuit Court.

The early filings have been those where the incumbent judge is at the age of mandatory retirement, save one, but many more judges are starting to form their committees and line up their finances. To date, Josie Perez Velis, loser to Judge Murphy in 2006, has filed to run in Group 11 where incumbent Judge Eugene Fierro sits; Migna Sanchez-Llorens, loser to Judge Shelly Schwartz, has filed to run in Group 18, where Jon Gordon presently resides; FAWL President Abby Cynamon has filed in Group 50, held by Judge Stuart Simons, and Stephen Millan, loser to Karen Mills Franics, is filing in Judge Jeffrey Rosinek's seat, Group 63. They will be knocking on doors in the next 15 months, asking for money, lots of money.

In 2006, in the five contested Circuit Court seats, the 12 candidates spent over $1,500,000 during the election campaign.

The incumbent Circuit Court Judges up for election in 2008 are:

Bagley, Jerald
Barzee, Mary R.
Cohen, Jeri Beth
Donner, Amy Steele
Dresnick, Ronald C.
Eig, Spencer
Emas, Kevin M.
Esquiroz, Margarita
Farina, Joseph P.
Fernandez, Ivan F.
Fierro, Eugene J.
Firtel, Leon M.
Friedman, Ronald M.
Glick, Leonard E.
Gordon, Jon I.
Hardee Muir, Celeste
Hogan Scola, Jacqueline
Karlan, Sandy
Lopez, Peter R.
Pineiro, Roberto M.
Prescott, Orlando A.
Rodriguez, Jose M
Rosinek, Jeffrey
Schumacher, Marc
Scola Jr., Robert N.
Shapiro, Bernard S.
Sigler, Victoria S.
Simons, Stuart M.
Trawick, Daryl E.
Tunis, Dava J.
Ward, Diane
Wilson, Jr., Thomas S.
Zabel, Sarah

In County Court, incumbent judges standing for election are:

Arzola, Antonio
DeLaTorre, Buria Saenz
Figarola, Rosa
Schwartz, Jacqueline

On a separate note, for those of you always complaining about the makeup of the JNC and the names that get sent up to the Governor by that Committee, here is your chance to become a member of that esteemed body. "One lawyer vacancy for each of the 26 JNCs. The Florida Bar must nominate three lawyers for each vacancy to the Governor for his appointment. Each appointee will serve a four-year term, commencing July 1, 2007. The Application for Judicial Nominating Commission must be received by mail or fax, (850) 561-5826 no later than 5:30 p.m., Monday , February 12, 2007 in the Executive Director’s office of The Florida Bar."

So, I guess it's time to say: "Let the campaigning begin"!!!

CAPTAIN OUT .......................................


  1. Well, if ya really want a GURANTEED spot to be a Circuit Court Judge just file your papers to run with "Josie Perez Velis" she never wins.

    Those that look like easy targets and could be unseated:

    1. Diane Ward
    2. Jeri Cohen

  2. who would know this:


    OPINION 06-2
    (September 15, 2006)

    A lawyer who is sending an electronic document should take care to ensure the confidentiality of all information contained in the document, including metadata. A lawyer receiving an electronic document should not try to obtain information from metadata that the lawyer knows or should know is not intended for the receiving lawyer. A lawyer who inadvertently receives information via metadata in an electronic document should notify the sender of the information's receipt. The opinion is not intended to address metadata in the context of discovery documents.


  3. diane ward and jeri cohen are good judges they will not be unseated. they have a lot of support.1:57you are clueless

  4. I have to disagree with the distinguished Jason Grey re: Shenberg- a coupla guys boosting a truck and unloading suits and one guy gets pinched and two run away, and the guy facing 5 rolls on his friends- he's not a stand-up guy. If he does his time, then he is taking his lumps for his crime.

    Shenberg sold a person's identity who he thought would be killed. His crimes tarnished the judiciary and to this day there remains a cloud. He could have done the right thing and try and make amends for his grevious conduct. He didn't and he deserved every day he did.

    PS. The judges he didn't roll on- are to the best of my knowledge all dead. Let sleeping dogs lie. Who knows if Shenberg really knew anything and if they really did anything wrong?

  5. Someone, anyone, please unseat Eugene Fierro!! The last time I was before him (it was at least 4 years ago) he was the rudest, meanest, nastiest, excuse for a judge I had ever seen. He treated everyone in the courtroom including the courtreporter (who had done absolutely nothing) like crap. I can't believe no one has run against him before!!!

    E. Garcia

  6. True, Judge Ward is intelligent and knows the law. However, she is one of the nastiest, rudest judges on the bench. There are few judges with a mean streak that can match hers. Sorry Diane, I'll be voting for whoever runs against you. There are plenty of intelligent, knowledgeable, and NICE judges and potential judges out there to keep you on the bench.

  7. Eugene Fierro is gone, he cannot run again and someone has already lined up for his seat. There will be others.
    Jeri Cohen has more money than god and Diane Ward has a lot of support outside of the criminal attorneys. She also has money to spend. Don't look at those 2 as potential targets.
    Rumor has it that Ivan Hernandez may try to run again. Sort of a Nixon-esque campaign (He's tan, fit and rested). Like Nixon he's damaged goods and would get vilified but who knows if the electorate would remember the stain of his tenure. He was a terrible judge but don't count him out or his little friend Juan.

  8. I would like to The Q on the bench.

  9. I can't wait for the weekend. I have a hot little honey for super sunday, and plenty of parties to cruise saturday night. Ain't it great to be 50, divorced, and driving a vette?

    Sleezy Sam....I am.

  10. i do not like your eggs and ham SLEEZY SAM

  11. Ivan Hernandez has sowed the wind and he will continue to reap the WHIRLWIND if he tries to run again

  12. A antes de que tiro del maquillaje y después de tiro del maquillaje. Y déjeme le dicen, un qué maquillaje de la diferencia hace. Es casi como algunos de estos Web site que se sientan que tienen que poner encendido una demostración con todos sus gráficos de lujo y animaciones de destello.

  13. English, por favor -- you putz.

  14. i have been in front of judge ward plenty of time. i have to say that she is a tough judge. but tough in the way that she will call out lame excuses, lazy attorneys and dumb clients. sure she will do a full dressing down in open court, but she does this on both sides of the courtroom from prosecutors and defense attorneys. additionally, she knows the law and how to apply it. i have a tip for you before you go into her courtroom. make sure that you have your act together.

  15. Just wanted to say, in the words of one of our more celebrated state governors, "Hasta la vista, baby."
    Believe it or not, I will miss the place--It has been my "home" for over 21 years, counting SAO time.
    However, much more than the Justice Building, I will miss the people who labor there.
    Call me naive, if you wish, but I truly believe the vast majority of us do labor to seek the truth and justice.
    Lately, I have noticed a lot of sniping going on, allegely between "prosecutors" and "defense attorneys" as to their "personal characters." Said sniping is based soley on stereotyping people by their occupations. If you treat each person you meet as a unique individual you may very well be pleseantly surprised to find a kindred spirit--someone trying to do his job the best he can and as honorably as possible. After all, we are each the "hero" of our personal sagas and want to believe we are worthy of our own good self opinion.
    Without, naming names (I do not want to subject people to public scrutiny on the blog) let me give you a couple of examples as to why the stereotypes are wrong.
    This past tour of duty I witnessed a prosecutor reduce a 3 year min man for a "career criminal" to 18 months state prison. The prosecutor did this voluntarily and with absolutely nothing to gain. The defendant had already pled guilty and was sentenced to the min man. The only compensation to the prosecutor--the intense and well earned pleasure of knowing he did what was right, given the situation.
    I also have witnessed, on more than one occassion, a defense attorney recommend a drug program for his client instead of an adjudication with credit for time served--looking out for his clients best interests in the longrun.
    Though I am no longer presiding at REG/JB, perhaps y'all can help me.
    I am currently assigned to the Family division and I am told I will be expected to use something called "judicial discretion". Any of you know what that is? I tried looking the term up, but couldn't find it in any of the Florida criminal statutes.
    "So long" but not "goodbye" for as in the further words of that celebrated state governor--"I'll be baaack."

  16. Au revoir Judge P, we will see you again, but it is not likely our paths will cross in Family court. Pehaps you might see us at a nearby lunch spot as we battle it out with the Feds.

    Rumpole's New American Legal Dictionary:

    Judicial Discretion: The act of making a decision one or both parties in a lawsuit will praise you for in court, and curse you for behind your back.

    Noun: "I pay $2000 a month in judicial discretion temporary alimony"

    Verb: "I got judicial discretioned outta house in the divorce case."

    Adjective: "That judge can take his judicial discretionary decsion and shove it."

  17. I wont use names but the C in Judge Perez's division had me cringing today. As a defense attorney, Im happy for the chance to obtain a great result for my client. As a citizen, Im appalled and worried that this is who is protecting the rights of the State.

  18. my name es jose jimenz. Iam veeeery happy today with my pleeee in Judge Perez. Pleeseze thank de Ceee prosecutor for mee.

  19. 8:18am SAID

    "Jeri Cohen has more money than god and Diane Ward has a lot of support outside of the criminal attorneys. She also has money to spend. Don't look at those 2 as potential targets."

    What was your location during the September 5, election Mars? Did you not see what Don Cohn did with under $50-k against Bonnie R. and her $250-K bank account?

    Also remember Cohen has the Cuban mess to deal with read at this link:

    As to Ward she has the Juan D'Arce backlash that will bite her in the ass. Others think she is rude and nasty.

    My guess is Cohen and ward went to the same school?

  20. I hear that former Judge Loree Feiler is going to file papers in 2 weeks to run against Judge Amy Steele Donner.

  21. Feiler + Steele. Can't wait.

    Maybe they can throwtheir Cartier watches at each other before the real bitch slapping begins.

    I have great sympathy for Jeff Feiler. I would have thrown the S.O.B. out of a moving car long ago.

  22. Loree Feiler may be a bitch to some attorneys but she's a pretty good judge. I'm happy to see her on the county court bench covering calendars for those judges who are nice as persons but awful as judges.

  23. I practiced in front of Feiler for a year back in the day. She was an EXCELLENT judge who treated the prepared lawyers very well. She only hammered the fools who showed up unprepared or made asinine arguments. I for one would be happy to donate to her campaign.

  24. Miami-Dade County is lucky to have a Judge Like Jeri Cohen. She left civil division to come back to juvenile to help the children of miami-dade county who are innocent victims of abuse neglect and abandonment. She is smart and vibrant. She isn't concerned with politics and while some may think her persona is dramatic or rude, her intuition is always on target. She doesn't take crap from attorney's. Moreover, she is a brilliant judge in the areas of mental health and addiction, two things which plague many of the people of miami dade county who come into contact with our justice system

  25. does it matter whos running against donner? I'd vote for a flat tire if it was running against her

  26. thats just funny shit


  27. regards cohen someone said "She left civil division to come back to juvenile to help the children of miami-dade county"

    put the crack pipe away, my guess is she was forced back to juvi so that transcripts of her saying: "if we ship all the cubans back to havana the jails in miami would be empty" would not be public record.

  28. time to get over that comment Cohen made long ago.

    Believe me she'll be voted in again!

    they ought to get rid of that Witch that thinks she runs the place over there, that one really couldn't care about children just her own agenda

  29. talk about a bitch slapping; you should have been in Hogan Scola today - as attorney and sometimes defendant Robert Rudolph was bitch slapped out of the courtroom and escorted out by the bailiff on orders from the judge.

    anyone witness this?

    and while we are on hogan scola - there's someone that needs some opposition. have you ever seen the way she treats the defendants in court - and some of the comments she makes.

  30. TOP Judges who should not get opposition:

    Emas, Farina, Lopea, Pineiro, Prescott, Trawick

  31. HEAD of the list - who needs to go back to private practice:

    Donner, Hogan Scola, Saenz

  32. You guys really just come down....someone said this nasty comment:

    "they ought to get rid of that Witch that thinks she runs the place over there, that one really couldn't care about children just her own agenda"

    Thats funny but may be true have you seen the story in the Miami New Times on her?:

    anywho ya had a chance this past year and blew it....

  33. Friday, February 02, 2007 9:48:00 PM

    What are you takin about? Judge Farina and Judge Pineiro the most ethical of the Judges.

  34. Judge Lederman is one of the most caring devoted Judges we have on the bench.

    If she was bad why did she not get opposition in 2006?

  35. my money is on

    1. Diane Ward
    2. Jeri Cohen

  36. Rumpole

    I think a great idea is to post a poll on the left hand side listing all the judges names in the 2008 election and ask which judge deserves opposition in 2008.

    I would love to see who gets the most voted from the bloggers.

  37. Enough of this political crap. Let's play football!

  38. Judge Feiler was a great judge. She was always there to assist other judges with their felony calendars, she was very polite and fair to victims and defendants charged and she cared greatly about the system. She was at the last minute of her election sabatoged by her opponent's political adviser. I know that we all think that her husband Jeff is one of the classiest defense attorneys in the building and she deserves a chance to preside again. Judge Amy Steele Donner is a vindictive, nasty, narcissistic, mean and arbitrary judge with a terrible record on appeal. Check her on line and you will see that she is more reversed than any other judge in the 11th circuit. What are your thoughts?

  39. Polite? I think Feiler's motto is: Hell on Wheels.
    Always nasty, and dumb as a tree.

  40. More on the Robert Rudolph incident please....

  41. Bagley

    need opposition

  42. vulnerable:

    Barzee, Mary R.
    Cohen, Jeri Beth
    Donner, Amy Steele
    Eig, Spencer
    Emas, Kevin M.
    Esquiroz, Margarita
    Farina, Joseph P.
    Firtel, Leon M.
    Friedman, Ronald M.
    Gordon, Jon I.
    Hardee Muir, Celeste
    Hogan Scola, Jacqueline
    Karlan, Sandy
    Prescott, Orlando A.
    Scola Jr., Robert N.
    Shapiro, Bernard S.
    Sigler, Victoria S.
    Simons, Stuart M.
    Trawick, Daryl E.
    Tunis, Dava J.
    Ward, Diane
    Wilson, Jr., Thomas S.
    Zabel, Sarah
    Arzola, Antonio
    DeLaTorre, Buria Saenz
    Figarola, Rosa
    Schwartz, Jacqueline

  43. You know Gelber and Shenberg and Mousey and Sepe, Davis and Takiff and Goodhart and Swickle but do you recall the most infamous reindeer of all? Rudolph the snot nosed lawyer, had a very runny nose and if you ever saw it you would even say it snows. All of the other lawyers used to laugh and call him names they never let poor Rudolph play in any courtroom games. Then one foggy calander call Judge Santa came to say Rudolph with your nose so bright please to leave my court on sight. Then all the other judges went after him and shouted with glee Rudolph the snot nosed lawyer you'll be held in contempt you'll see

  44. Are Simons and Gordon twin bothers from a different motha'?

  45. oops that would be brothers

  46. Cuban bar accepts judge's apology for deportation remark. (Judicial Conduct).(Cuban American Bar Association)(Brief Article)

    COPYRIGHT 2002 American Lawyer Media L.P.

    The Cuban American Bar Association said Tuesday that it has forgiven Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Jeri B. Cohen for a comment she made in her courtroom last month that "if we deport people back to Cuba, we could empty our jails."

    After meeting with Judge Cohen Tuesday at her request, the CABA board of directors announced that it would not file a complaint against her with the state Judicial Qualifications Commission.

    But that doesn't necessarily mean others won't file a disciplinary complaint or take other action against her.

    Last week, Judge Cohen sent CABA a one-page letter of profuse apology. On Monday evening, she met with the CABA board of directors to discuss the matter.

    "Upon careful deliberation and after speaking with Chief Judge [Joseph P.] Farina and later meeting with Judge Cohen, the Board of Directors accepts Judge Cohen's apology," the CABA board of directors said in...

  47. Judge Cohen is so on her way out!

    It is a clear anti-Cuban remark. I do not care if she apologized.

    Cohen, you are SCREWED!

  48. Seems to me that all these candidates should be very affraid for 2008. I mean, payback is a bitch and she will be out looking for revenge in this election all the way until 2012.

    There will be no waiting until the fat lady sings. For sure ya'll.

  49. Gabe Martin for Circuit Court Judge in 2008!

    Brian Tannenbaum for Circuit Court Judge in 2008!

    Rick Freedman for Circuit Court Judge in 2008!

    Ivan Fernandez for Chief Judge in 2008!

    Bonnie Rippingaile for Traffic Attorney until she passes!

  50. All those people have 10-15 years experience, arent we looking to 5-6 year lawyers now for judges?

  51. The sad thing about the JB Cohen thing is that she really is one of the most thoughtful and insightful judges on the bench. NOBODY cares more about the people (including defendants) that appear before him or her than she does.

    When I used to litigate before her as a prosecutor, I was amazed (and, often, frustrated) by her ability to see the good in every defendant. She is as liberal as they come. And, she bends over backwards to help minorities, particularly those who have received so little help from others. Those who have appeared before her know this is true.

    Sad that those who don't know her base their opinions on one stupid comment instead of over a decade of work.

    PS-----If you think I'm an apologist for her, you're mistaken. I would never support her for a legislative or appellate position because she's so liberal (she hated sending people to jail and seems to think that everyone can be rehabilitated). I just think it's sad that the people she's tried to help the most are hammering her.

  52. Rump,
    I think you missed a few appointed Judges that are up in 2008

  53. ON the Judge Cohen thing, seems that it is different strokes for different folks. If she would have said something about blacks, she would have had to move to another country. Also, if it was a comment about someone with that was an Israeli American, that would have been death as well. Commenting on the RECORD about Cubans is fine though. Apologize to a group of FOOLS that are on the take and everything goes away. Hello! She went on the RECORD! It is not someone claiming she said it, she DID SAY IT!

    I Say Double Standard!

  54. NEWS FLASH: CABA has recently changed their name to the "Uncle Tom Bar Association".

    Read more!

    Cuban bar accepts judge's apology for deportation remark. (Judicial Conduct).(Cuban American Bar Association)(Brief Article)

    COPYRIGHT 2002 American Lawyer Media L.P.

    The Cuban American Bar Association said Tuesday that it has forgiven Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Jeri B. Cohen for a comment she made in her courtroom last month that "if we deport people back to Cuba, we could empty our jails."

    After meeting with Judge Cohen Tuesday at her request, the CABA board of directors announced that it would not file a complaint against her with the state Judicial Qualifications Commission.

    But that doesn't necessarily mean others won't file a disciplinary complaint or take other action against her.

    Last week, Judge Cohen sent CABA a one-page letter of profuse apology. On Monday evening, she met with the CABA board of directors to discuss the matter.

    "Upon careful deliberation and after speaking with Chief Judge [Joseph P.] Farina and later meeting with Judge Cohen, the Board of Directors accepts Judge Cohen's apology," the CABA board of directors said in...

  55. I have an idea.
    If you don't forgive Cohen, then:

    1. Run against her, or;
    2. Vote for her opposition.

    How's that!

  56. I've been doing this more than 20 years and Judge Bagley was One of the BEST judges I have ever been infront of. I spent almost 2 years in Bagley's criminal court division and based on that I think he is one of the best. He's fair, hard working & knows the law , and balences the State vs the Individual well. He combines the law with justice. More important he has common sence and shows consideration for everyone before him.
    D. Sisselman

    ps no I am not on his committee

  57. Captain, my Captain, it's Saenz, NURIA. Thank you so very much.

  58. Judge Cohen is on her way out!

  59. If you were thinking about running for judge, would you run against a well-liked veteran judge with a single, if major, indiscretion (Judge Cohen) or, would you run to fill a vacant seat where the opposition was a career law-clerk whose co-workers are itching to stab her in the back (Cinnamon).

  60. Eig is terrible. He doesn't know the law, he doesn't care to learn the law, and he runs an inefficient courtroom.

  61. the easy seats are the open seats. in that arena, ms. cynamon has no experience and is disliked throughout the courthouse. she's target number one if you're serious about getting elected.

  62. Annonymous,

    Regarding Judge Fierro, I went before him on November 2007 regarding a paternity case for my now 14 year old son. He not only favors the attorneys he knows well but till today January 2008 I can still not get him to establish child support. Since I am being self represented he puts me down and continues to ridicule me and shut me up. As for the opposing attorney he is friendly and allows her to make her statements. I've written several complaint letters and no replies. He should not be a judge especially not in the family court division. I am making it my mission to see that I advise as many voters as I can to assure that they do not vote for him.

  63. hey Capt u put me in the mood to reflect on my career...
    Cynamon?-clerk? research assistant?
    ever in a courtroom?
    Donner?- ice queen but she is Smart! took on Benlate discovery abuses without fear
    Fierro?-experienced-ruled right away (i lost), gets you to trial,he's funny on occasion
    Cohen?-deer caught in a headlight?
    Simons & Gordon?-sought of like joined at the hip
    Ward?-well she did knock out Postman
    age of incumbents? can they serve full term? ask Mindy-is she out on another maternity leave?-now's a good time to ask for my trial to commence
    Herald Obit on E. Schockett seemed unfair
    bring back henry ferro, the current crop of candiates are less qualified
    out of time capt,back to work and bill 2200 hours today

  64. Cohen's true colors came out, not the politically correct ones. CABA has shown that it is a weak political force and should have been stronger to its native roots. I am an original CABA member of 20 years; this Cohn comment should not be let go.

  65. I have to say I agree with Judge Cohen about her "comment" that offended so many people. Please, survey the inmate population and you'll see: the majority are cubans. As for JC's integrity, she's a strict judge who puts up with no BS in her courtroom and I admire her for that.She genuinely cares about the children in her cases and had the balls to create "DRUG COURT" which is a program which allows addicted parents to go to rehab, get help and if they get their act together, regain custody of their children. Great job Judge!

  66. After appearing before him on several cases over the years (Family, Civil and Criminal) all I can say is "Bring back Fierro"- this Judge knows his stuff and can't be "BSed"-he doesn't let lawyers interrupt or yell at each other. One of my civil clients even wrote him to thank him. I also miss Simmons and Wilson
