Friday, January 05, 2007


The Rumpole way.....


Cowpokes travel to Seattle to put an end to their revolting season. Take the Hawks, give the 3, get some Starbucks, and watch your winnings grow.

J..E…T…S.. travel to NE to play the Patriots. Master Belichick versus student Mangini. Like the boys in Green to keep it close. Pats could win the super bowl, or could choke. Bottom line is that the Pats miss those WR’s more than they would admit. J..E…T…S…

Giants take the bus to Philly. Surprising Eagles riding Jeff Garcia, who has been there and done that. Disappointing Giants watching Coughlin coach his last game as a Giant. Eli can’t do it alone. Giants always dangerous with Tiki Barber, but Eagles match up well. The spread is 7. Try and give 6.5 where you can find it. That might be the difference here.
Go to Pats, order a cheesteak "wit" (wit gets ya mushrooms, onions, and cheese wiz), and an Eagles win.

KC at INDY. KC a one trick pony. But what a pony in LJ. Indy has suspect run defense. Tony Dungy is an old Steeler DB. Would figure he would know a thing or two about defense. Indy is giving 6.5. Give the points.
Over/under is 51. Under under under.


Florida Gators could well win this thing. Take the 7.5 now. Watch which way the line moves. I think it could move down to 6. The middle is not the play here- the Gator money line is.
Remember, Rumpole told you first about this little upset in the making.

Early predication: Ravens beat Saints in Miami Super Bowl.


  1. Calling any and all guest bloggers. I will be in trial and out of town next week. Want to pitch in? Let me know.

  2. so i guess your identity is known to those who would sub for you, i thought no one knew who you were. the cross-examiner is not good at being cross-examined.

  3. Sorry, Rump, but your argument that no one, not even the victims, can call Cholakis a jerk until he is convicted or pleads guilty, fails. Osama bin Laden has yet to be convicted by anything other than the court of public opinion. Does this mean we can't call him a jerk? Ditto for Ralph Arza. And Mel Gibson. Or what about Mark Foley? There are plenty of people who haven't been convicted of anything who are still fairly called jerks--or other choice expletives. We don't have to wait four years for the denouement of a criminal case to voice our outrage over a person's bad behavior, criminal or otherwise.

  4. Sherlock Holmes postulated:

    so i guess your identity is known to those who would sub for you, i thought no one knew who you were. the cross-examiner is not good at being cross-examined.

    Rumpole marvels: My word are you good. You Figured that out all by yourself? Wow.

    Sorry to burst your bubble sherlock, but I can invite people to be guest bloggers. all I need is their email address. I don't know them, they don't know me.

    But keep pitching those guesses, a few more dozen years and you may even get close.

    The reason my post is so angry is that you are implicitly calling me a liar when I have written in the past no one knows who I am.

    I don't lie.

  5. Gino and the L&L twins have the Cholakis case.


    I am a guest blogger and I have no idea who Rumpole is and do not believe that he knows who I am.

    CAPTAIN OUT .............

  7. Rumpy, I am obsessed with who you are and with anonymously trashing other people. Both have become the focus of my little life.

    Can you help me? Can you give my life any meaning?

  8. the trialmaster picks the gators/ take the money line;

  9. Rumpole is aka David Ranck. He just pretends to be a defense atty. Ranck has all the time in the world to sit and write on his computer- he has no friends what else would he be doing?

  10. 11:02-----Ranck has plenty of friends. I particularly respect his integrity and loyalty.

    He's an excellent lawyer and cares about others.

    He just doesn't sit around and gossip or randomly trash people the way you do. Get a life.

  11. aw leave 11:02 alone, he likes to write anonymously that someone has no friends - AS HE'S WRITING THIS AT 11:02 ON A FRIDAY NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. A cry for help:
    Rumpy, I am obsessed with who you are and with anonymously trashing other people. Both have become the focus of my little life.

    Can you help me? Can you give my life any meaning?

    Rumpole always ready to help:
    I am not who you think I am
    I am not who you want me to be.
    I am that I am.

    try for more help.

  13. Obi Wan Zenobi?

    David Ranck?

    The list expands.

  14. Rump how about a poll?
    Nick Saban:

    1- liar

    2- f'in liar

    3- no honor liar

    4- punk

    5- thief

    6- thief n- liar

  15. Lurvy, Freedman & Shuminer= Rumpole

  16. Here's a question, If you found out who Rumpole was, what would you do? (This includes everyone, your honors)

  17. sorry to burst your bubble, but shuminer wouldnt last a day in anonymity. his ego is too large for that.

    those who know him know that.

  18. Gee, I've known David for about 10 years, I'll have to let him know about his reputation.

  19. when and if I find out who rumpole is the wave of libel suits will be filed by the dozens

  20. Someone said they just knew that Fingerhut was Horace.
    I'm curious as to how that person came about with that. Fill me in.
    I believe he could be. Any reasons as to why he wouldn't/couldn't be Rumpole?
    I think alot of things point to him. Look at how rarely he is even mentioned.

  21. Fingerhut is not a trial lawyer. Therefore, unless Rumpole is a lier, Rumpole is not Fingerhut.

  22. Fingerhut is not Rumps. This is obvious for a lot of reasons, but mostly because Scott could never be as succinct as Horace and because he would never write anything filled with the number of grammatical mistakes that Rumps makes every day. If you really want to know Rumps' identity, just ask me.

  23. okay john, who's Rumpole?

  24. Lurvey and Lyons and Freedman and Shuminer - all share the same floor in the same building - two former ASA's and two former APD's - and all have the mind, means and capability - they are my vote for Rumpole

  25. Let's see.........serve the public as a prosecutor for 17 or so years making far less than you could and when do you get? Some sanctimonious prick randonly attacking you and judging your personal life. Pathetic.

    Ranck is a public servant, but a private person. He deserves much better than he's getting here.

    Amazing how so many people put up stupid posts without thinking about how they may hurt the people (or their families) that are talked about. Truly sad.

  26. rumpole
    you are real good. go colts go under. i'm getting paid. by the way. david ranck is a good guy and a darn good lawyer.

  27. anyone who would care about what is said anonymously on a blog needs therapy. however, rumpole needs to remove negative posts because of powerful search engines such as google. so and so does drugs or so and so is a shit lawyer posts should not remain because so long as the blog remains, the posts are on the net

  28. you could mention the nicest person, the best lawyer, greatest judge, and some poor jealous jerk would trash them - why? BECAUSE THEY CAN - its anonymous. Make this blog require registration for comments, and it's like ending crank calling with caller id.

  29. David Ranck is a good guy. Cholakis is too, and this whole thing sucks.


    An Assistant Public Defender

  30. Of course I removed all that personal bs. You know better.

    Ps: not one person blasted me for impersonating the lord. You people would better spend your time reading the classics than filling your mind with all that Utube junk.

  31. Top ten Rump List

    10 Shuminer
    8 Ranck
    7 Rick Freedman
    6 Jay White
    5 Fingerhut
    4 Lurvy and Lyons
    3 Howard Sohn
    2 Jason Grey
    1 Obi Wan Zenobi

  32. Jog Galt- you of all people. What gramitcal erors? I are anrel good riter.

  33. Honorable mention for rumpole

    Tannebaum; Tuttle; Warren Schwartz; David Weed; Joel Brown; Orlando Prescott; David Markus; David Markus;

  34. rumpole needs to remove negative posts because of powerful search engines such as google. so and so does drugs or so and so is a shit lawyer posts should not remain because so long as the blog remains, the posts are on the net


  35. my Favorite comment in the last few days is David Miller as the evil Sith lord.

  36. did a depo once of a dui sbi victim, had 8 operations, leg mangled by drunk who hit her head on. whole experience sucked. this blog would be outraged at the injury to the victim if it wasn't dominated by insensitive defense attorney. and for those former prosecutors out there not much worse in life then looking at autopsy photos of people killed by drunk drivers as i had the misfortune to do on 5 occasions. or yeah-rumpole team- you suck.

  37. Wow! YOu've seen 5 autopsy photos. You're a real pro. Wow. Can I have your autograph? You must be a real good lawyer.

    You ass- you have no idea how many lives of people on this blog have been touched by tragedy. Just because some people feel bad for Mr. Cholakis does not mean that there has been anyone on this blog who discounts the awful pain and tragedy that have befallen the people who were injured, regardless of whether a crime was comitted.

    Go back to the bar and brag to someone who is impressed that you've seen 5 sets of autopsy photos.

  38. Five , really, oooooo, were they gross? Get a life.

  39. What is this world coming to? People want to know who is Rumpole, but no one asks, "Who is John Galt?" Not a literary soul in a sea of Anonymous faces. Who is Rumpole? Who is John Galt? And where do you start if you have to dig a hole to China? Look outside the box, read down the page, use the key -- and think of a name mentioned in the comments only twice so far, but never in this blog. Then even you can Solve the Mystery.

  40. I worked as an asa and say 10 autopsy photos. I was a homicide deterctive, i saw 12, i defend murders- i'v e seeen 50.

  41. to The Truth: can't sleep another lonely night as a loser lawyer who blogs for fun, can't get it up? Let me guesss: 5'4", never played sports, went to law school, and defend duis, drove a sports car to overcompensate, and let me guess-Jewish-since 90% of the bloggers are- the real men played sports and get pussy and don't sit at home writing- writing about others- on the sideline again like when you were in school watching others play sports etc.

  42. to RUMPOLE: JEALOUS AGAIN, you never would be given the responsibility of handling the most difficult cases for the government. you scoff at someone handling 5 dui manslaughter cases but you did none. you had to go work for the pd, about the worst job to get out of law school. look at all the fat cows at bb's office, because they couldn't get a job anywhere else. you hate law enforcement and were jumping for joy of Chilotis's dilemma and posted a blog about and only backpeddled after you were criticized. the fact that you started an anonymous blog in the first place shows how much of a coward you are. at least marcus identified himself. as long as i can't sleep i'll keep blogging in calling you what you are. i have as much experience as you and i'm 15 years younger. when was the last time you were hired in a big case-take your nose out of bb's ass and you get no more court appointments.

  43. To My friend who cannot sleep:
    Make it worth my while- Pay me 5,000 for every jury trial I have won so long as that total is above the total amount of cases you have tried. Go ahead, agree to the deal, we will agree for someone to hold 50K from each of us- and I will reveal myself. In the unlikely event I lose, I will pay you 7500 just for every jury trial you have had more than me.

    Go ahead big mouth, put your money where your verdicts are.

  44. PS: the last time I was hired in a "big" case? How do you define big? +50K fee? Facing life in prison? Define big? I was hired in a case that more than meets both definitions in October- going to trial tomorrow- but not in Miami, not in Florida.

    In fact, lets play: WHERE IN THE WORLD IS RUMPOLE?

    You'll never find me, but I guarantee you my case will be on the front page most days this coming week, as it is today. Brr...its cold...hahahahaha.

  45. " but you did none. you had to go work for the pd, about the worst job to get out of law school."

    I spoke to Roy Black, Jack Denaro, and Stan Blake and they agreed. Haven't spoken to the many other wildly successful lawyers around town who came out of that office, but they'd probably agree with you.

  46. Name me 1 " wildly successful" lawyer to come out of that office in the last 10 years. Are those guys you mentioned still alive?

  47. naftali wachs
    ray taseff

  48. Hey five autopsies-you are an angry little punk who really should get a life. Your efforts to get under other's skin is transparent. See a therapist-life isnt really that bad.

  49. A blind dofus wrote

    take your nose out of bb's ass and you get no more court appointments.

    Rumpole notes, there are not many in the PDs office who believe I have treated BB fairly.


    1. Post (may or may not mention name of lawyer/judge)

    2. Comments about last post

    3. Comments trashing person mentioned

    3again. Predictions about Rumpole

    4. Comments supporting person mentioned, trashing "anonymous"

    5. Comment asking about past indiscretion of person mentioned

    5again. Predictions about Rumpole

    6. Comment saying we all have indiscretions and person is a "good guy"

    7. Comment from Larry Schwartz/Lenny Glick/Abe Laeser

    8. Comment asking one of the above 3 about a past indescretion

    8again. Predictions about Rumpole

    9. More trashing of person mentioned (only if lawyer) regarding: lack of murder trials, too many court appointed murder trials, DUI practice, traffic practice, 3rd degree felony practice.

    10. Something funny.


  51. 11. Boring analysis of blog.

  52. NOMINATIONS are now being accepted for MOST BITTER BLOGGER. Since the identity of the 25 most frequent contributors to this blog is not in dispute let's find out who is the bitter sob constantly contributing vile hatred. My top five are: Jason Grey, David O. Marcus, Brian Tannebaum, Mark Eiglarsh, Dan Lurvey.

  53. Anatomy of this blog: at halftime of football game post fictitous angry epitah and wait for a dozen lawyers to get angry and stir up a storm of gossip and hate. SUCKERS, NEOPHYTES, INTELLECTUAL MIDGETS. Now let's hear from Judge Glick, Blake, Piniero and Schwartz. Lions and tigers and bears oh my! Zenobi, Grey, Lurvery, Lyons, Denaro, Waks, Reisenstein, Marcus, Roark, Hidnert, etc. etc.

  54. the "vile hatred" is mostly written by anonymous people, many mentioned are not anonymous and usually dont write hate. We all know who spews hate, no need to even try and name them. They know who they are.

  55. Observations:
    Rump, strange pick with the JETS. You must be a fan or something. Brady is the best qb of all time when it is all said and done.
    Also, why get so bent out of shape with your 50k challenge. The real Rumpole would never engage in such bush league "my dick is bigger then yours" gamesmanship. Your money is better spent betting on pro football. But the JETS over the PATS is your worst pick of the bunch.

  56. Oh relax, we all hate each other, now Rumpole has given us a public forum for anyone on the internet to see it, let's move on and destroy as many people as we can.

  57. Also, to the guy who knocks O Markus and Lurvey etc- you sir are a shitbird with altitude sickness.

  58. I TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE JETS "PICK"- read what I wrote carefully- no mention of spread, just an endorsement of Jets. I think there is usually an upset in week one, Pennington is 2-1 in NE, and plays well. Patriots are not as good as they think they are, as will be seen next week. But I was hoping for an upset, although I am not a Jets fan.

    One caveat about next week- as is usual, Belichick is the best coach in the playoffs and has won games in out-coaching the other coach- most recently when he handed Cowher his head in the 2004 AFC championship game. I think Belichick can out coach Shottenheimer next week, I'm just not sure he has the horses. I do not like his receving corps, but his defense is impressive and as the saying goes- defense wins championships. Which is why I'm riding the Ravens to the Super Bowl.

  59. Seahawks giving 3 -- call your loan shark NOW!

  60. but to bet against brady at home shows me that you might just be riding a wave of luck.

  61. and to bet against the cowboys? wow. the score does not indicate just how off you were. but for t. glenn, the girls win stright up.

  62. one last thing, the giants get in done with a dominating performance from their hall of fame back.

  63. getting a little too crude. Where were you critics when I was 4-1 and 5-1 every week?

  64. i still won the cash rump. i had 7 not 6 1/2. devastating loss none the less.

    you had a nice run but from now on, let me make the picks.

  65. Runmpole is a Judge Brown at family court.

    Thats why he defended the attacks on former Judge Samuels.

  66. Judge Brown doesnt have the sense of humour to be Rumpole. ok guy, but not much in the wit, wisdom or personality departments.
