Saturday, November 04, 2006


Riding a winning streak, we put our money where our mouth is and post our predications for all the world to see.

Winning brings fame and glory,
losing - scorn and ridicule.

Falcons -5 over Lions.

Tennessee +9.5 over Jacksonville

Colts +3 over Patriots

The amazing over/under selections

Atlanta/Detroit under 47.

KC/St. Louis under 48

Dallas/Washington over 41

Have Fun.

PS. Don't ask why. The Fins might just have something left in the tank coming off a bye week. Chicago is just not as great as everyone thinks. If something surprising happens, you read it here first. We're not talking about covering. We're talking about an upset.


  1. Lenny Cooperman is now a Judge in Maine?

  2. objection, relevance, move to strike and instruct this blog to disregard

  3. I know betting is legal in England but can we keep the blog about legal issues rump?

  4. Every Sunday I have posted picks. Live with it.


    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Fri, 3 Nov 2006 2:19 PM
    Subject: RE: Judge Leslie Rothenberg

    Dear Friends,

    Before you go to the polls next Tuesday to vote, please read the letter to the editor below regarding Judge Leslie Rothenberg, who is on the ballot for retention to the 3rd District Court of Appeals. The only way for the public to remove a sitting judge on the 3rd DCA is to vote NO to retaining that judge.

    Although I have had no personal interaction with Judge Rothenberg, I have checked with friends who are attorneys and actively practice in Miami-Dade. They validate the opinions contained in the letter to the editor, and more - and so apparantly do a significant percentage of attorneys who were polled by the Florida Bar and the Dade County Bar Association who also voted no to retention. In fairness, I have also included a subsequent letter to the editor which suppports Judge Rothenberg. Interestingly, that letter of support does not refute Judge Rothenberg's public stand against abortion and gay marriage, or other accusations of improper judicial behavior.

    I am sending you this personal message as a request to please consider voting no for retention of Judge Rothenberg. It is very difficult for any person not an attorney practicing in front of a specific judge to obtain any information about that judge's qualifications. And it is all but impossible to unseat a judge on a retention vote. But unless those who are informed speak up with their vote, that judge will continue to hand down decisions that are informed by her own opinions and prejudices.

    You will find Judge Rothenberg under JUDICIAL on your ballot, then under DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL. For Judge Rothenberg, Punch #88 to vote NO for retention.

    Julia Dawson


    No to Rothenberg (Posted Wednesday, November 1, 2006)

    Re The Miami Herald's recommendation that Judge Leslie B. Rothenberg be retained on the Third District Court of Appeal: The Florida Bar's 2006 statewide merit-retention poll of lawyers who ''have considerable knowledge'' of Rothenberg showed 34 percent of those polled voted No to retention. The Dade County Bar Association's 2006 Judicial Poll results showed 31 percent of lawyers polled voting No to Rothenberg's retention.

    Rothenberg has taken public stands against abortion and gay marriage. More frightening is that in her campaign for state attorney in 2004, she pledged to use the powers of that office to oppose these issues.

    In reference to the pledge, The Miami Herald quoted Gerald Kogan, former chief justice of the Florida Supreme Court, saying in reference to Rothenberg that it's improper for a judge to commit herself to a future position on an issue: ''When you're dealing with a public office holder, especially a judge, perception is important.'' She lost that race for Miami-Dade state attorney.

    However, she was appointed last year to the Third District Court of Appeal.

    No judge should support discrimination. Voters should vote No to retaining Rothenberg on the bench.


    Retain Rothenberg (Posted Friday, November 3, 2006)

    The Miami Herald was correct in recommending that Judge Leslie B. Rothenberg be retained on the Third District Court of Appeal. She is an excellent judge who has earned the respect of fellow judges and attorneys that appear before her.

    She is intelligent, logical, analytical, insightful, professional and ethical. She treats everyone that appears before her with respect. She is dedicated to fairly interpreting the law and applying it in a just and impartial manner. What else could anyone ask for from a judge?

    Voters should vote Yes to retaining Rothenberg.

    ERVIN A. GONZALEZ, Coral Gables

  6. Everyone should go to the CBS 4 website and watch the video on the inmate carrying the seven month old dead fetus.

  7. If Judge Rothenberg does indeed have those beliefs, one wonders why she does not file JQC complaints against gay Judges?

    Just so my comment is entirely clear and not misunderstood: I believe there is little room for the intolerant beliefs of people who are prejudiced- against a person's race, religion, or sexual orientation- and no room for a Judge who holds those beliefs.

    I am not sure Judge Rothenberg holds those beliefs that are attributed to her- but if she or any Judge does, they should put up and file a complaint or shut up.

    You see, the only way to truly defeat a racist is to expose him or her to the light of day.

  8. If I was Rothenberg and I did not hold this bias, I would immediately say so.

    There is no canon or rule that says a Judge cannot come out and say I am not a bigot. In fact because she does not come out and say this could be very telling...

  9. 10:02----no offense, but perhaps she's just decided that the allegations are not worth responding to. Her response would do nothing to quiet her critics (who wouldn't believe it regardless of its veracity). And, is unnecessary to her supporters who know better. By engaging in this ridiculous debate, she would have a lot more to lose than gain.

  10. Ervin Gonzalez
    Every case that your try is perfect in two respects: huge damages and clear liability. You have never tried a criminal case where your back is up against the wall- every fact against you. Add to the equation a second prosecutor-the judge. And there you have for friend Judge Rothenberg.

  11. Darren MC Gillis went from being a self promoting NUT JOB (Which of course he still is,just Google him and read an old New Times article)and HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED to the darling of this Blog .What a bunch of hypocrites you guys turned out to be Yourself included Rumpole!

  12. I think it is time to gather and give Nutso Gadfly a taste of his own medicine. If you are sick of this foolish 10th grader, start your own project of complaints and pointless comments about him. Soon, he will see his work product on his face. Candidates, attorneys, staffers, readers and family members, this man has violated many local, state and federal laws. It is time to turn the dial and let him fry. See ya Mongolito...

    gad‧fly  /ˈgædˌflaɪ/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[gad-flahy] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

    –noun, plural -flies. 1. any of various flies, as a stable fly or warble fly, that bite or annoy domestic animals.
    2. a person who persistently annoys or provokes others with criticism, schemes, ideas, demands, requests, etc.

  13. 10:06 says " but perhaps she's just decided that the allegations are not worth responding to."

    C'mon all right thinking people want to be on the record. The problem here is that she is on the record as a bigot. Come clean say what you feel if your positions have changed.

    The canons would only prevent you from endorsing bias not declaring for the record you true position .

  14. Mcgillis is the messenger dont shoot the messenger.

    McGillis was not around in the 2004 election his name was nowhere. All the crap on Rothenberg came from Herald and New Times NOT McGillis in 2004 stories. Google her name you will get a handful of crap on her before Mcgillis got hold on the crap

  15. "If you are sick of this foolish 10th grader, start your own project of complaints and pointless comments about him"

    Guess the foolish 10th grader caught your attention. Whats wrong gonzalez no more letters to the editor to write? Afraid right thinking people might make up there own minds and vote the way they want to and not the way CFC does. Thats called "CULT"

  16. ". . .the darling of this Blog .What a bunch of hypocrites you guys turned out to be Yourself included Rumpole!"

    I have a new name:

    "the darling of this Blog"

  17. Leslie should you not be at a hate group meeting every sunday afternoon and not blogging away?

  18. 1) I removed a post because it attacked a judge about her personal life. A no no.

    2) Nobody is my darling.

  19. "this man has violated many local, state and federal laws"

    Please tell me the law that was broken when he put up the $10 web site?

  20. in the DBR article Gonzalez says its a issue that does not exist.

    so I say why are you attacking mcgillis gonzalez if you say to the DBR its a issue that does not exist?

    11-01-2006 DBR

  21. opps Florida Bar posted link to DBR story better start protest:

  22. Herald article about the turnover at the SAO and the PDO. What do you think?

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