Thursday, November 02, 2006






When you prosecutors emerge from your office every morning, full of pep and vigor and Starbucks and ready to go do justice, take a quick glance to your right. As you emerge from your confines on 12th Avenue, lugging your boxes and coloured files, just take a peek to your right.

See where the fence with the barbed wire ends? And then a little more to the right is the PD'S office. In between the two is a part of the jail called the East Wing where people go to pick up their loved ones who are bonding out of jail.

Now, when you are coming back from that late lunch, especially after 2:30 PM., look over to the East wing. See that group of nefarious ner-do-wells loitering on the street? That' s a pack of bondsmen and women lying in wait to pounce on the unsuspecting civilians who wander over there from the felony bond hearings on the 5th floor of the REGJB trying to get their family member out of jail. The bondsmen lie, cheat, threaten, and trick unsuspecting individuals into hiring their company to write the bond.

Think that's bad? Try this.

The bondsmen send their runners to the bond hearing on the fifth floor. When a family member appears in court and the Judge lowers the bond, the runners call over to the bondsman waiting by the East wing (as the felony bond hearings begin at 2:45 PM), and then, before they are hired, they put in the paperwork to bond the defendant out. When the unsuspecting family member goes to the East Wing the bondsman approaches them, and here is where the sell can turn easy or hard: they are either told that the bond company was already called by the person in jail and they have posted the bond and need to be paid, or they are threatened, taken to a bondsman's office, and in some cases, held against their will, until the bond is paid.

There are documented cases of the bondsman bonding people out of jail, handcuffing them, taking them to their office, and holding them in custody until someone appears with cash.

Here' s a little experiment. Wander over to the East Wing one day and sort of just mill around and look lost. Before you can say "scum" a person will come over and offer to help. Ask them where to go to get someone out of jail. You will be swarmed. You will be told you must use a bondsman and cannot post a cash bond. They will ask the name, and when you tell them, they will pretend to check a list and tell you they have already been called and posted the bond and you must pay them.

Even bondsmen are upset at this. The honest bondsmen who do an honest job will tell you that whenever they go to post a bond, they have to fight off other bondsmen who have already put in the paper work trying to score a fee. Bondsmen at the jail have office staff that use the public access computers to get names and phone numbers and call people at home at all hours of the day or night soliciting bonds, usually telling the person that they have already put in the bond paperwork and need to get paid. If that person has already contacted a legitimate bondsmen, they will be told they must use their company, or that they work for the bondsman already called. In sum, they lie, cheat, and steal their way into getting business.

The variations of this scam are endless.

It's a disgraceful affair.
It demeans the justice system and rewards the thieves and hustlers at the expense of legitimate bondsmen who run a clean operation.

And this is just an educated guess, but we will take a wild stab here and postulate that the same bondsmen who steal and hustle cases also tell the defendants that they must hire a particular attorney or they will surrender the bond and put the defendant back in jail.

And that's a crime.

Just in case Mr. Centorino and his crew are looking for a little corruption.
It's less than 100 yards away from the entrance to their office.
Right under their noses.

We know this is Miami. And we realize that Mr. Centorino and his crew have their hands full with city commissioners, politicians, not to mention police officers and the odd attorney now and then. But the fact that these scams take place not less than a football field from the State Attorneys Office somehow makes the whole mess all the more odious.

Your Humble Servant,


The illegal we do immediately.
The unconstitutional takes a little longer.
- Henry Kissinger


  1. Kissinger is our little war criminal.

  2. You read that whole post and decided to leave a comment on Henry K, who has nothing to do with the topic?

  3. War crimes need to be prosecuted also Rumperlumper. Top of the morning to you. But just to stroke your ego-nice post..;

  4. I like the post but for the guy behind bars I dont think he really cares how he gets out, even if it means handcuffed at a office.

  5. Of course the person in jail just wants to get out. Let me give you a scenario: You are hired after a person is arrested. You schedule a bond hearing and call a reputable bondsman. The court lowers the bond and sets a Nebbia. You spend two days working with the bondsman on deeds, bank accounts and the bondsman prepares a Nebbia report. Then you have a hearing, the bondsman tetsifies, and the Judge finds the Nebbia satisified. Then the bondsman goes to post the bond only to find another company has already submitted the paperwork. There is a fight at the jail. You get called. The client is still not out. This happens all the time and actually delays the release of your client. Meanwhile, the bond company you succesfully fought off starts calling your client's family (who is upset that the client is still not out) and recommends another attorney who will do it cheaper.
    It goes on and on and on and its very demeaning and nasty. We as a defense attorneys have enough problems with almost every case having minimum mandatories and such, without having to keep constant tabs on our client and the bondsman,

  6. this problem needs to be corrected. i hate those scum bags.

  7. you mean physical fights or words?

    file a class action suit or get an administrative order from Farina.

    something can be done but how is the question.

  8. I once had an court interpreter offer to send me clients as long as I gave him a "fee".

  9. I love the Daily Business Review. Anyone seen it today?

  10. I thought the post was good and meaningful. Something needs to be done. I wonder, however, what was the impetus of the rant?

  11. What about the bondsman who post the bond and then send the client to a particular lawyer and probably gets a kick back.

    How come whenever I have a client in jail I seem to get fired and the same attorneys seem to get hired.....

  12. I know Joe has tried many times to get the bondsman but, it always fails.

    So, don't act so surprised.

  13. lets talk about who killed kennedy, as that is a topic not discussed as much as the bondsmen problem in miami

  14. Anonymous said...
    I thought the post was good and meaningful. Something needs to be done. I wonder, however, what was the impetus of the rant?

    Rumpole says: In the last few months I had more than a few bondsman from different companies call my office to complain that after I did the bond hearing and they walked the client's family over to the East Wing, another bonding company had already submitted the paperwork, and would I call the jail to speak with a shift commander? I have enough to do without getting involved in this because those thieves are trying to steal cases.

  15. Oh, I would love to do a discussion of the Kennedy assassination. Manlichter-Carcano Rifle and the time it takes to cycle through a shot; Warren Commission Exhibit #399 (the Magic Bullet) Arlen Specter and the single bullet theory, the killing of Policman JD Tippett, and of course toy maker Abraham Zapruder's film.

    Yes, I have been exposed as a Kenndy Conspiracy theorist. Although I have my own theory.

  16. Conspiracy? When I was in the Army, I learned (after 1963) that even I could easily fire the three shots in question using a scope. Too many silly theories are out there. Every shot from the grassy knoll went where ...after passing through the skull? How come no one on the opposite side of Dealey Plaza got hit by fragments?

    No more Maui Wowee for you Rumpole.

  17. The bondsman problem is well known, and will never be resolved. The SAO will do nothing about it, the bondsmen and sleezy lawyers are fully aware of that.

  18. Based on the Zapruder film, which gives us the exact amount of time the shots were fired in (with the film running at 1 frame per second) the amount of time needed to fire the number of shots necessary to cause the wounds was IMPOSSIBLE for the cheap italian rifle used. It was only after this impossibility was brought to the comission's attention that Arlen Spector was forced to rework the comission's findings and come up with one bullet causing five wounds on two people. (The single bullet or magic bullet theory)
    If Oswald was on trial today, we could prove he was part of a consipracy (or a patsy) to the satisfaction of a jury. Other people were in that Plaza firing shots that hit the President.

  19. Alan, is Rumpole a conspiracy nut?

  20. talking about kennedy - just as much as a waste of time as the bondsman problem - no agreement or resolution

  21. Best post in a while, bro.

  22. Arza's case has been assigned to JUDGE ADRIEN.

  23. Yes Chris, apparently he is.

  24. Why oh Why in Miami does important cases get assigned to lunkheads who couldn't practice law and got elected by a fluke?

  25. BHB here: Everyone knows about this bondsman problem. My office as been aware of it for years, as our clients have been ripped off and run around to no end. We can sit in the corner offices and look down at the bondsman milling about in the street hustling people.

    But forget about the State Attorneys Office doing anything about it. They are too busy enforcing the racing minimum mandatories and the 2 year license suspension for drug convictions.

  26. Chris and Alan; BHB, what a day for the blog!!!!

  27. Mr. Brummer
    I think it's raising not racing. Now go back to sleep. Actually, pop a bottle of vino. After the last couple of years you deserve a break. :)


    1. Bennett spelled his last name wrong.

    2. The poster intended to say racing; you know, like drag-racing.

    3. The Captain posted the Gabe Martin suspension on Friday 10/27 and it took the DBR 6 more days to write the story.

    CAPTAIN OUT ..............

  29. Captain
    1. How old are you.
    2. Were you a former Assistant to BHB.
    3. It is my understanding that the DBR article on Martin is replete with factual errors. Since you are a specialist concerning matters of political gossip, can you please hunt down the facts.
    4. Why do you want to be the Public Defender.
    5. Is Brummer forced to retire at age 70?


  31. I thinks shrat ifd anyone knews howz to sphell mah name itz me, ol Bennett ban em Brummer. hic.

  32. Anonymous said...

    Rumpole says: Pipe down. Don't bother the State Attorneys Office, the supervisors are all busy answering requests from the prosecutors to waive the minimum mandatory on selling hot dogs within 30 feet of a school.

  33. While you're at it: Captain:

    Boxers or briefs?

    Bush 1 or Bush 2?

    Jury or Bench?

    McDonalds or Burger King?

    Houstons or Ruth's Chris?

    Vail or St Thomas?

    Reno or Fernandez Rundle?

    Clinton or Carter?

    Alan or Chris?

  34. Rump,
    Before we get into it about frame 313 in the Zapruder film, just have ANYONE tell us where the fragments, projectiles from a high-powered rifle, pieces of bone, brain matter, and volumes of blood went. After all, applying the laws of physices, any bullet would have caused the items to follow the path. Unfortunately for your theory, NO physical evidence of ANY kind was ever found to either side of the limo. No blood, no spatter, no bone/missle fragments. Or did G-d decide to suspend the laws of nature so boobs like you can guess about the impossible.

    There was one gunman. Were there other conspirators? I do not know. But I sure know that firing two shots from a rifle with a scope in eight seconds, one of which missed everything, and one of which was fatal is a task that any child could master - let alone a Marine marksman. I say TWO, because the time clock starts after the first shot through the throat. He had 20 seconds to line up that shot.

    I am sure that you are younger than I am, and what you read about or remember as a child does not replace those memories of we who followed every moment for days - read all the naysayers + the two commission reports, and believe in the truth of Occam's Razor (but not horoscopes or Santeria).

    Public Debate Rump? Name the time + place!

  35. Captain
    Your a big PUSSY.

  36. One has to wonder why Rumpole has not done a story about Gabe Martin yet?

    Is there a connection?

  37. I trust rump is drafting a nice post on gabey right now - give him time

  38. Rump is a measured author. I'm sure he will draft a post which gets the facts right-unlike the DBR.


    1. old enough
    2. no comment
    3. will do, as soon as I return from my 4 day cruise leaving on Friday
    4. so I can be Rory Stein’s and Warren Schwartz’ boss
    5. no

    1. briefs
    2. neither
    3. not even close; jury
    4. Wendy’s
    5. Prime 112
    6. tough one; I pick the snow, but not Vail
    7. Reno
    8. Clinton
    9. can’t have one without the other (sounds like a song)

    and finally, to 4:00, my response is:

    you missed a word, “lover”, as in cats over dogs...

    CAPTAIN OUT .................

  40. Dear Arlen Spector fan: ONE PERFECT BULLET caused all those injuries? Why is their an admittedly doctored photo of Oswald holding the weapon?
    Why were fake Oswald's turning up at the strangest places? Why did Oswald "defect" to Russia, only to return?

    There is little doubt that Oswald could not have cycled the Manlichter Carcano rilfe in the time needed to hit both Kennedy and Connnoly.

    As to your incorrect statements about evidence:
    In the immediate aftermath of the assassination, the FBI analyzed five bullet fragments recovered from the limousine, the governor's wrist, the president's brain and from a hospital stretcher.

    The bullet found on the stretcher is missing some lead, but not enough to account for all the other fragments. So there had to be more than one bullet.

    Don't get me started.

    I cannot debate you in Public. My agent and publicist will not allow it.

  41. CALL TO ARMS: I have no idea what is going on with Gabe Martin. I am not suppressing anything. I'm just not real interested in what Mr. Martin did or did not do beyond what I have already said.

    I am swamped at work. I have no idea what to write for tomorrow's blog. Someone please write a decent post on the Gabe Martin issue and I will put it up front on the blog.

  42. Why was everyone in the building whispering about a lawyer named steve golombe today????

  43. A "golombe" is a yiddish term for a ghost or spirit.

  44. LOOK at ALL the Bondsmen who contributed to all the losers in the election.To bad GINA JOSIE AND MIGNA didn't win. The bondsmen got nothing for thier $$$$$

  45. Arza got assigned to Ardien after using the N word. How ironic.

  46. Honest and reputable bondsmen are usually the ones who will contribute to a campaign. They have interests like being able to have forfeitures discharged when the person is re-arrested or surrendered timely. My opinion is that the scum who try and steal cases don't even have a checking account to use to write a cheque.

  47. No matter how reprehensible, is using the N word a crime these days?

  48. What ever happend to Barry Wax, Bennett Lapidus, Keny Weisman, Scott Fingerhut, James Jay Hogan, Steve Mechanic and Judge Colby and Lenny Cooperman?

  49. Cooperman is a Judge these days and Colby is not. Talk about Irony. Cooperman is some sort of administrative law Judge in Maine or somewhere like that.

    Scott Fingerhut is planning on spending his U tube millions. Don't know the rest.

  50. Pauly? Won't see him no more.

  51. Rumpole, my compatriot,
    Let me lend you a copy of CASE CLOSED, and then we can have a very private debate, over a pint or two of stout.

    P.S. Even I can fire that rifle within the time limits and hit a torso/target at over 150 yards. I have done it with an M-1, which is harder to chamber. I may not love Mr. Spector, the Warren Commission, or any true believer on this issue, but I do have some knowledge of homicide and wound ballistics. // ABE

  52. Does anyone know the basis for Gabriel Martin's suspension??????

  53. Listen, Ralph Arza is going to turn around and run KFR out of office with the help of Darren McGillis. Watch, al hell is going to break lose and KFR Has just lived her last year in office. Rothenberg won't help her and the CFC won't event pray. Miami politics is going to be at it's best. Let's see if KFR keeps hitting the bars with her body guards at night while on comp time. (Yeah, we know KFR.) Is it not a crime to be a McGillis? Rump, is this person not off to the point that if Arza goes to jail so should he?

  54. BHB set Gabe Martin up again to avoid having him run for PD again as he is trying to get Carlos Martinez to replace him. Though, Gabe is strong and will bounce back and run for office in 2008 with the help of Ralph Arza, Frank Bolans and Karen Aronowitz from the UTD. It is going to be interesting. Oh, KFR will jump on the wagon to save her tequila salary.

  55. Arza didn't get arrested for using the N word,bro. he got arrested for threatening a witness against him, which is a crime. To make matters worse, he got his dumb ass relative to get involved in the whole stupid crap, and then the coward identified his cousin's voice on the voicemail. If using the N word was a crime, we ALL will be locked up somewhere. let's not get all gun-ho on Arza and his verbiage. Calling anyone a nigger is not a crime, all right, my NIGGER. Furthermore, Arza got a big fat mouth. that's why he got arrested. Then to blame alcohol sounds a little bit "FOLEY" to me.

  56. KFR grabbed my ass once at a party...

  57. Are you male or female?

  58. ummm, Abe, the M-C Oswald used was bolt action, n'est-ce pas? And your M1, whether Garand or Carbine, was'd better be able to squeeze off a couple in less than two seconds, bro. The M1 "harder to chamber?" Huh?

  59. KFR looked at my ass at a party.

    BHB did not.

    I am a male.

  60. Boy are we seeing a connection between Gabe Martin and Rumpy.

    That is a big MJB story and nothing from Rumpy or the Capt.

    I see a conection here.....

  61. Just wanted to thank the sponsors of Sy's party Monday - here's the invite and sponsors - we raised over $1,200

    Celebrate Sy Gaer's 75th Birthday
    Tobacco Road
    626 South Miami Avenue

    November 6, 2006
    5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.

    Sponsored by

    Michael Catalano
    Joel Denaro
    Mark Eiglarsh
    Richard Hersch
    David O. Markus
    Richard Marx
    William Matthewman
    Sam Rabin
    Mercado & Rengel
    Tony Moss
    Bob Pardo
    Joe Rosenbaum
    Richard Sharpstein
    Michael Spivack
    Sale & Kuehne
    Woodward & Reizenstein

  62. I read Case Closed. I do not find that it answered all of the questions raised and there is very new work on the fragment analysis that I have not fully reviewed but I believe casts serious doubt on the tests done by the FBI in 1963. That being said I was intrigued about the book's theory that a bullet fired from long range would lose enough velocity to cause the damage without itself being damaged.

    Now having read your suggestion, did you ever take up my suggestion and read the Seven Sins Of Memory? If prosecutors read that book it might go a long way to changing the very inexact science of eyewitness identification.

  63. 253 post
    why are such a loser. rumpole could give two shits about martin or brummer. but why do you care so much about martin? 10 to 1 odds you are warren s.

  64. No racing while minging alcohol with cocaine hydrochloride under the influence of xanax within 100 feet of a church! The min man would be ridiculous...

  65. rump
    have you read the book ultimate sacrifice? if not- pick it up. every cuban republican should be forced to read it.

  66. The problem with conspiracy theories on the assassination of Kennedy is the utter lack of an alternative scenario that makes more sense than Lee Harvey Oswald being a lone actor. Once Oswald was arrested, there was a marked reluctance to shift the blame from ultraconservatives to a self-styled Marxist; in America, a liberal President being assassinated by a Marxist seemed to make no sense. If great events demand great causes, as Manchester argues, thirst for a conspiracy will never be satisfied so long as Oswald stands as he does now. What has never been in doubt is that on the morning of November 22nd Oswald took his rifle, retrieved just the night before, to the Depository wrapped in brown paper. There is also no doubt that he told a co-worker that the package contained curtain rods. Shortly after noon he took up his post on the sixth floor and as the motorcade passed he fired three shots. A tree branch deflected the first bullet but the rifle crack prompted Governor John Connally to twist his torso to look over his right shoulder. The second hit Kennedy at the base of his neck and then plowed into and through Connally's right side. As Connally keeled over and shouted, "My God, they are going to kill us all," the third and fatal bullet struck Kennedy, propped up by his back brace, in the head. If you don’t believe the “magic” bullet theory, what is the alternative? And if not Oswald, who?

  67. I BLEW IT. Both Judge Glick and David Gilbert wrote asking me to post the sad news that one of our best contributors and readers- Mr. Abe Laeser lost his Father this week. The funeral was this evening (Friday). I would have posted the news but I did not read my email until this evening. I am certain that many of Mr. Laeser's colleagues turned out to pay their respects. Mr. Laeser is the Dean of Prosecutors not just in this County but in this State. We have all been privileged that he has chosen to share with us his memories and insights into our legal community.
    We join in with his friends and colleagues in honoring the memory of his departed Father.

  68. So, KFR goes after poor Arza for saying something while drunk that he never was going to do? WOW!

    Meaning, that all the people who call 911 and the State Attorney are also going to be able to get their harassers and bullies arrested as Arza was this past week. Or, KFR will prove to once again be politically motivated. Hey, women groups! Look and listen! KFR will not go after men that abuse you as she did Arza. You are not that important.

  69. Who killed officer Tippett and why? Why did Jack Rubie kill Oswald (not to spare Mrs. Kennedy a trial.) Anyone ever remember what happened to Ruby? What did he say in his interviews? Who was behind the fake Oswald's showing up in Mexico? You can clearly see a puff of smoke coming from the grassy knoll. There was evidence that at least two people had been in that area for a long period of time just before the shooting.

    Why did the Doctor's doing the autopsy cut into the bullet wound changing it's appearance? For goodness sakes, who has the President's brain? Everyone admits it was taken. When you have a penetrating head wound, isn't the brain pretty good evidence about the path of the bullet or bulletts?

    If this keeps up I'm going to have to open up my books and start reading. The first chapter of Crossfire, the Plot to Kill Kennedy by Mark Lane raises many many more questions.

  70. When will Karen Aronowitz get investigated for driving those poor teachers to the ground? Does Darren Maguilles know her and if he does, why has he not filed a complaint on her performance. I am sure that somehow she had something to do with his sister and the kids. Right?

  71. I dont know who is the moron posting rants about me and KFR but please stop.

    Hey 9:17 poster:

    I could care less about Ralph Arza, from what I can tell he deserves everything he is getting right now and more.

    Darrin McGillis

    Ps. I admire KFR for the amazing job she has done for our community. Miami-Dade has got to be the toughest place to be the top cop and she has done it better than anyone else could.

  72. Darrin:

    You've been good (going after Hernandez/D'Arce, Rothenberg, etc.), bad (going after Rumpole), but now you've gone over to the dark side completely. KFR is the WORST thing to happen to our community. She runs her office like a complete diva, is motivated by politics completely, has no loyalty to her attorneys (and they none to her - witness the attrition rate), and the only reason she stays in power is the (erroneous) perception that she is doing a decent job. In truth, she is doing a terrible job and would no longer be the top cop if a decent candidate was run against her rather than a demogogue like the last guy. My family and property are not safer because of her.

  73. While I wish KFR was more accessible, I'd take her over most of her colleagues in Florida

  74. rump you have raised a valid concern about bondsmen. i am sure that you have had cases stolen from you by bondsman or the occassional client bonded out without thier knowledge.

    how many times have you brought specific instances to the sao and brought in your cleint to talk about this? i am a criminal defense attorney and sorry but i dont want to be tagged a rat by all of the mafioso type bondsman that are in this town.

  75. honest bondsman.. oxymoron? perhaps not.. Though you did mention them in your post, I think even MORE attention should be given to the attorneys that deal with bondsmen pay kick backs etc.. Talk about corruption.., however, just like the corruption among bondsmen, attorney corruption seems to be accepted and ignored.. I'm sick of hearing about attorneys are getting cases because they are paying bondsmen.. I'm REALLY sick of hearing about BAD attorneys who are getting cases from bondsmen.. Talented or not, however, paying a bondsman for cases IS corruption that should be prosecuted.

  76. 7:24

    Being in the music biz for 20-years one thing is clear people remember the scandals never the good. Entertainment biz is much like politics so I have discovered over the past months.

    No matter who you are someone will find fault with you. What I do not like is public office being used to carve out one group of people and saying these people should be hated. If you run for office it should be about inclusion not ex-clusion.


  77. where's that thug punk omar to respond that "its all in the game ya know?"

  78. As I start this blog, I want to apologize for any grammatical errors I will likely have. But, I assure you there will be no misunderstanding in this blog. To begin, I consider myself a reputable bondsman with strong ethics. I try to conduct my business activities in an honest way, that my competitors will not hold any grudges against me. I don’t steal bonds; I don’t congregate with the other hustlers at the East Wing; I don’t access computers seconds after a defendant is booked to call and lie to family members about their love ones’ situation. But, I will bust my butt, by giving excellent service no mater how big the bond is. I try to make the lawyer look like “GOD” to the client, so the next time a client is in jail the lawyer will call me. I am able to walk the halls in the Justice Building and shake hands with any correctional officer, any bondsman, and any lawyer knowing that I never tried to screw anybody in an unethical manner. I believe that in today’s world “the early bird takes the worm.” I’m determined to be successful in my business endeavors by aggressive and honorable work ethics.

    We all know the cheaters, the sophisticated hustlers, have zero morals and will stop at nothing to write a bond. These “SCUM BAGS” don’t care they are hurting the bail industry. I will not be surprised in the near future the Florida legislators will change the law on how an inmate is released from jail. The state Illinois and a few others do not have bondman. These states seem to survive, if we don’t stop all the corruption at the jail Florida will be another state with no BONDSMAN. A few arrests of these scum bags will a benefit us all.

  79. Using the N word is considered a fighting word depending on the context and fighting words are not protected speech.

  80. all the talk about the bondsman problem here on this blog has garnered the attention of the SAO and law enforcement, and in that regard, please be assured that starting monday morning, if you look real real hard, everything will be business as usual.

  81. The SAO must do something to stop the illegel actives mention in this blog. So beware to bondsmen and lawyers that take advantage of the ones that follow the law. I sincerly hope in the next few weeks there will be lawyers giving lawyers big money to defend thenselves. Then to those scum bag bondsmen that think there are untouchable. Especially that bondsman who thinks he is CLOAKED. You will be arrested and convicted. Then maybe the streets (East Wing ); the computers will have less filth on them. I say hire the best lawyer money can buy, It just might help. ATTENTION THE SAO---PLEASE STOP ALL THE CORUPTION and allow the harder worker to earn a living.

  82. I agree with the bondsman that wants the scum arrested. I am a hard worker that follows the law, and I get sick to my stomach when I worked all night only to find out another asshole put in a blue slip before me, and then I need to explain to the lawyer that sent me they too were robbed. STOP THESE CRIMES SAO PLEASE. Those HACKERS--Those all night street Huslers-- Those lawyers that reep the $$$...Beware you days are numbered.

  83. aaba??? he could not spell half the words written on that blog. although he might of had one of his attorney "friends" write it for him. maybe Scott S.????

  84. Shame on all those bondsman who are cheatting, my response is SAO go after the hustlers (computers), jail calls, and make an example once and for all.
