Tuesday, September 26, 2006



With fans like these....

Anonymous wrote:

why this blog has started to suck:

1. Migna and her stupid song
2. The Chris and Allen posts.
3. Tinkler Mendez and Parks get top fold press.
4. People fighting about naming a jury room after that sweet old pizza loving Judge Crespo(rip) and,
5. it has been taken over by a bunch of traffic hacks.
I miss the old days when the blog was filled with personal attacks, sex, law suits…

Another fan wrote in:

This blog couldn't be more boring. It definitely has seen better days. I always wondered what the hell we'd talk about once the elections were over. That Dolphin poem the other day was the death of the blog. Sorry Rumpy but it sucks.

Anonymous said:
bring back fake brummer with him asleep in his car

Anonymous wrote:
Oh man, this blog has jumped the shark!

thetruth said...

Rumpole Responds:

The blog tends to drag when we are otherwise occupied with a trial. For that we plead guilty as charged.


The blog is dependent upon Judges, our old friend Bennett “ban em” Brummer, and various other local characters to do something “blog-worthy”. Until that happens we just tend to slog along, and as you can see by Sunday’s post, left to our own devices, the results tend to be disastrous. (We wish we could blame Sunday on a hang-over, but we don’t drink when we are in trial. We really have no excuse for Sunday except sometimes even the best of us lay an egg.)

Finally, the blog is approaching the one year anniversary of it’s first post. During that year we have managed to churn out 378 posts. We find that number to be almost unbelievable. Many of those posts contain some of our finest writing, as our old friend “zzzzzzzzzzzz” can attest to. Some of those posts have addressed important subjects, and we’d like to think some of those posts have caused more than one person to laugh.

We know the blog has not been it’s best lately. Hopefully that will change.

Tough times don’t last.
Tough bloggers do.

See You In Court looking for material.


  1. Who the hell is this guy? Today's Herald talks about Richard Stern being some celebrity on the Internet.

    Former Dade prosecutor is latest YouTube star

  2. He was a misd prosecutor. He was a nice guy.

    Great story.

  3. He was a reasonable prosecutor. Nice guy.

  4. Former Dade prosecutor is latest YouTube star

    Sharing your private life while staring at a camera on YouTube can lead to instant stardom

    In his YouTube.com existence, Richard Stern, aka Lazydork, is a dancer, rapper, comedian and a critic of the foibles of celebrities -- real and imagined.

    The full article will be available on the Web for a limited time:

  5. Richard Stern was a felony ASA, a very nice guy, and a reasonable prosecutor. Always knew there was something different about him. All the best to him in Sin City!

  6. I believe I heard something on the radio this morning about someone charged with manslaughter getting an ROR in bond court.......

  7. I propose we name something after richard stern in the gerstein building.

  8. what say you to the new county court appointments?

  9. stern is a tool, and now the whole world knows. good riddance.

  10. Rumpole, whats your take on Judge Rothenberg on November 7, 2006, will the wise old man be supporting retention or will Rumpole lead the charge in the Just Say "NO" ?

  11. Hey Rumpole -- can you post the link of the Herald story please?


    This guy was also mentioned in a NY Times article published September 24th.

  12. yeay!!!!!! we're back to trashing people for no reason!!!!!!!!

  13. rumor and trash talk is back!!! Yippie!!!

  14. Richard Stern, now on utube kickin' the tails of Emmalina and lonelygirl15.

    His hip hop is more retro than Run DMC, but his ability to play village idiot is priceless.

    At least its a former ASA getting positive and not negative press...

  15. On November 7th, 2006, the good people of Miami-Dade County and Monroe County will VOTE either Yes or No for the retention of three Judges of the Third District Court of Appeal. Most people do not realize that the Third District Court of Appeal is the last appeal available to the citizens of Miami-Dade County and Monroe County on almost every legal issue. A loss in the Third District Court of Appeal almost always may never be appealed to the Florida Supreme Court, leaving a litigant only one appeal to the United States Supreme Court which will likely be denied very quickly. The United States Supreme Court accepts for review less than 1% of all appeals filed in their court, in addition just the printing cost of the briefs in this court will set you back $5-k.

    The Third District Court of Appeal has literally in essence denied almost 50% of all the appeals filed by the citizens of Miami-Dade County and Monroe County, by issuing what is called a PCA, meaning the Court denies the review without any reason. Although the Florida constitution guarantees the right of appeal, the Third District Court of Appeal has side swiped this right by issuing a PCA denial of review. All PCA orders in Florida are NOT reviewable by the Florida Supreme Court and any attempt to seek review by the Florida Supreme Court will be denied on its face by the Clerk of the Florida Supreme Court (this decision is by choice of the current justices of the Florida Supreme Court). As noted filing an appeal to the United States Supreme Court is basically useless.

    This November 7th, 2006, is the opportunity for the Voters of Miami-Dade County and Monroe County to send a message to the Third District Court of Appeal that we will not tolerate not being allowed meaningful appeals. An appeal is a right guaranteed by the Florida constitution, for example you could lose your, freedom, child custody, house, life savings and so much more by a trial court who might not follow the law and on appeal the Third District Court could simply say PCA without any explanation. Some have written on the subject that it is because of lazy Judges that sit on the Third District Court of Appeal that over 50% of the appeals are PCA denied without reason.

    Miami-Dade County has been known as the capital of judicial corruption since the F.B.I. sting of the 90's titled "Operation Court Broom" that nailed several Miami-Dade Judges who took money bribes to fix the results of cases. In Miami it means so much more to get meaningful due process and provided a reason why you lose your freedom, house, car, life savings, etc;. When justice does not work in a town full of history of corrupt Judges it gives the appearance of impropriety. A detailed account of “Operation Court Broom” and the resulting indictments and trials, including the trial of Judge Sepe, is contained in the opinion in United States v. Shenberg, 89 F.3d 1461 (11th Cir. 1996), cert. denied sub nom. Sepe v. United States, 117 S.Ct. 961 (1997). CLICK HERE to read the details of this case.

    No appeals Judge in any Florida appeals court has ever been removed by the voters. We believe it takes 51% of the voters to vote "NO" for the Judge to be removed. For a list of all the current Judges on the Third District Court of Appeal with picture and biography, CLICK HERE .

    Here are the names of the Judges up for retention on November 7, 2006 :

    Judge Leslie B. Rothenberg - Vote Yes or No

    Campaign Treasurer:

    Ramon A. Abadin, Esquire.

    Judge Angel A. CortiƱas - Vote Yes or No

    Campaign Treasurer:

    Elena Maria Almeyda

    Judge Richard J. Suarez - Vote Yes or No
    Campaign Treasurer:

    Steve Goldston
