Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wednesday Update.

Wednesday is sounding day for the denizens of County Court.

But since we have underlings who handle the riff raff and that end of the practice for us, we have time to give you this update:

1) Judge McWhorter, accused on these blog pages of some accounting errors, was endorsed by the Herald today. The endorsement was a strong one, essentially dismissing the idea that the Judge is one of those Judges that merits opposition.
You can read the endorsement here

2. The Herald also has the video of the Attorney being shot with rubber bullets while protesting the FTAA. You can also see those defenders of the constitution, Broward's finest Sheriffs laughing on video about "shooting the fat guy."

See You In Court. Just not doing soundings.


  1. the captain has leveled some serious charges; but i think that mcwhorter needs to respond.

    for her to wait nearly a year to return two of the contributions; heck, that's like taking the property from the owner and then returning it much later and hoping not to be charged with theft - too late.

    i wonder if mc patty marino will file a complaint on this one

  2. she is a judge and must be held to a higher standard

  3. Can't you people see that 600 dollars in total against 100 grand means nothing? It means she didn't realize it and returned it when she did. It does not mean anything else.

  4. Alan..what do you know about this?

  5. Why oh tell me why is Joel Danero known among his friends as Joel "THE BLOGGER" Denaro?

    Lets see if this post stays up.

  6. Typical Broward; Ignorant, backwater, uneducated, red necks. I hope that attorneys sues and wins a pile of cash.

  7. I agree with the post, that judges need to be held at a higher standard.
    Judges, as elected officials should set an example for everyone else. Being McWhorter, or being any other judge, these accusations, if true, can cause McWhorter a big problem. This might even get her disqualified from the race if investigated.
    This should be taken seriously and investigated fully and if it is proven that she committed not one, but several violations, she should be disqulified. How can we have someone that violates the law, enforce the law on other people. If she can't be trusted with her campaign, how can we trust her in court? She cannot be a fair and imparcial person.

  8. she can be fined, probably not disqualified

  9. Way to go Captain - keep us informed

  10. Ever see how Doonesbury portrayed Dan Quayle. It was a feather.

    Thats how i see Marino-Pedraza, George Alvarez, Ivan Hernandez, Juan Gonzalez, Sari Addicott, Jose Sanchez-Gronlier and Cecilia (i got her husband's permission) Armenteros-Chavez.

    Have something to give back before you run for judge. Those people aren't worthy.

    What happened to qualified people wanted to be a judge? The likes of Moreno, Piniero, Scola (Bob), Reyes, Blake, Rosinek, Glick, Prescott are a lost breed.

    The new crew are packaged like packages of merengue at Sedano's. All look the same, taste the same are light as feathers and hold no nutritional value.

  11. it's not the $600; it's the fact that she kept two of them for more than nine months and filed all those other returns before she decided to return the money.

  12. TO 2:33, This may be true, but sometimes the ones in the best packages, that taste the best,,,are the ones that finally get your fill of, and make the merengue's look good!

  13. is patty dan marino going to run with this ball that the captain threw?

  14. make no mistake that Catalano strongly supports Marino-Pedraza. Could he be chumming the waters as "The Captain"?

  15. yes to the first question, but i think not to the second- the captain is too intelligent to be that sneaky snook.

  16. Riddle me this:

    Did McWhorter's campaign discover the over-contributing on their own and return the money? Or was her campiagn notified of an irregularity and then the refund?

  17. what the heck was all that stuff?

  18. whats the difference...merengue (the sugary confection) or lombada (the forbidden dance or hector). neither one fills my need for substance.

  19. Don't think captain could be Catalano. The captain's made fun of Marino-Pedraza's name changes too many times.

  20. Rump, must be nice to have underlings do your work. But if you had no soundings, why would we see you in court on this rainy Wed. morning? Hhmmm.

  21. Anonymous said...
    she can be fined, probably not disqualified

    Wednesday, August 09, 2006 2:03:22 PM

    Silly me, I always thought you could go to PRISON for committing a felony.

  22. to 3:20

    Thank you for that compliment. I am NOT Catalano; and I do appreciate the intelligence compliment.

    I aim to inform my loyal readers of the RUMPOLE blog

  23. A reader wonders:

    "Rump, must be nice to have underlings do your work. But if you had no soundings, why would we see you in court on this rainy Wed. morning? Hhmmm. "

    Rumpole responds:

    I wasn't in court. I was on my yacht. Maybe I should change my sign off to "See You In COurt if your lucky enough to bump into me on the rare times I put down my gin and tonic, dock my yacht, and stroll into court."

    Howz zat?

  24. who are you, Billy Joel now

  25. GIN AND TONIC!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??! now i know who you are. muahahahhahahahhahahahhah

  26. yo, yo, yo ... mcwhorter needs a good attorney; maybe Rumpole will offer to represent her. My guess would be Greg Samms

  27. booyakasha, respect! ize heeya for my main man, shurlion macworter.

    she been gettin a bad rap on dis blog, right. i mean how would yu know she be a good judge and all if people dont give up extra green to da bird?


    ali g out.

  28. no, i think Clinton Pitts

  29. For my money, the hardest hitting, hardest working trial lawyer in Miami is the always dangerous, sneaky,

  30. Mishkin Mishkin
    he's Shirloyn's man
    if he can't do it
    No one can!

  31. (chomp chomp; smack smack) good morning your honor
    Theodore G Mastos for the wrongfully accused Judge McWhorter.
    (chomp chomp smack smack)

  32. Hey- remove that bondsman crap.

  33. I have been advised that if McWhorter has to face a judge, she will see if the cop shows up, and if so, announce a change of plea and hope for no driving school.

  34. Hey-remove that bondsman crap.

  35. she used to work here, so I'll approve PTI if its not no actioned upon hitting the office

  36. I'm available....if she is removed from office, I volunteer for her spot. Just to help out. Putting Miami before my own interests. You know what I mean.

  37. Yo Yo To - remove that junk about me homey.

  38. clicked on fake ted mastos from the hood and laughed so hard I peed.

  39. nyuk nyuk nyuk. soyntainly, jeff.

  40. The Judge qualifies for our services. Waive reading stand mute, demand discovery, ahh...froze up here...oh yeah...15 days for motions, trial by jury.

    (Psst. Warren. Did I get it right?)

  41. Rumpole- we don't mind the comments being moderated. It keeps the riff raff off the blog.

  42. alan....whats going on?

  43. don't worry chris, Rumpole's in control.

  44. The curly cam was great.. nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.
    Is business slow for everybody this week? Where do people get the time to do all of these posts and come up with these fake links. Doesn't anyone have anything better to do? Wait ... why am I still typing? ...

  45. rumpole likes the word "jackass". he uses it whenever he deletes a post he doesnt approve of.

  46. To the person who posted about the female candidate for Judge- re do your post and leave out the disparaging comments about looks and we will publish it.

  47. none of Joel's friends know him as the blogger. While he is indeed on the blog every day (and I can recognize a joel post when I see it), he is definitely not Rumpole.

    Rumpole is way to articulate and
    intellectual. Joel is more of a
    tough guy who likes to talk smack.

  48. Joel "da blogger" Danero rules. Plus I hear his friends call him that all the time.

  49. Me: Joel, mah blogga.
    Joel: Yo
    Me. You da man, mah blogger.
    Joel. No, I believe you are the man.

    Me: How can ah possibly be da man when you da man, mah blogga.

    (This happens everyday)

  50. If Rumpole is Danero, all this chat must be putting him in a bad mood. Maybe thats why the comments are moderated tonight.

  51. That Danero post is f'ing the funniest thing I have ever read.

  52. those FTAA cops make me sick. it's too bad the SAO has no balls... those pigs should've been prosecuted for some of the shit they did. i will laugh when they get sued and lose big... bigger than brummer even!


  53. The above is an example of protected speech. We don't agree with all of the thoughts and ideas expressed, but they have a right to say it.

  54. c'mon rump. I posted the comment about the female judge but now I can't remember the rest of it. Couldn't you have just taken out what you thought was improper?

  55. Been in front of McWhortor 40-50 times the last few months; even tried a case. Have known Patty for the last 15 years or so, seeing her in traffic court. My impressions: Both are intellectually lightweight. McWhorter has shown she is a danger to the defense and often spills over to arrogance and ignorance. Not good for the defense and not good for defendants. Will Patty be better? I hope so, I'm giving her my vote. As to the name change; hey, in this ethnically challenged county, who cares? Let's give Patty a try; she couldn't be worse.


    Today I'm convinced that the Herald Editorial Board sits across the table form judicial candidates and repeatedly says in unison: "REALLY????? WOW!!!!!!!."

    They are a little too impressed with BS.

    Today they flip a coin and endorse Victoria Del Pino.

    First evidence they are taking some serious drugs is the statement: "Fortunately, voters have two well-qualified candidates to choose from." Then they state the obvious: that this is a "closely matched contest." (meaning they are really both UNqualified)

    They say Joel Jacobi, her opponent "takes about 20 percent of them (cases) on a pro bono basis." (read: 20% of his clients don't pay)

    For Del Pino, they say that "Most of her clients, she says, don't speak English or understand the legal system. (read: her voting block)

    Then the head shaker: "As a traffic magistrate, Ms. del Pino learned to handle huge caseloads and defendants without lawyers -- critical skills for the ``peoples court.''

    Huge Caseloads. did you read that.

    I guess sometimes she has like 50, 60 tickets at a time?

    The Herald is also impressed that "She also noted the need to work with litigants, attorneys and court personnel to make the cases flow smoothly."

    What a novel idea. REALLY?????? WOW!!!!!!!!


    Todays thrashing of Judge Pando I think is much worse than the Faber endorsement trashing Judge Ivan Hernandez.

    They call Sari Addicott a "worthy opponent." Sari, like other candidates "runs a law practice with her husband."

    Then, they make the strongest statement in an endorsement yet:

    "Although she was fined and reprimanded, Judge Pando was allowed to remain on the bench -- a situation that Justice R. Fred Lewis objected to in a concurring opinion. Judge Pando's conduct was so egregious that it damaged the judicial office itself, Justice Lewis wrote. We agree."


    And there's more: "Above all else, judges must conduct themselves in a manner that promotes trust, respect and confidence. By her conduct, Judge Pando has run afoul of that standard. The public has a right to expect that the people who sit in judgment of them are themselves principled and ethical.


    And the finall REALLY???: WOW !!!! moment: "Ms. Addicott... sometimes meets clients after hours to accommodate their schedule and says a judge should be equally accessible and flexible. ''A judge is a public servant,'' she said. ``It's not just a 9-to-5 job.''

    As Rumpole likes to say, See you in court, hopefully the judge will wait for me until I get back from happy hour.


    WOW. del Pino over Jacobi and Addicott over incumbent Judge Pando. Read it in the Herald.

  58. rump, didn't you see the videos? where the police took potshots at people who were just standing around holding signs? disgusting. that's why people hate cops.

  59. no wonder cops have an uphill battle garnering public trust

  60. no wonder cops have an uphill battle garnering public trust

  61. 5:42---

    For those of us who had the misfortune of practicing in frong of Pando, the fact that Adicott understands that the job is not just a 9-5 undertaking is a "wow."

    Despite starting her calendars later than every other county court judge, Pando routinely showed up late. In fact, Pando was late for court so often that her staff had PRE-PRINTED signs that they kept at the ready! Addicott's attitude shouldn't be refreshing; unfortunately, however, it is.

    When in criminal court, Pando had no respect for the system, the prosecutors or the victims. The only thing she cared about was keeping her job (with her nice, cushy, short work day).

  62. McWhorther? Some investigation the Herald did if they can't even spell her name correctly!

  63. Mike Catlano here.

    I am NOT the capt. I am not the blogger too. They both can write far better than I could.

    I am a friend and supporter of Patti Marino-Pedraza.

    I did not discover the campaign problems McWhorter may have gotten herself into but, hey, everyone is looking at everyone's filings.

    Go Patti GO!

  64. Rumpole is not just moderating he is Censoring according to his political whim!

  65. it wasn't 'just' the fact that they took potshots... it was the training video they produced showing them all laighing about it. I'd like to shoot some rubber bullets at them. It would give me a good laugh.

  66. not all police officers are born to abuse their power. this training video was produced for otherwise normal cops who need to learn how to be ass holes.
